如何在 IEEE 论文中设置此表

如何在 IEEE 论文中设置此表




   \caption{ Comparison of Maximum Accuracy of Different Methods on BCI comp III dataset IIIa

   \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c}
     % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
     $Feature Extraction^a$ & $Classifier^b$ & & Accuracy(\%)  &  &  \\ 
      &  & K3  & K6  & L1  & $mean^c$ \\
     AAR & MDA[9] & 66.6 & 38.5 & 49.5 & 51.5 \\
     CAR+CSP & NN[10] & 81.7 & 76.7 & 73.3 & 77.2 \\
     Barlow method & SVM[11] & 63.3 & 45.0 & 60.0 & 56.1 \\
       WPD & ME[12] & 90.4 & 66.0 & 79.6 & 78.7\\
      WPD+CSP & SVM+NN[13] & 83.1 & 84.4 & 85.6 & 84.4 \\
     PLV  & SVM+Quicksort[14] & 86.0 & 82.0 & 77.0 & 81.7 \\
     Sparse PCA+Sparse CSP & SVM[15] & 85.1 & 81.6 & 80.1 & 82.3 \\
     STFT+CSP & SVM[16] & 71.3 & 88.1 & 71.2 & 76.9\\
      4 band CSP (our method)& SVM & 93.3 & 77.5 & 85.8 & 85.5\\






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  4. 在其中一个标题单元格中,将奇怪的内容替换fi





\caption{Comparison of Maximum Accuracy of Different 
        Methods on BCI comp III dataset IIIa}
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % make LaTeX figure out intercolumn spacing

\begin{tabular*}{\columnwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} ll cccc}
     Feature Extraction\tnote{a} & Classifier\tnote{b} & 
     \multicolumn{4}{c}{Accuracy (\%)} \\ 
     & & K3 & K6 & L1 & mean\tnote{c} \\
     AAR & MDA [9] & 66.6 & 38.5 & 49.5 & 51.5 \\
     CAR+CSP & NN [10] & 81.7 & 76.7 & 73.3 & 77.2 \\
     Barlow method & SVM [11] & 63.3 & 45.0 & 60.0 & 56.1 \\
     WPD & ME [12] & 90.4 & 66.0 & 79.6 & 78.7\\
     WPD+CSP & SVM+NN [13] & 83.1 & 84.4 & 85.6 & 84.4 \\
     PLV  & SVM+Quicksort [14] & 86.0 & 82.0 & 77.0 & 81.7 \\
     Sparse PCA+Sparse CSP & SVM [15] & 85.1 & 81.6 & 80.1 & 82.3 \\
     STFT+CSP & SVM [16] & 71.3 & 88.1 & 71.2 & 76.9\\
      4 band CSP (our method)& SVM & 93.3 & 77.5 & 85.8 & 85.5\\

\item[a] AAR: Adaptive Autoregressive; 
         CAR: Common Average Reference; 
         CSP: Common Spatial Pattern;
         WPD: Wavelet Packet Decomposition;
\item[b] \dots
\item[c] \dots
