






{\refstepcounter{ExCount}\par\medskip\noindent\textbf{Exercise \arabic{ExCount}%
        \ifstrempty{#1}{}{~\normalfont(#1)}} \hfill{\small (Points: \textbf{#2})}%


    \setbox0\hbox{\tiny\strut #1}%
    \raise\dimexpr \ht\strutbox - \ht0\box0

        Some Course (2019) \hfill
        Prof. xyz $\cdot$ xyz

        {\large \textbf{Exercise 01} } \hfill \raiseup{\small Total points: \textbf{4 points + 4 extra points*}}

        \small\raggedright (Deadline: 20/04/2019)

    % Some Topic
    \begin{exercise}{Some Topic}{10}

    % Some Other Topic
    \begin{exercise}{Some Other Topic}{8}
            \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
            \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.
                \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
                \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.

    % More Topics
    \begin{exercise}{More Topics}{8}
        Let something be something. Then:
            \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
            \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.
                \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
                \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.

    Good luck! :)










{\refstepcounter{ExCount}\par\medskip\noindent\textbf{Exercise \arabic{ExCount}%
        \ifstrempty{#1}{}{~\normalfont(#1)}} \hfill{\small (Points: \textbf{#2})}%


    \setbox0\hbox{\tiny\strut #1}%
    \raise\dimexpr \ht\strutbox - \ht0\box0


        Some Course (2019) \hfill
        Prof. xyz $\cdot$ xyz

        {\large \textbf{Exercise 01} } \hfill \raiseup{\small Total points: \textbf{4 points + 4 extra points*}}

        \small\raggedright (Deadline: 20/04/2019)

    % Some Topic
    \begin{exercise}{Some Topic}{10}

    % Some Other Topic
    \begin{exercise}{Some Other Topic}{8}
        \begin{exlist}[topsep = 0pt, before= \vspace*{-\dimexpr\baselineskip }]
            \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
            \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.
                \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
                \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.

    % More Topics
    \begin{exercise}{More Topics}{8}
        Let something be something. Then:
            \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
            \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.
                \item This is some exercise about weird math stuff.
                \item This is another exercise about more weird math stuff.

    Good luck! :)


