使用多个 \input 从 .tex 文件构建一个单独的 .tex 文件

使用多个 \input 从 .tex 文件构建一个单独的 .tex 文件

编辑: 我认为这个问题与这个问题因为我特别要求 TeX 本身内的方法,即不单独运行某些 Perl 脚本来执行此操作,而是在编译源代码时通过某些 TeX 魔法自动执行此操作。

编辑2: 为了给这个问题提供一些动机,我在序言中一直使用将\embedfile{jobname.tex}源代码嵌入 PDF,但当你使用\includes 或\inputs 时,这不起作用。有\usepackage{embedall}(然后),但这意味着你的源文件是单独嵌入的。我假设,在编译和制作 PDF 时,TeX 会在某个时候生成一个包含所有s 和s 扩展\embedinput的单个 .tex 文件,我希望能够使用它来嵌入\include\input\embedfile单个文件转换为 PDF。



我确信使用某些 bash 脚本来做这件事不会太麻烦,但我希望有一些 (La)TeX 方式可以做到这一点 — — 也许在编译过程中会生成一些这样的文件?







\chapter{First chapter}

Lorem ipsum


\chapter{Second chapter}

Dolor sit amet




\chapter{First chapter}

Lorem ipsum

\chapter{Second chapter}

Dolor sit amet




还要注意,如果 pdf 文件的某些内容由源创建的随机性起着作用,则单独嵌入源可能无法提供重新创建具有完全相同外观的 pdf 文件所需的所有方法。



或者在源中,可能已经加载 pgf 包来生成和显示随机数。






结合你的主文本和您的输入文件“手动”在一个源文件中,从该源文件中可以(半)自动地通过文档条包裹。 (这文档条包裹是标准 LaTeX 安装的一部分。)

文档条包裹是一种从一个(一组)主文件派生出不同 .tex 输入文件的方法:

例如,在主主文件的头部,您可以调用 docstrip 并使用所谓的\generate指令来创建那些要从主文件派生的文件。

有关更多信息文档条可以在 CTAN 找到:https://ctan.org/pkg/docstrip

如果将以下示例保存为文件,并且文件名不是主文本并且除此以外第一章.tex并且除此以外第二章.tex 并通过从命令行/shell 调用或或来编译它
tex ⟨file name⟩
pdftex ⟨file name⟩
latex ⟨file name⟩
pdflatex ⟨file name⟩
(通过cd-command 或chdir-command 或其他)将工作目录更改为保存该文件的目录,系统会要求您创建子目录“chapters”。

% Section with docstrip directives for generating different 
% .tex-input-files:
\input docstrip
% Patch docstrip's \makeOther so that it also makes horizontal
% tab-char other (code-point 9 in ASCII and UTF 8)
% when making space-char other - if you don't apply this patch,
% docstrip will kill horizontal tabs at the beginnings of lines
% and will turn horizontal-tabs within lines into spaces:
  \ifnum`\ =`#1 \catcode9=12\relax\fi
!! Attention 1:                                            !!^^J%
!! ------------                                            !!^^J%
!! Make sure to have changed the working directory to the  !!^^J%
!! directory where the file that is currently compiled is  !!^^J%
!! stored.                                                 !!^^J%
!! ------------------------------------------------------- !!^^J%
!! Attention 2:                                            !!^^J%
!! ------------                                            !!^^J%
!! Make sure you have created the sub-directory "chapters" !!^^J%
!! within the directory where the file that is currently   !!^^J%
!! compiled is stored.                                     !!^^J%
!! You need to do this by hand as TeX won't do it for you. !!^^J%
!! If that sub-directory does not yet exist, you can do it !!^^J%
!! now.                                                    !!^^J%
!!                                                         !!^^J%
!! Press <return> after creating that sub-directory/when   !!^^J%
!! that sub-directory exists.                              !!^^J%
\immediate\read-1 to \mytempmacro
% Here you can probably insert \write18-calls suitable for your platform
% for calling pdflatex from console for compiling main.tex
%    \immediate\write18{pdflatex main.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{pdftexify main.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{latexmk -pdf main.tex}
\csname stop\endcsname % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)LaTeX
                       %    for generating the files.
\bye % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)TeX for generating the 
%    %    files.
% In verbatim mode docstrip does not strip comments.
% Section containing main.tex
%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
% [preamble]
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
% Section containing chapter1.tex
%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
\chapter{First chapter}

Lorem ipsum
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
% Section containing chapter2.tex
%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
\chapter{Second chapter}

Dolor sit amet
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.


如果没有嵌套的输入/包含,即如果结构是简单的模式,主文本包含序言、文档环境和一些\include包含单个章节的文件的指令(而这些文件又不包含这样的\include/\input指令),可能在文件中添加一些通常情况下会被 LaTeX 用作注释的内容,就足以将您的文件集转换为可以通过调用以下小脚本在单个文件中组合的内容文档条


%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
% [preamble]
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.


%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
\chapter{First chapter}

Lorem ipsum
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.


%<<This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.
\chapter{Second chapter}

Dolor sit amet
%This weird line does put DocStrip into and out of verbatim mode.

, 一份文件合并.tex可以创建如下内容,

% [preamble]
\chapter{First chapter}

Lorem ipsum
\chapter{Second chapter}

Dolor sit amet

,通过以下脚本 - 它必须存储在与主文本 并且需要通过 从命令行/从 shell调用或或来进行编译
tex ⟨file name⟩
pdftex ⟨file name⟩
latex ⟨file name⟩
pdflatex ⟨file name⟩
(通过cd-command 或chdir-command 或其他)将工作目录更改为保存 main.tex 和该脚本的目录。

% Section with docstrip directives for generating different 
% .tex-input-files:
\input docstrip
% Patch docstrip's \makeOther so that it also makes horizontal
% tab-char other (code-point 9 in ASCII and UTF 8)
% when making space-char other - if you don't apply this patch,
% docstrip will kill horizontal tabs at the beginnings of lines
% and will turn horizontal-tabs within lines into spaces:
  \ifnum`\ =`#1 \catcode9=12\relax\fi
!! Attention 1:                                            !!^^J%
!! ------------                                            !!^^J%
!! Make sure to have changed the working directory to the  !!^^J%
!! directory where the file that is currently compiled is  !!^^J%
!! stored.                                                 !!^^J%
!! ------------------------------------------------------- !!^^J%
!! Attention 2:                                            !!^^J%
!! ------------                                            !!^^J%
!! Make sure the file main.tex is in the same directory as !!^^J%
!! the file that is currently compiled.                    !!^^J%
!! Also make sure that that directory has a subdirectory   !!^^J%
!! "chapters" where the files "chapter1.tex" and           !!^^J%
!! "chapter2.tex" can be found.                            !!^^J%
!!                                                         !!^^J%
!! Press <return> to continue.                             !!^^J%
\immediate\read-1 to \mytempmacro
% Here you can probably insert \write18-calls suitable for your platform
% for calling pdflatex from console for compiling combined.tex
%    \immediate\write18{pdflatex combined.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{pdftexify combined.tex}
%    \immediate\write18{latexmk -pdf combined.tex}
\csname stop\endcsname % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)LaTeX
                       %    for generating the files.
\bye % <- end this TeX-run in case you used (pdf)TeX for generating the 
%    %    files.



latexpandCTAN 包装:https://ctan.org/pkg/lateexpand
