

这是我的 latex,列总是看起来超出页面宽度。我知道我使用 p 而不是 l 来设置宽度。但是,使用 p,表格会消失到下一页,那里是纵向模式。


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\textbf{Name(Store)}                                   & \textbf{Purpose}                  & \textbf{Support}                                                                       & \textbf{Medical References}                                                                                         \\ \hline
{\ul IBS (Google Play)}                       & Pain Assistance          & No                                                                            & Unknown. There is no direct (cited) scientific basis. Authors on the website do have a medical background. \\
{\ul FODMAP A toZ (Google Play, Apple Store)} & Diet                     & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{\ul MySymptoms (Google Play, Apple Store)}   & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown. However the included blogs do.                                                                    \\
{\ul Curing IBS (Google Play)}                & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{\ul My IBS Diary (Google Play)}              & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & Yes, cvs file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{\ul Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Google Play)}  & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{\ul Zemedy}                                  & Therapy                  & Yes, expert can be contacted in the app                                       & Yes. (Latest) Medical references are listed                                                                \\
{\ul Monash University FODMAP diet}           & Journal (Diet)           & No                                                                            & Yes. Created at Monash University                                                                          \\
{\ul Bristol Stool Chart}                     & Journal                  & Yet, csv file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Yes, namely the Bristol Stool Chart.                                                                       \\
                                              &                          &                                                                               &                                                                                                           

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这就是结果 在此处输入图片描述




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\textbf{Name(Store)}                                   & \textbf{Purpose}                  & \textbf{Support}                                                                       & \textbf{Medical References}                                                                                         \\ \hline
{\ul IBS  (Google Play)}                       & Pain Assistance          & No                                                                            & Unknown. There is no direct (cited) scientific basis. Authors on the website do have a medical background. \\
{\ul FODMAP A toZ  (Google Play, Apple Store)} & Diet                     & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{\ul MySymptoms  (Google Play, Apple Store)}   & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown. However the included blogs do.                                                                    \\
{\ul Curing IBS (Google Play)}                & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{\ul My IBS Diary  (Google Play)}              & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & Yes, cvs file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{\ul Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Google Play)}  & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{\ul Zemedy}                                  & Therapy                  & Yes, expert can be contacted in the app                                       & Yes. (Latest) Medical references are listed                                                                \\
{\ul Monash University FODMAP diet}           & Journal (Diet)           & No                                                                            & Yes. Created at Monash University                                                                          \\
{\ul Bristol Stool Chart}                     & Journal                  & Yet, csv file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Yes, namely the Bristol Stool Chart.                                                                       \\
                                              &                          &                                                                               &                                                                                                           

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\textbf{Name(Store)}                                   & \textbf{Purpose}                  & \textbf{Support}                                                                       & \textbf{Medical References}                                                                                         \\ \hline
{\ul IBS  (Google Play)}                       & Pain Assistance          & No                                                                            & Unknown. There is no direct (cited) scientific basis. Authors on the website do have a medical background. \\
{\ul FODMAP A toZ  (Google Play, Apple Store)} & Diet                     & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{\ul MySymptoms  (Google Play, Apple Store)}   & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown. However the included blogs do.                                                                    \\
{\ul Curing IBS (Google Play)}                & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{\ul My IBS Diary  (Google Play)}              & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & Yes, cvs file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{\ul Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Google Play)}  & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{\ul Zemedy}                                  & Therapy                  & Yes, expert can be contacted in the app                                       & Yes. (Latest) Medical references are listed                                                                \\
{\ul Monash University FODMAP diet}           & Journal (Diet)           & No                                                                            & Yes. Created at Monash University                                                                          \\
{\ul Bristol Stool Chart}                     & Journal                  & Yet, csv file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Yes, namely the Bristol Stool Chart.                                                                       \\
                                              &                          &                                                                               &                                                                                                           

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\textbf{Name(Store)}                                   & \textbf{Purpose}                  & \textbf{Support}                                                                       & \textbf{Medical References}                                                                                         \\ \midrule
{ IBS  (GP)}                       & Pain Assistance          & No                                                                            & Unknown. There is no direct (cited) scientific basis. Authors on the website do have a medical background. \\
{ FODMAP A toZ  (GP, AS)} & Diet                     & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{ MySymptoms  (GP, AS)}   & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & No, but contacting a qualified physician before adjusting the diet is advised & Unknown. However the included blogs do.                                                                    \\
{ Curing IBS (GP)}                & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown, created by patient.                                                                               \\
{ My IBS Diary  (GP)}              & Journal (Diet, Symptoms) & Yes, cvs file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{ Irritable Bowel Syndrome (GP)}  & Informative              & No                                                                            & Unknown                                                                                                    \\
{ Zemedy}                                  & Therapy                  & Yes, expert can be contacted in the app                                       & Yes. (Latest) Medical references are listed                                                                \\
{ Monash University FODMAP diet}           & Journal (Diet)           & No                                                                            & Yes. Created at Monash University                                                                          \\
{ Bristol Stool Chart}                     & Journal                  & Yet, csv file can be exported and sent to physician                           & Yes, namely the Bristol Stool Chart.                                                                       \\
  \multicolumn{4}{p{\textwidth}}{Abbreviations: GP = Google Play, AS = Apple Store}

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