

我已经使用 Tikz 包创建了一个框图。现在,无论我在哪里运行,框图都会出现在中间。我希望将框图放在左侧,这样我就可以使用右侧来放置有关框图的项目符号。


\newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command
\newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command


% We need layers to draw the block diagram

% Define a few styles and constants
\tikzstyle{sensor}=[draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, 
    text centered, minimum height=2.5em]
\tikzstyle{ann} = [above, text width=5em]
\tikzstyle{naveqs} = [sensor, text width=6em, fill=red!20, 
    minimum height=12em, rounded corners]

    \node (naveq) [naveqs] {Navigation equations};
    % Note the use of \path instead of \node at ... below. 
    \path (naveq.140)+(-\blockdist,0) node (gyros) [sensor] {Gyros};
    \path (naveq.-150)+(-\blockdist,0) node (accel) [sensor] {Accelero-meters};

    % Unfortunately we cant use the convenient \path (fromnode) -- (tonode) 
    % syntax here. This is because TikZ draws the path from the node centers
    % and clip the path at the node boundaries. We want horizontal lines, but
    % the sensor and naveq blocks aren't aligned horizontally. Instead we use
    % the line intersection syntax |- to calculate the correct coordinate
    \path [draw, ->] (gyros) -- node [above] {$\vc{\omega}_{ib}^b$} 
        (naveq.west |- gyros) ;
    % We could simply have written (gyros) .. (naveq.140). However, it's
    % best to avoid hard coding coordinates
    \path [draw, ->] (accel) -- node [above] {$\vc{f}^b$} 
        (naveq.west |- accel);
    \node (IMU) [below of=accel] {IMU};
    \path (naveq.south west)+(-0.6,-0.4) node (INS) {INS};
    \draw [->] (naveq.50) -- node [ann] {Velocity } + (\edgedist,0) 
        node[right] {$\vc{v}^l$};
    \draw [->] (naveq.20) -- node [ann] {Attitude} + (\edgedist,0) 
        node[right] { $\mx{R}_l^b$};
    \draw [->] (naveq.-25) -- node [ann] {Horisontal position} + (\edgedist,0)
        node [right] {$\mx{R}_e^l$};
    \draw [->] (naveq.-50) -- node [ann] {Depth} + (\edgedist,0) 
        node[right] {$z$};

    % Now it's time to draw the colored IMU and INS rectangles.
    % To draw them behind the blocks we use pgf layers. This way we  
    % can use the above block coordinates to place the backgrounds   
        % Compute a few helper coordinates
        \path (gyros.west |- naveq.north)+(-0.5,0.3) node (a) {};
        \path (INS.south -| naveq.east)+(+0.3,-0.2) node (b) {};
        \path[fill=yellow!20,rounded corners, draw=black!50, dashed]
            (a) rectangle (b);
        \path (gyros.north west)+(-0.2,0.2) node (a) {};
        \path (IMU.south -| gyros.east)+(+0.2,-0.2) node (b) {};
        \path[fill=blue!10,rounded corners, draw=black!50, dashed]
            (a) rectangle (b);





  • 列表中的图像位于表格中(带有列tabularx的环境,因此列表的空间等于图像宽度)cX\textwidth
  • 重新绘制图像的目的是使其变窄(在此考虑小字体大小和库tikz,,,,,arrows.meta引号backgrounds` ;代码有点复杂:-))fitpositioning

    \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, backgrounds, fit, positioning, quotes}% changed, new
    \pgfdeclarelayer{back background}
    \pgfsetlayers{back background, background, main} % changed
    \newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command
    \newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command
    \usepackage{ragged2e} % new
    \usepackage{tabularx} % new
    \frametitle{block diagram}
        \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.north),
      node distance = 4mm and 8mm,
    F/.style 2 args = {draw, densely dashed, rounded corners=3pt,
                       fill=#1, fit=#2,
                       inner ysep=4mm, yshift=-2mm,
                       inner xsep=1mm},
      sensor/.style = {draw, fill=blue!40,
                       text width=4em, minimum height=5ex,
    every edge quotes/.append style = {pos=0.55, align=center, inner sep=2pt,
    every edge/.style = {draw, -Straight Barb},
                 font = \footnotesize
    \node (sensor)  [sensor] {Gyros};
    \node (accel)   [sensor, below=of sensor] {Accelero-meters};
    \node (imu) [F={blue!20}{(sensor) (accel)},
                 label={[anchor=south]below:IMU}] {};
    \node (naveqtext)   [right=of imu, inner sep=0pt, align=center]     {Navigation\\equations};
    \node (naveq)   [F={red!20}{(sensor.north -| naveqtext.west) (accel.south -| naveqtext.east)}] {};
        \begin{pgfonlayer}{back background}
    \node (ins)     [F={yellow!30}{(imu) (naveq)},
                     label={[anchor=south]below:INS}] {};
        \begin{scope}[node distance=17mm],
    \node (out1) [right=of naveq.45 ] {$\vc{f}^b$};
    \node (out2) [right=of naveq.22 ] {$\mx{R}_l^b$};
    \node (out3) [right=of naveq.338] {$\mx{R}_e^l$};
    \node (out4) [right=of naveq.315] {$z$};
    \path   (sensor) edge ["$\vc{\omega}_{ib}^b$"]  (sensor -| naveq.west)
            (accel)  edge ["$\vc{f}^b$"]            (accel  -| naveq.west)
        (out1 -| naveq.east) edge ["Velocity"]              (out1)
        (out2 -| naveq.east) edge ["Attitude"]              (out2)
        (out3 -| naveq.east) edge ["Horisontal\\ position"] (out3)
        (out4 -| naveq.east) edge ["Depth"]                 (out4) ;
        \item   item a
        \item   item b
        \item   item c
        \item   item d
        \item   item e
        \item   item f





\newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command
\newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command


% We need layers to draw the block diagram

% Define a few styles and constants
\tikzset{sensor/.style={draw, fill=blue!20, text width=5em, 
    text centered, minimum height=2.5em}}
\tikzset{ann/.style={above, text width=5em}}
\tikzset{naveqs/.style={sensor, text width=6em, fill=red!20, 
    minimum height=12em, rounded corners}}


    \node (naveq) [naveqs] {Navigation equations};
    % Note the use of \path instead of \node at ... below. 
    \path (naveq.140)+(-\blockdist,0) node (gyros) [sensor] {Gyros};
    \path (naveq.-150)+(-\blockdist,0) node (accel) [sensor] {Accelero-meters};

    % Unfortunately we cant use the convenient \path (fromnode) -- (tonode) 
    % syntax here. This is because TikZ draws the path from the node centers
    % and clip the path at the node boundaries. We want horizontal lines, but
    % the sensor and naveq blocks aren't aligned horizontally. Instead we use
    % the line intersection syntax |- to calculate the correct coordinate
    \path [draw, ->] (gyros) -- node [above] {$\vc{\omega}_{ib}^b$} 
        (naveq.west |- gyros) ;
    % We could simply have written (gyros) .. (naveq.140). However, it's
    % best to avoid hard coding coordinates
    \path [draw, ->] (accel) -- node [above] {$\vc{f}^b$} 
        (naveq.west |- accel);
    \node (IMU) [below of=accel] {IMU};
    \path (naveq.south west)+(-0.6,-0.4) node (INS) {INS};
    \draw [->] (naveq.50) -- node [ann] {Velocity } + (\edgedist,0) 
        node[right] {$\vc{v}^l$};
    \draw [->] (naveq.20) -- node [ann] {Attitude} + (\edgedist,0) 
        node[right] { $\mx{R}_l^b$};
    \draw [->] (naveq.-25) -- node [ann] {Horisontal position} + (\edgedist,0)
        node [right] {$\mx{R}_e^l$};
    \draw [->] (naveq.-50) -- node [ann] {Depth} + (\edgedist,0) 
        node[right] {$z$};

    % Now it's time to draw the colored IMU and INS rectangles.
    % To draw them behind the blocks we use pgf layers. This way we  
    % can use the above block coordinates to place the backgrounds   
        % Compute a few helper coordinates
        \path (gyros.west |- naveq.north)+(-0.5,0.3) node (a) {};
        \path (INS.south -| naveq.east)+(+0.3,-0.2) node (b) {};
        \path[fill=yellow!20,rounded corners, draw=black!50, dashed]
            (a) rectangle (b);
        \path (gyros.north west)+(-0.2,0.2) node (a) {};
        \path (IMU.south -| gyros.east)+(+0.2,-0.2) node (b) {};
        \path[fill=blue!10,rounded corners, draw=black!50, dashed]
            (a) rectangle (b);



\newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command
\newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command


\item test
\item test


