[table]{xcolor} 与 array v2.4k 冲突

[table]{xcolor} 与 array v2.4k 冲突


  1. 不同单元格的格式不同
  2. 脚注
  3. 迷你页面
  4. 彩色行


但是,这会引发列规范错误>{\bfseries}。我在 Windows 10 x64 上使用 MiKTeX 2.9.6972 和 2.4k 版本的软件包,array如中所述这里和 XeLaTeX 进行编译(尽管 PDFLaTeX 似乎会产生相同的错误)。如果我关闭包,这可以正常工作xcolor,但\rowcolor命令将不再可用。


  1. 可以[table]{xcolor}{array}一起使用吗?
  2. 如果没有的话,有没有其他方法可以为表格的某一行添加颜色?


\usepackage[table]{xcolor} % works if we remove the 'table' option, but then we don't have access to cellcolor/rowcolor


% force the new array package to be loaded.

% https://texfaq.org/FAQ-wholerow


    Col A  & Col B  \\
    \rowstyle{\bfseries\itshape\large}This row should be large, bold, italics with shading & So this cell too. \\
    \rowcolor{blue}This bold but shaded & this just normal.\footnote{I.e., no extra mark-up} \\
    Remark & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\begin{minipage}[t]{3.5cm}\raggedright {\footnotesize Some cells are included as a minipage to accommodate extra text.}\end{minipage}} \\



! Use of \@startpbox doesn't match its definition.
<inserted text> \@startpbox {
                         >{\bfseries }@p{5.5cm}^r}
l.19 \begin{tabular}{>{\bfseries}@p{5.5cm}^r}

If you say, e.g., `\def\a1{...}', then you must always put `1' after `\a', 
since control sequence names are made up of letters only. 
The macro here has not been followed by the required stuff, so I'm ignoring

! LaTeX Error: Command \bfseries invalid in math mode.
