LaTex 表格中的图片垂直居中

LaTex 表格中的图片垂直居中

这是我在这里的第一篇帖子,所以如果我做错了,请谅解。我想在 LaTeX 中创建一个表格,其中图标应显示在第一列(居中),文本(垂直居中)显示在第二行。







Symbol & Description \\\hline
 & \\ [-0.5em] \icon{icon_settings.pdf} & Text in only one line. \\ [-0.5em] & \\\hline
 & \\ [-0.5em] \icon{icon_administrator.pdf} & Here is a longer text that is displayed over more than one line. The symbol is not vertically centered, but has the same distance to the top as the icon in the first line. Here is a longer text that is displayed over more than one line. The symbol is not vertically centered, but has the same distance to the top as the icon in the first line. \\ [-0.5em] & \\\hline





  • 用于tabularx表格环境
  • 对于第二列使用\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}},垂直居中单元格内容
  • \adjustimage使用来自包中的宏将图像包含在表格中{adjustbox},将图像基线移动到其垂直中心
  • 定义\adjustboxset图像大小、垂直位置及其边距:
  • 使用包cellspace在带有文本的单元格上方和下方添加一些垂直空间

    \usepackage{adjustbox}% [demo]
    \usepackage{cellspace, tabularx}
    %---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
    \adjustboxset{width=.1\textwidth,valign=c, margin=0pt 3pt 0pt 3pt}
    Symbol & Description    \\
    \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck} & Text in only one line.     \\
    \adjustimage{}{example-image-duck} & Here is a longer text that is displayed over more than one line. The symbol is not vertically centered, but has the same distance to the top as the icon in the first line. Here is a longer text that is displayed over more than one line. The symbol is not vertically centered, but has the same distance to the top as the icon in the first line.         \\






编辑: 您也可以坚持您的解决方案。在序言中只需添加array包并使用以下类型代替p{...}列类型m{...}




Symbol & Description \\\hline
 & \\ [-0.5em] \icon{icon_settings.pdf} & Text in only one line. \\ [-0.5em] & \\\hline
 & \\ [-0.5em] \icon{icon_administrator.pdf} & Here is a longer text that is displayed over more than one line. The symbol is not vertically centered, but has the same distance to the top as the icon in the first line. Here is a longer text that is displayed over more than one line. The symbol is not vertically centered, but has the same distance to the top as the icon in the first line. \\ [-0.5em] & \\\hline


