软件包 xcookybooky / TexLive 中缺少 \endcsname

软件包 xcookybooky / TexLive 中缺少 \endcsname

我最近开始使用 latex 将所有食谱整理成统一格式。因此我使用包xcookybooky。当我输入一个配方并尝试编译它时,我收到一条错误消息,提示“!缺少 \endcsname 插入。”

我只在使用 \step 输入食谱步骤时才会出现此错误。如果我使用枚举,则不会出现任何问题。失败的代码如下。我不知道要保留什么和要保留什么,所以我只是将所有与格式相关的内容留在其中……


% encoding, font, language
\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}



{% no implementation to display the section name instead

\usepackage{hyperref}    % must be the last package
    pdfauthor            = {Sven Harder},
    pdftitle             = {Example Recipes for xcookybooky},
    pdfsubject           = {Recipes},
    pdfkeywords          = {example, recipes, cookbook, xcookybooky},
    pdfstartview         = {FitV},
    pdfview              = {FitH},
    pdfpagemode          = {UseNone}, % Options; UseNone, UseOutlines
    bookmarksopen        = {true},
    pdfpagetransition    = {Glitter},
    colorlinks           = {true},
    linkcolor            = {black},
    urlcolor             = {blue},
    citecolor            = {black},
    filecolor            = {black},
\hbadness=10000 % Ignore underfull boxes
    inghead = Zutaten,
    prephead = Zubereitung,
    hinthead = Tipps,
    portionvalue = Portion(en)
    recipename = black,
    ing = black,
    inghead = black,
    hint = black,
    hinthead = black,
    hintline = black,
    numeration = black
    preparationwidth = 0.65\textwidth,
    ingredientswidth = 0.45\textwidth

% Complete recipe example
    preparationtime = {\unit[50]{min}},
    bakingtime = {\unit[30]{min}},
    portion = {\portion{2}}
{Kubanischer Bohnen-Gemüse-Reis}

        1 & Paprika(Gelb)\\
        1 & Paprika(Rot)\\
        \unit[1]{TL} & Räucherpaprika\\
        \unit[2+2]{EL} & Olivenöl\\



       \step qfahflkj 
       \step afjlöfj
       \step ajlföja





lettrine 前段时间发生了变化,xcookybooky 中 \step 的定义应该进行调整。提交错误报告。我不会使用 utf8x 而是使用 utf8,但没有删除它。


% encoding, font, language
\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}



{% no implementation to display the section name instead

\usepackage{hyperref}    % must be the last package
    pdfauthor            = {Sven Harder},
    pdftitle             = {Example Recipes for xcookybooky},
    pdfsubject           = {Recipes},
    pdfkeywords          = {example, recipes, cookbook, xcookybooky},
    pdfstartview         = {FitV},
    pdfview              = {FitH},
    pdfpagemode          = {UseNone}, % Options; UseNone, UseOutlines
    bookmarksopen        = {true},
    pdfpagetransition    = {Glitter},
    colorlinks           = {true},
    linkcolor            = {black},
    urlcolor             = {blue},
    citecolor            = {black},
    filecolor            = {black},
\hbadness=10000 % Ignore underfull boxes
    inghead = Zutaten,
    prephead = Zubereitung,
    hinthead = Tipps,
    portionvalue = Portion(en)
    recipename = black,
    ing = black,
    inghead = black,
    hint = black,
    hinthead = black,
    hintline = black,
    numeration = black
    preparationwidth = 0.65\textwidth,
    ingredientswidth = 0.45\textwidth

 \stepcounter{step}%shouldn't be in the argument of lettrine
        lhang=0,          % space into margin, value between 0 and 1
        loversize=0.15,   % enlarges the height of the capital
        findent=1em,      % gap between capital and intended text
        nindent=0em       % shifts all intended lines, begining with the second line

% Complete recipe example
    preparationtime = {\unit[50]{min}},
    bakingtime = {\unit[30]{min}},
    portion = {\portion{2}}
{Kubanischer Bohnen-Gemüse-Reis}

        1 & Paprika(Gelb)\\
        1 & Paprika(Rot)\\
        \unit[1]{TL} & Räucherpaprika\\
        \unit[2+2]{EL} & Olivenöl

       \step qfahflkj
       \step afjlöfj
       \step ajlföja

