运行 pdflatex 时 apacite.sty 出现错误

运行 pdflatex 时 apacite.sty 出现错误


 \usepackage{epstopdf}% To incorporate .eps illustrations using PDFLaTeX, etc.
 \usepackage{subfig}% Support for small, `sub' figures and tables
 %\usepackage[nolists,tablesfirst]{endfloat}% To `separate' figures and tables 
 %from text if required
 %\usepackage[doublespacing]{setspace}% To produce a `double spaced' document if 
 %\setlength\parindent{24pt}% To increase paragraph indentation when line spacing 
 %is doubled

 \usepackage[longnamesfirst,sort,comma,authoryear]{natbib}% Citation support 
 %using natbib.sty
 \bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}% Citation support using natbib.sty
 \renewcommand\bibfont{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont}% To set the list of 
 %references in 10 point font using natbib.sty

 %\usepackage[natbibapa,nodoi]{apacite}% Citation support using apacite.sty. 
 %Commands using natbib.sty MUST be deactivated first!
 %\setlength\bibhang{12pt}% To set the indentation in the list of references 
 %using apacite.sty. Commands using natbib.sty MUST be deactivated first!
 %\renewcommand\bibliographytypesize{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont}% To set the 
 %list of references in 10 point font using apacite.sty. Commands using 
 %\MUST be deactivated first!

 \theoremstyle{plain}% Theorem-like structures provided by amsthm.sty








首先摆脱了你的documentclass(替换为article,但没有要求这样做......只是不能 - 不想 - 搜索它)。 我还必须摆脱(注释掉)`teoremstyle`......但如果它在那里定义,你可以使用它。



根据这篇文章,第四个:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/263800/120578 我必须natbib在加载时从包中删除选项。(考虑不要混合包,因为没有必要这样做 - 阅读那篇文章 -)


%\usepackage{epstopdf}% To incorporate .eps illustrations using PDFLaTeX, etc.
\usepackage{subfig}% Support for small, `sub' figures and tables
%\usepackage[nolists,tablesfirst]{endfloat}% To `separate' figures and tables 
%from text if required
%\usepackage[doublespacing]{setspace}% To produce a `double spaced' document if 
%\setlength\parindent{24pt}% To increase paragraph indentation when line spacing 
%is doubled
\usepackage{natbib}% Citation support 

%using natbib.sty
\bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}% Citation support using natbib.sty
\renewcommand\bibfont{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont}% To set the list of 
%references in 10 point font using natbib.sty

%\usepackage[natbibapa,nodoi]{apacite}% Citation support using apacite.sty. 
%Commands using natbib.sty MUST be deactivated first!
%\setlength\bibhang{12pt}% To set the indentation in the list of references 
%using apacite.sty. Commands using natbib.sty MUST be deactivated first!
%\renewcommand\bibliographytypesize{\fontsize{10}{12}\selectfont}% To set the 
%list of references in 10 point font using apacite.sty. Commands using 
%\MUST be deactivated first!

%\theoremstyle{plain}% Theorem-like structures provided by amsthm.sty






