使用 Tikz 进行工作分解

使用 Tikz 进行工作分解

我正在尝试使用 tikz 创建工作分解结构。我希望所需结构



\usepackage{color,soul} %For highlighting
% Define the layers to draw the diagram

% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{materia}=[draw, text width=6.0em, text centered,
  minimum height=1.5em]
\tikzstyle{etape} = [materia, text width=12em, minimum width=10em,
  minimum height=3em, rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{texto} = [above, text width=6em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{linepart} = [draw, thick, color=black!30, -latex', dashed]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, thick, color=black!30, -latex']
\tikzstyle{ur}=[draw, text centered, minimum height=0.01em]

% Define distances for bordering

\newcommand{\etape}[2]{node (p#1) [etape]

  \path [linepart] (#1.east) -- node [above]
    {\scriptsize #2} (#3);}

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7,transform shape]

  % Draw diagram elements
  \path \etape{1}{\textbf{Operating Items}};
  \path (p1.west)+(-5.0,0.0)\etape{2}{\textbf{Non-Operating Items}};
  \path (p2.south)+(0.0,-1.0)\etape{3}{\textbf{Interest}};
  \path (p3.south)+(0.0,-1.0)\etape{4}{\textbf{Profits and Losses}};
  \path (p4.south)+(0.0,-1.0)\etape{5}{\textbf{Subsidies}};
  \path (p1.south)+(2.5,-1.0)\etape{6}{\textbf{Direct Operating Costs}};
  \path (p1.south)+(-2.5,-1.0)\etape{7}{\textbf{Indirect Operating Costs}};

  % Draw arrows between elements

  \path [line] (p2.south) -- node [above] {} (p3);
  \path [line] (p3.south) -- node [above] {} (p4);
  \path [line] (p4.south) -- node [above] {} (p5); 
  \path [line] (p1.south) -- +(0.0,-0.2) -- +(+2.5,-0.2)
   -- node [above, midway] {} (p6);
   \path [line] (p1.south) -- +(0.0,-0.2) -- +(-2.5,-0.2)
   -- node [above, midway] {} (p7);




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\usepackage{color,soul} %For highlighting
% Define the layers to draw the diagram

% Define block styles
\tikzset{materia/.style={draw, text width=6.0em, text centered,
  minimum height=1.5em},
etape/.style={materia, text width=12em, minimum width=10em,
  minimum height=3em, rounded corners},
texto/.style={above, text width=6em, text centered},
linepart/.style={draw, thick, color=black!30, -latex', dashed},
line/.style={draw, thick, color=black!30, -latex'},
ur/.style={draw, text centered, minimum height=0.01em}}

% Define distances for bordering

\newcommand{\etape}[2]{node (p#1) [etape]

  \path [linepart] (#1.east) -- node [above]
    {\scriptsize #2} (#3);}

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7,transform shape]

  % Draw diagram elements
  \path \etape{1}{\textbf{Operating Items}};
  \path (p1.west)+(-6.5,0.0)\etape{2}{\textbf{Non-Operating Items}};
  \path (p2.south)+(1,-1.0)\etape{3}{\textbf{Interest}};
  \path (p3.south)+(0.0,-1.0)\etape{4}{\textbf{Profits and Losses}};
  \path (p4.south)+(0.0,-1.0)\etape{5}{\textbf{Subsidies}};
  \path (p1.south)+(2.5,-1.0)\etape{6}{\textbf{Direct Operating Costs}};
  \path (p1.south)+(-2.5,-1.0)\etape{7}{\textbf{Indirect Operating Costs}};

  % Draw arrows between elements
  \foreach \X in {3,4,5}    
  {\path [line] (p2.-165) |- (p\X.west);}
  \path [line] (p1.south) -- +(0.0,-0.2) -- +(+2.5,-0.2)
   -- node [above, midway] {} (p6);
   \path [line] (p1.south) -- +(0.0,-0.2) -- +(-2.5,-0.2)
   -- node [above, midway] {} (p7);





% Define block styles
\tikzset{materia/.style={draw, text width=6.0em, text centered,
  minimum height=1.5em},
  etape/.style={materia, text width=12em, minimum width=10em,
  minimum height=3em, rounded corners},
line/.style={draw, thick, color=black!30, -latex'}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7,transform shape]
 \node (p1) {Operating Items};
 \node[left=6.5cm of p1] (p2) {Non-Operating Items};
 \node[below=5mm of p2,xshift=8mm] (p3) {Interest};
 \node[below=5mm of p3] (p4) {Profits and Losses};
 \node[below=5mm of p4] (p5) {Subsidies};
 \node[below left=8mm and 1mm of p1.south] (p6) {Direct Operating Costs};
 \node[below right=8mm and 1mm of p1.south] (p7) {Indirect Operating Costs};
% Draw arrows between elements
\foreach \X in {3,4,5}  
  {\path [line] (p2.-165) |- (p\X.west);}
\foreach \X in {6,7}    
  {\path [line] (p1.south) -- ++(0,-2mm) -| (p\X.north);}
