\usepackage[a4paper, margin=1in]{geometry}
\setlist{leftmargin=5mm, noitemsep, topsep=-1\parskip}
\begin{tabu} to 1\textwidth { X[l,m] X[c,m] X[r,m] }
\textbf{\small #1} & \textbf{\small #2} & \textbf{\small #3} \\
\begin{cvsection}{LANGUAGES \& TECHNOLOGIES}
\item C++; C; Java; Objective-C; C\#.NET; SQL; JavaScript; XSLT; XML (XSD) Schema
\item Visual Studio; Microsoft SQL Server; Eclipse; XCode; Interface Builder
以上内容如下。如果我不为 提供参数,我想删除用红色标记的白色间距。cvsubsection
\begin{cvsection}{LANGUAGES \& TECHNOLOGIES}
% \begin{cvsubsection}{}{}{}
\item C++; C; Java; Objective-C; C\#.NET; SQL; JavaScript; XSLT; XML (XSD) Schema
\item Visual Studio; Microsoft SQL Server; Eclipse; XCode; Interface Builder
% \end{cvsubsection}
一个仅检查 cvsubsection 第一个参数的想法(因为我觉得如果这是空的......其他的也会是空的 - 请随时要求我将检查扩展到其他参数-)
\setlist{leftmargin=5mm, noitemsep, topsep=-1\parskip}
\begin{tabu} to 1\textwidth { X[l,m] X[c,m] X[r,m] }
\textbf{\small #1} & \textbf{\small #2} & \textbf{\small #3} \\
\begin{cvsection}{LANGUAGES \& TECHNOLOGIES}
\item C++; C; Java; Objective-C; C\#.NET; SQL; JavaScript; XSLT; XML (XSD) Schema
\item Visual Studio; Microsoft SQL Server; Eclipse; XCode; Interface Builder
\item C++; C; Java; Objective-C; C\#.NET; SQL; JavaScript; XSLT; XML (XSD) Schema
\item Visual Studio; Microsoft SQL Server; Eclipse; XCode; Interface Builder