如何用 cleveref 链接单词?

如何用 cleveref 链接单词?


这是我的代码的 MWE:


    Today I ran like a \label{cheetah}cheetah and it was amazing to feel the wind.


    \cref{cheetah}: is a large cat of the subfamily Felinae that occurs in North, Southern and East Africa, and a few localities in Iran. It inhabits a variety of mostly arid habitats like dry forests, scrub forests, and savannahs.

我希望句子中的名字 cheetah 可以链接到文档末尾的含义,并且当我调用\cref{cheetah}它时只显示名字 cheetah 而不是数字。


有好消息也有坏消息。坏消息是你不能使用\label\cref来实现交叉引用的目标。这是因为,鉴于你的设置,LaTeX 无法\label与最近增加的计数器变量有意义地关联。



Today I ran like a \hyperlink{cheetah_def}{cheetah} and 
it was amazing to feel the wind.


\hypertarget{cheetah_def}{\textbf{Cheetah}}: A large cat 
of the subfamily Felinae that occurs in North, Southern 
and East Africa, and a few localities in Iran. It inhabits 
a variety of mostly arid habitats such as dry forests, 
scrub forests, and savannahs.
