




  \textbf{National Olympiad of Informatics}




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% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% Website: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume
% License : MIT



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%%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


  \textbf{\Large {UHUU SOMBODY}} \\
    \textcolor{mygray}{\large Curriculum Vitae} &  Email   :  [email protected]\\
    &  Mobile   :   (+40) ..--..--7138 \\
   & Address    :   UK, Southampton Burgess Road, .... .... 

      {University of Southampton}{Southampton, UK}
      {Bachelor of Mathematics with Computer Science }{Oct. 2018 -- July. 2021}
        \resumeItem{Modules Covered 1st Year}{Programming I \& II, Algorithmics, Calculus, Linear Algebra I \& II, Multivariable Calculus, Statistics, Operational Research I and Mathematical Computing}
      {Filadelfia Theoretical High School}{Suceava, Romania}
      {Mathematics and Computer Science Diploma with GPA of 9.85/10.0}{2014 -- 2018}

            \textbf{National Olympiad of Informatics}

        \resumeItem{National Physics Contest}{\textit{Marin Dacian Bica}, Silver Medal (2015)}
        \item{\textbf{Baccalaureate Diploma} with GPA of 9.41/10.0 (2018)}


      {Center of Excellence in Informatics}{Suceava, Romania}
      {Teaching assistant \& Member}{Dec. 2017}
        \resumeItem{Teaching assistant}
          {I helped children aged 13 to 15 achieve great results in Informatics Olympiads, teaching them C++ and OOP in Visual Studio - C\#.}

          {Member of a team (formed by the top 15 high-school students in the county) that developed technology to be presented at the interantional conference \textbf{\textit{Space for Science - Implementing Innovations in Science Education.}} }



    \resumeSubItem{International Young Scientist Conference \textit{Space for Science} - Norway\textit{ (2015)}}
      {Used my knowledge of Physics and Computer Science to build a wind turbine generator from scratch. Developed my social skills and became more aware of contemporary problems such as renewable and suistanable energy.
    \resumeSubItem{Smart Home Simulator in Java\textit{ (2018)}}
      {The  aim  of  this  coursework  was  to  construct  a simulation  of  the energy  consumption --  and energy generation -- of a smart house. Developed my Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts The gist of the coursework was to improve our OOP concepts.}
%     \resumeSubItem{Mac Setup}
%       {Book that gives step by step instructions on setting up developer environment on Mac OS.}

%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
\section{Programming Skills}
     \textbf{Intermediate}{: C++, Java, C\#}

     \textbf{Basic}{: Python, R, HTML5, CSS, MySQL \& Database Management}
    \textbf{\textit{Original European Computer Driving License:}}
            \resumeItem{Security for IT Users}{IT User Fundamentals}
            \resumeItem{Advanced Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database, Presentation}{(\textit{Microsoft Office 2010)}}

\section{Linguistic \hfill Certificates}

    \textbf{Romanian} (native language)
    \textbf{Certificate of Language Proficiency}

        \textbf{English} (fluent)
        \textbf{Certificate in Advanced English - C1}
        \textbf{Italian} (basic phrases and words)
        \textbf{German} (beginner)


            \item{Member of Men's second Team of Volleyball - University of Southampton
            \textit{2018 Oct. -- Present}


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