我使用 titlesec 和 titletoc 创建我自己的章节样式,在章节标题后包含 minitoc。如果我想在章节标题前添加 minitoc,我会使用 epigraph。
我目前正在写一个包含多个部分的章节,因此 minitoc 必须在下一页继续。这导致题词打印错误,并且以下示例中的最后部分未打印:
% redefine chapter style
{\vspace*{\HeightBeforeChap} \\! \Huge \bfseries\raggedleft}
{\raggedright\bfseries \large Mini ToC \endgraf}
{% \HeightBeforeChap not defined
{% \HeightBeforeChap defined
\renewcommand{\dropchapter}[1]{\setlength{\HeightBeforeChap}{#1} }
\chapter{title 1}
\epigraph{\itshape Computer programming is an art, because it applies
accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity,
and especially because it produces objects of beauty.
}{Donald Knuth, \textit{"Computer Programming as an Art". Communications of the ACM, Volume 17, Issue 12, dl.acm.org., December 1974}}
\section{section 1}
\section{section 2}
\section{section 3}
\section{section 4}
\section{section 5}
\section{section 6}
\section{section 7}
\section{section 8}
\section{section 9}
\section{section 10}
\section{section 11}
\section{section 12}
\section{section 13}
\section{section 14}
\section{section 15}
\section{section 16}
\section{section 17}
\section{section 18}
\section{section 19}
\section{section 20}
\section{section 21}
\chapter{title 2}
由于我提供赏金之后却没有收到任何评论,所以我想出了一个丑陋的解决方案,等待 SE 提供更好的解决方案。
% redefine chapter style
{\BeforeChapCmd\leavevmode\vspace*{\HeightBeforeChap}\BeforeChap{}\\ \Huge \bfseries\raggedleft}
{\raggedright\bfseries \large Mini ToC \endgraf}
% \dropchapter{11pt}
\epigraph{\itshape Computer programming is an art, because it applies
accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity,
and especially because it produces objects of beauty.
}{Donald Knuth, \textit{"Computer Programming as an Art". Communications of the ACM, Volume 17, Issue 12, dl.acm.org., December 1974}}
\chapter{title 1}
% \dropchapter{0cm}
\section{section 1}
\section{section 2}
\section{section 3}
\section{section 4}
\section{section 5}
\section{section 6}
\section{section 7}
\section{section 8}
\section{section 9}
\section{section 10}
\section{section 11}
\section{section 12}
\section{section 13}
blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla.
\section{section 14}
\section{section 15}
\section{section 16}
\section{section 17}
\section{section 18}
\section{section 19}
\section{section 20}
\section{section 21}
\chapter{title 2}