


    Please justify all your answers to the following questions.
        \item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points


            Bla bla bla.

        \item Is that = this?\hfill 2 points





经过思考,我发现最简单的填充方法就是使用\vfill并让 TeX 完成工作。不幸的是,你需要用方框框住内容,而\vfill在方框内则不起作用(特别是在 中\hbox)。解决方案是使用 TikZ 及其remember pictureoverlay功能首先标记开头,然后绘制框架。





    \item {#1}\hfill{#2}\par\noindent
    \tikz[remember picture, overlay] \node (question start) at (-\fboxsep-\fboxrule, \ht\strutbox+\fboxsep+\fboxrule) {};
    \tikz[remember picture, overlay] \draw (\linewidth+\fboxsep+\fboxrule, 0) rectangle (question start);

    Please justify all your answers to the following questions.
        \question{Is this = that?}{2 points}{%
                Bla bla bla.
        \question{Is this = this?}{2 points}{%
                Bla bla bla.
        \question{Is this = that?}{2 points}{%
                Bla bla bla.
        \question{Is this = this?}{2 points}{%
                Bla bla bla.
        \question{Is this = there?}{2 points}{%
                Bla bla bla.



这不是一个完美的解决方案,而只是一个起点。tcolorbox提供的选项equal height group使多个框(经过两次编译)具有与该组中最大框(自然高度)相同的高度。 您可以使用 确保所有框都具有一定的尺寸minimum for equal height group,因此结合这两个选项,所有框的最小尺寸都将取决于其自然高度。

我不知道每页有多少可用空间,但您可以尝试修复一个问题minimum for equal height group,经过一些实验后可以修复。您还可以height fill在每页的最后一个框中使用选项。此选项将确保使用所有垂直空间。


    colframe=black, colback=white, notitle, before upper={Solution:},
    equal height group=A,   
    minimum for equal height group=A:7cm}
Please justify all your answers to the following questions.
\item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points
\item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points
\begin{tcolorbox}[height fill]

%Following line creates a new group with different size
\tcbset{equal height group=B, minimum for equal height group=B:3cm}

\item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points
\item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points
\item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points
\item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points
\begin{tcolorbox}[height fill]




因为我对 并不完全满意tcolorbox,所以我尝试找到自己的解决方案。以下 MWE 在两次编译后稳定下来。它将每个框的可用空间写入辅助文件并在下一轮读取它们。但是,事情很容易变得一团糟,在这种情况下,从辅助文件中删除相应的内容会有所帮助。




% Remaining space on the current page.

% Save available space of current group to the aux file.

    % Name of the macro the rest of the page is to be saved to.

    % Rest of this page from last compilation. If undefined or if reset mode,
    % set this to 0pt.

    % Save new rest of page = old rest of page + current rest of page.
                \restofpage / \thevfillboxes + \restofpage@lastrun
    \typeout{Total space available: \the\restofpage}
    \typeout{Boxes on this page: \thevfillboxes}

% Read available space for the next group from the aux file.
    % Define macros for the names values for the current page are to be read from.

    % Set \remainingspace to the value of the length named by \length@name

    % Make setting global

% Produce a box that consumes all available space,
% shared evenly among all boxes of this group.

% Same as previous, with additional proportiality factor.

    Please justify all your answers to the following questions.
        \item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points

                Bla bla bla.

        \item Is that = this?\hfill 2 points

                Bla bla bla.
        \item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points

                Bla bla bla.

        \item Is that = this?\hfill 2 points

                Bla bla bla.
        \item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points

                Bla bla bla.
        \item Is this = that?\hfill 2 points

                Bla bla bla.

