想要向自定义 .cls 文件添加子节编号

想要向自定义 .cls 文件添加子节编号

我从一本期刊上获得了这个样式文件,并对其进行了修改。目前,定理编号方案仅使用两位数字:一位用于章节,一位用于条目。我不喜欢条目编号在每个新子节中不重置为 1。我想在编号方案中添加第三个数字,以便它使用 (Section.Subsection.Item)。第二节第三子节中的第一个定理应该是定理 2.3.1。我该如何更改它?下面,我提供了一个示例 tex 文件,我将把 CLS 文件放在注释中。谢谢!!!

TEX 文件:


\newtheorem{mainthm}[thm]{Main Theorem}


%% Note that the first letters in the title are capitalized

%% Provide an abbreviation of the title, to be used in running heads.

\TitleHead{Paper about Hodor }
\title{Paper about Hodor}

\AuthorHead{Jim Bob}
\author{Jim \textsc{Bob}\footnote{Tooker: [email protected];}}

Abstract goes here

\section{first section}

    I want to change it to make this Remark 1.0.1

\subsection{first section, first subsection}

    Currently, this shows up as Theorem 1.2 but I want to change it to be Theorem 1.1.1 because it is the first theorem of the first subsection of the first subsection.

    Should be Lemma 1.1.2

\subsection{first section, second subsection}

    This example really shows what I don't like.  Currently it is Example 1.4 but I'd like it to be Example 1.2.1

\section{second section}

    You probably get it by now, but this should be Corollary 2.0.1

    Should be Corollary 2.0.2

    Should be Corollary 2.0.3

\subsection{second section, first subsection}

    Should be Theorem 2.1.1

\subsection{second section, second subsection}

    Should be Theorem 2.2.1

\subsection{second section, third subsection}

    Should be Theorem 2.3.1




这将重新定义 thm 计数器的显示方式。由于您的所有定理都共享 thm 计数器,因此它们都将按您想要的方式显示。

然后,当您编写\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section]它时,意味着每次使用环境时thm,thm 计数器都会增加一,并且每次使用时都会重置为 0。\section考虑到您想要的行为,您应该使用,\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[subsection]以便每次使用时重置计数器\subsection
