如何使 tabularx 表格居中?

如何使 tabularx 表格居中?

我想将使用 tabularx 生成的表格水平居中。但是 tabularx 表格右侧有一个偏移,我无法删除:

a & b & c \\ \hline
d & e & f
\caption{This table is generated with tabularx. This table is generated with tabularx. This table is generated with tabularx. This table is generated with tabularx. This table is generated with tabularx. This table is generated with tabularx. }

a & b & c \\ \hline
d & e & f
\caption{This table is generated with tabular. This table is generated with tabular. This table is generated with tabular. This table is generated with tabular. This table is generated with tabular. This table is generated with tabular.}

输出如下所示: 比较 tabularx 和 tabular 的呈现表格的屏幕截图。

如何在 tabularx 中将表格水平居中?







  \begin{tabularx}{10em}{ @{} X | X | X @{} }
    a & b & c \\
    d & e & f \\
  \caption{This table is generated with \texttt{tabularx}.}

  \begin{tabular}{ *{3}{c} }
    a & b & c \\
    d & e & f \\
  \caption{This table is generated with \texttt{tabular}.}

Some regular text.

