\usepackage{mathtools, mathrsfs}
%% Code for '\widebar' macro is courtesy of
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60253
\ifdim\ht0=\ht2 #3\else #2\fi
%The bar will be moved to the right by a half of \macc@kerna, which is computed by amsmath:
%If there's a superscript following the bar, then no negative kern may follow the bar;
%an additional {} makes sure that the superscript is high enough in this case:
%Use a separate algorithm for single symbols:
%Enable nesting of accents:
%If there's more than a single symbol, use the first character instead (see below):
\if#32 \let\macc@nucleus\first@char \fi
%Determine the italic correction:
%Now \dimen@ is the italic correction of the symbol.
\divide\dimen@ 3
%Now \@tempdima is the width of the symbol.
\divide\@tempdima 10
%Now \dimen@ = (italic correction / 3) - (Breite / 10)
\ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@0pt\fi
%The bar will be shortened in the case \dimen@<0 !
\advance\[email protected]\dimexpr\macc@kerna
%Place the combined final kern (-\dimen@) if it is >0 or if a superscript follows:
\ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \let\final@kern1\fi
\if\final@kern1 \kern-\dimen@\fi
\let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
\mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
%The following initialises \macc@kerna and calls \mathaccent:
%If the argument consists of more than one symbol, and if the first token is
%a letter, use that letter for the computations:
\ifcat\noexpand\first@char A\else
%% End of code block for \widebar macro
\mathscr F(\bar{r}(t))&=& \int_a^{b} L dt& =&\int_a^{b} \left[L \frac{dt}{d\tau}\right]d\tau=\\
=\int_a^{b} \Bigl[-mc^2-q\varphi\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1-\dfrac{u^{2}}{c^{2}}}}+q\frac{\bar{u}\cdot \widebar{A}}{\sqrt{1-\dfrac{u^{2}}{c^{2}}}}\Bigr] d\tau=& &&&\\
=\int_a^{b} \left[-mc^2+q\,\boldsymbol{\mathcal{U}}\cdot \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}}\right] d\tau&&&&\\
\usepackage{mathtools, mathrsfs,bm}
%<...long code omitted for brevity...>
\mathscr F(\bar{r}(t))
&= \int_a^{b} L dt = \int_a^{b} \left[L \frac{dt}{d\tau}\right]\,d\tau=\\
&=\int_a^{b} [-mc^2-q\varphi\gamma(u)+q\bar{u}\cdot \widebar{A}\gamma(u)] \,d\tau=\\
&=\int_a^{b} [-mc^2+q\,\bm{\mathcal{U}}\cdot \bm{\mathcal{A}}] \,d\tau\\
应该有一个单身的 &
和 loaded的使用bm
and 其命令,并用(但效果一样好)\boldsymbol
\mathscr{F}(\bar{r}(t)) &= \int_a^b L \,\mathrm{d}t = \int_a^b \left[L \dfrac{\mathrm{d}t}{\mathrm{d}\tau} \right] \,\mathrm{d}\tau = \\
&= \bigint_a^b \left[ -m c^2 - q \varphi \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1 - \dfrac{u^2}{c^2}}} +
q \frac{\bar{u} \cdot \bar{A}}{\sqrt{1 - \dfrac{u^2}{c^2}}} \right] \,\mathrm{d}\tau = \\
&= \int_a^b \bigl[ -m c^2 + q\,\bm{\mathcal{U}} \cdot \bm{\mathcal{A}} \bigr] \mathrm{d}\tau
\mathscr{F}(\bar{r}(t)) &= \int_a^b L \,\mathrm{d}t = \int_a^b \left[L \dfrac{\mathrm{d}t}{\mathrm{d}\tau} \right] \,\mathrm{d}\tau = \\
&= \int_a^b \bigl( -m c^2 - q \varphi / \sqrt{1 - u^2 / c^2} +
q (\bar{u} \cdot \bar{A}) / \sqrt{1 - u^2 / c^2} \,\bigr) \,\mathrm{d}\tau = \\
&= \int_a^b \bigl( -m c^2 + q\,\bm{\mathcal{U}} \cdot \bm{\mathcal{A}} \bigr) \,\mathrm{d}\tau
,但从视觉上看,它强调的重点太重了。因此,第二个建议是使用不太突兀的 a / b 形式的分数。
来自 的环境nccmath
命令 (medium-sized
分数) 代替\dfrac
\usepackage{mathtools, mathrsfs, nccmath}
\ifdim\ht0=\ht2 #3\else #2\fi
%The bar will be moved to the right by a half of \macc@kerna, which is computed by amsmath:
%If there's a superscript following the bar, then no negative kern may follow the bar;
%an additional {} makes sure that the superscript is high enough in this case:
%Use a separate algorithm for single symbols:
%Enable nesting of accents:
%If there's more than a single symbol, use the first character instead (see below):
\if#32 \let\macc@nucleus\first@char \fi
%Determine the italic correction:
%Now \dimen@ is the italic correction of the symbol.
\divide\dimen@ 3
%Now \@tempdima is the width of the symbol.
\divide\@tempdima 10
%Now \dimen@ = (italic correction / 3) - (Breite / 10)
\ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@0pt\fi
%The bar will be shortened in the case \dimen@<0 !
\advance\[email protected]\dimexpr\macc@kerna
%Place the combined final kern (-\dimen@) if it is >0 or if a superscript follows:
\ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \let\final@kern1\fi
\if\final@kern1 \kern-\dimen@\fi
\let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
\mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
%The following initialises \macc@kerna and calls \mathaccent:
%If the argument consists of more than one symbol, and if the first token is
%a letter, use that letter for the computations:
\ifcat\noexpand\first@char A\else
\mathscr F(\bar{r}(t))&= \int_a^{b} L dt =\int_a^{b} \left[L \frac{dt}{d\tau}\right]d\tau=\\
& =\int_a^{b} \Bigl[-mc^2-q\varphi\mfrac{1}{\sqrt{1-\mfrac{u^{2}\mathstrut}{c^{2}}}}+q\mfrac{\bar{u}\cdot \widebar{A}}{\sqrt{1-\mfrac{u^{2}}{c^{2}}}}\Bigr] d\tau=& &&&\\
& =\int_a^{b} \left[-mc^2+q\,\boldsymbol{\mathcal{U}}\cdot \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}}\right] d\tau\\
\usepackage{mathtools, mathrsfs, bm}
%% Code for '\widebar' macro is from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/60253/5001
\ifdim\ht0=\ht2 #3\else #2\fi
%The bar will be moved to the right by a half of
%\macc@kerna, which is computed by amsmath:
%If there's a superscript following the bar, then no
%negative kern may follow the bar; an additional {}
%makes sure that the superscript is high enough in
%this case:
%Use a separate algorithm for single symbols:
%Enable nesting of accents:
%If there's more than a single symbol, use the first
%character instead (see below):
\if#32 \let\macc@nucleus\first@char \fi
%Determine the italic correction:
%Now \dimen@ is the italic correction of the symbol.
\divide\dimen@ 3
%Now \@tempdima is the width of the symbol.
\divide\@tempdima 10
%Now \dimen@ = (italic correction / 3) - (Breite / 10)
\ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@0pt\fi
%The bar will be shortened in the case \dimen@<0 !
\advance\[email protected]\dimexpr\macc@kerna
%Place the combined final kern (-\dimen@) if it is >0 or if a superscript follows:
\ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \let\final@kern1\fi
\if\final@kern1 \kern-\dimen@\fi
\let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
\mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
%The following initialises \macc@kerna and calls \mathaccent:
%If the argument consists of more than one symbol,
%and if the first token is a letter, use that letter
%for the computations:
\ifcat\noexpand\first@char A\else
\mathscr{F} (\bar{r}(t))
&=\int_a^{b} \! L \,dt
= \int_a^{b} \Bigl[L \frac{dt}{d\tau}\Bigr] d\tau = \\
&=\int_a^{b} \biggl[-mc^2-q\varphi\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-u^2/c^2}}
+q\frac{\bar{u}\cdot \widebar{A}}{\sqrt{1-u^2/c^2}}\biggr] d\tau = \\
&=\int_a^{b} [-mc^2+q\,\bm{\mathcal{U}}\cdot \bm{\mathcal{A}}\,]\, d\tau