

我正在用 Latex 写论文,但无法让目录正确链接到我使用该apacite软件包创建的参考列表。下面是说明我的问题的 MWE:






        title = {Book's title},
        author = {Author, Some},
        location = {The City},
        publisher = {Publisher},
        date = {2005},

% Table of contents

% Sections
\section{The first section}
Some text is need to push the section title to the next page \citep{author_book}. \hyperref[sec:references]{This} link to the references actually links to the second section. Why is that?
\section{The second section}
Again, some text.

% Bibliography

% Appendices
\subsection{Some tables}\label[appsec]{app:tables}
This should actually be a table.

\subsection{Some more figures}
And here could be a figure.



您需要\phantomsection为链接添加一个锚点 - 因为参考书目没有编号,所以 hyperref 不会自动完成此操作:

\phantomsection %anchor








        title = {Book's title},
        author = {Author, Some},
        location = {The City},
        publisher = {Publisher},
        date = {2005},

% Table of contents

% Sections
\section{The first section}
Some text is need to push the section title to the next page \citep{author_book}. \hyperref[sec:references]{This} link to the references actually links to the second section. Why is that?
\section{The second section}
Again, some text.

% Bibliography

% Appendices
\subsection{Some tables}\label[appsec]{app:tables}
This should actually be a table.

\subsection{Some more figures}
And here could be a figure.
