

在下面的 NQMWE(不是最小的工作示例)中,一个问题有两个parts




\header{English 245}{Quiz on \emph{Childhood's End}, pp. 1--23}{2019/02/26}


\noindent Name: \makebox[0.5\textwidth]{\dotfill}


\noindent Score: \makebox[1in]{\dotfill} of a possible \numpoints ~points

\question The Overlords make two demonstrations of their powers. What are they?
        \part [1]
            They destroy an incoming missile
        \part [1]
            They block out the sun over Cape Town.

\question [1] The Overlords communicate through which medium?
\choice Written messages
\correctchoice Speech
\choice Video
\choice Musical tones
\question [1] The Overlords' human liaison works for which organization?
\correctchoice The United Nations
\choice The World Health Organization
\choice The US government
\choice The Soviet government
\question [1] The human opposition to the Overlords focuses on which of the following?
\choice \label{choice:cruelty} The cruelty of their rule
\choice \label{choice:concealment}The fact that they choose not to reveal themselves to their subjects
\choice \label{choice:sovereignty}The loss of human sovereignty
\correctchoice \ref{choice:concealment} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:cruelty}
\choice \ref{choice:cruelty} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:concealment}




您没有提供要\parts [1]打印的附加文本,因此无法打印零件标签。您可以为每个零件添加文本提示(例如,“演示 1”),也可以制作一条零厚度线作为文本提示,以仅显示零件标签。我在您的代码中添加了每个示例。




\header{English 245}{Quiz on \emph{Childhood's End}, pp. 1--23}{2019/02/26}


\noindent Name: \makebox[0.5\textwidth]{\dotfill}


\noindent Score: \makebox[1in]{\dotfill} of a possible \numpoints ~points

\question The Overlords make two demonstrations of their powers. What are they?
        \part [1] Demonstration 1: % Use a text prompt
            They destroy an incoming missile
        \part [1] \rule{1em}{0pt}  % Use an 0 thickness line
            They block out the sun over Cape Town.

\question [1] The Overlords communicate through which medium?
\choice Written messages
\correctchoice Speech
\choice Video
\choice Musical tones
\question [1] The Overlords' human liaison works for which organization?
\correctchoice The United Nations
\choice The World Health Organization
\choice The US government
\choice The Soviet government
\question [1] The human opposition to the Overlords focuses on which of the following?
\choice \label{choice:cruelty} The cruelty of their rule
\choice \label{choice:concealment}The fact that they choose not to reveal themselves to their subjects
\choice \label{choice:sovereignty}The loss of human sovereignty
\correctchoice \ref{choice:concealment} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:cruelty}
\choice \ref{choice:cruelty} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:concealment}



问题出在 ssolution内的环境\part


\header{English 245}{Quiz on \emph{Childhood's End}, pp. 1--23}{2019/02/26}


\noindent Name: \makebox[0.5\textwidth]{\dotfill}


\noindent Score: \makebox[1in]{\dotfill} of a possible \numpoints ~points

\question The Overlords make two demonstrations of their powers. What are they?
        \part [1]
            They destroy an incoming missile
        \part [1]
            They block out the sun over Cape Town.

\question [1] The Overlords communicate through which medium?
\choice Written messages
\correctchoice Speech
\choice Video
\choice Musical tones
\question [1] The Overlords' human liaison works for which organization?
\correctchoice The United Nations
\choice The World Health Organization
\choice The US government
\choice The Soviet government
\question [1] The human opposition to the Overlords focuses on which of the following?
\choice \label{choice:cruelty} The cruelty of their rule
\choice \label{choice:concealment}The fact that they choose not to reveal themselves to their subjects
\choice \label{choice:sovereignty}The loss of human sovereignty
\correctchoice \ref{choice:concealment} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:cruelty}
\choice \ref{choice:cruelty} and ~\ref{choice:sovereignty}, but not ~\ref{choice:concealment}

