帮助在章节开始页上的 TikZ 节点内添加迷你目录

帮助在章节开始页上的 TikZ 节点内添加迷你目录

章节开始页上的 TikZ 节点内的迷你目录






\usepackage{wrapfig} % Allows in-line images such as the example fish picture
\graphicspath{{figures/}} %Setting the graphicspath


%%%% allows you to manually change chapter number for submissions

%%%% allows you to have sections start as 1 instead of 1.1

%This is for The mini table of contents





  \begin{tikzpicture}\[baseline={(\[yshift=-.6ex\]current bounding box.center)}\]
    \node\[fill=black,circle,text=white\] {\thechapter};


%command to print the acutal minitoc
    \node\[rounded corners=0,align=left,fill=white, inner sep=4mm\]{%
        \begin{minipage}{11cm}%minipage trick
        \printcontents\[chapters\]{}{1}{}%this last piece \vspace{-8pt}\hspace{-2000pt} is to remove the weird chapter.# heading. Could not figure out any other way!


\chapter{Contextualizing rhythm in Stockholm}\label{chapter_rhythm}
%print minitoc


\section{Introduction: Rhythm in Stockholm}

In this chapter, I demonstrate that low rhythmic alternation is a feature in Stockholm's multiethnolect. I also provide data that shows that rhythmic alternation is stylistically sensitive; alternation increases with formality for speakers of multiethnolect. I define rhythm as the alternation of strong and weak elements and operationalize it using the \textit{normalized pairwise variability index of vowels} (\textit{nPVI-V}) \citep{lowetal2000}. I also show that high alternation is a feature of Stockholm's white \textit{svensk} working class and that this too is stylistically sensitive; alternation decreases with formality for working-class \textit{svensk} speakers. Independent of other social factors, younger speakers have lower prosodic alternation than older speakers. I interpret this to mean that low alternation is diffusing into mainstream Stockholm speech.



\chapter{Rhythm in Stockholm's vernacular}\label{chapter_rhythm}
%print minitoc




