将 Tikz 代码转换为 PGF

将 Tikz 代码转换为 PGF

我想将 SVG 图像(来自 inkscape)转换为 PGF,以便可以使用 调用该图像include package{pgfornaments}

使用 svg2tikz(另存为 > Latex 与 PStricks 并另存为 > Tikz 代码),但我无法弄清楚如何将该输出转换为 pgfornaments 可以使用的 PGF 代码。

是否有转换器可以去除 Tikz 前端并渲染 PGF 代码?或者,在“导出”>“导出到 Tikz 路径”中是否有可以渲染为 PGF 代码的设置?

我的输出示例(作为 Tikz 代码)

\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\begin{scope}[rotate around={90.0:(189.94021,85.82203)}]
  \path[draw=black,fill=black,miter limit=4.00,line width=0.032pt]
    (137.4186,46.0503) .. controls (137.5137,51.9889) and (137.1626,63.2730) ..
    (137.5933,63.9338) .. controls (137.8673,64.4875) and (137.9942,64.6226) ..
    (138.9748,64.9034) .. controls (140.2243,65.1767) and (143.6854,65.3049) ..
    (144.1519,64.9899) .. controls (144.5977,64.6890) and (144.8841,61.4342) ..
    (144.9169,61.2122) .. controls (145.0740,56.9180) and (145.2158,53.4952) ..


%LaTeX with PSTricks extensions
%%Creator: inkscape 0.92.3
%%Please note this file requires PSTricks extensions
\newrgbcolor{curcolor}{0 0 0}


\m 21.8584 19.4822 
\c 24.1677 19.4822 29.308 19.6707 34.9033 21.0996 
\c 40.4978 22.5278 42.8549 24.837 42.8549 26.074 
\c 42.8549 27.3123 39.8551 28.5492 36.6661 28.0028 
\c 33.4758 27.455 32.6657 26.3602 32.6657 25.7168 
\c 32.6657 25.0747 33.57 24.5269 34.2612 25.0262 
