

我无法让图像精确地显示在文本下方。我已将其定义为位于文本下方和括号内,但似乎不起作用。我附上了一张我得到的输出图片(我使用的是下载的模板)。 错误。

\documentclass[a4 paper]{article}









\usepackage[colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue,  linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue]
















\hbox to 6.28in { {\bf EE5453: Security Analytics \hfill} }


\hbox to 6.28in { {\Large \hfill #1 (#2)  \hfill} }


\hbox to 6.28in { {\it Instructor: #3 \hfill Student: #5} }



\markboth{#5 -- #1}{#5 -- #1}



\homework{Assignment \#1}{February 13 2019 }{Wonjun Lee, PhD}{}{Kevin 


\node [outline=yellow] at (0,1) {\bf Dataset and tensors at pixel level:};


{MNIST data-set is widely used for classification and image recognition, this is considered a simple task and involves minimum programming skills but it is important because is often used as a benchmark to test how accurate our deep learning models are. The data set has been split in two sections: Training and testing. The  data consists of 60,000 images of handwritten digits from different subjects and the testing data set consists of 10,000 images for  our model.Per image in the data-set, has a size of 28x28; each element of the 28 by 28 matrix represents one pixel and each pixel consists of a 0-D tensor, it can range from 0 up to 255; where 0 is taken to be black color and 255 white, anything in between is gray scale.}




\caption{Handwritten number 5 from dataset.}





您显示的代码存在一些问题,我在以下 MWE 中进行了更正。


  1. 要获得 DiN A4 纸,您必须使用类选项(和a4paper之间没有空格)。a4paper
  2. hyperref在您的情况下,应该最后调用包。
  3. 你不需要{...}围绕你的环境来写作tikzpicture
  4. 文本也一样MNIST ... scale.
  5. [thbp]是环境的一个选择figure不是 \includegraphics
  6. 因为我没有您的图像,所以5我使用了example-imageMWE 包中的图像。









]{hyperref} % <=========================================================


      \hbox to 6.28in { {\bf EE5453: Security Analytics \hfill} }
      \hbox to 6.28in { {\Large \hfill #1 (#2)  \hfill} }
      \hbox to 6.28in { {\it Instructor: #3 \hfill Student: #5} }
  \markboth{#5 -- #1}{#5 -- #1}


  {Assignment \#1}%    1
  {February 13 2019 }% 2
  {Wonjun Lee, PhD}%   3
  {}%                  4
  {Kevin Brinneman}%   5
  {}%                  6

  \node [outline=yellow] at (0,1) {\bf Dataset and tensors at pixel level:};

MNIST data-set is widely used for classification and image recognition, 
this is considered a simple task and involves minimum programming skills 
but it is important because is often used as a benchmark to test how 
accurate our deep learning models are. The data set has been split in 
two sections: Training and testing. The  data consists of 60,000 images 
of handwritten digits from different subjects and the testing data set 
consists of 10,000 images for  our model. Per image in the data-set, has 
a size of 28x28; each element of the 28 by 28 matrix represents one pixel 
and each pixel consists of a 0-D tensor, it can range from 0 up to 255; 
where 0 is taken to be black color and 255 white, anything in between 
is gray scale.

\begin{figure}[thbp] % <================================================
  \caption{Handwritten number 5 from dataset.}



生成的 pdf
