仅当包含 etoolbox 包时,输出 tabularx 的自定义环境才会生成错误

仅当包含 etoolbox 包时,输出 tabularx 的自定义环境才会生成错误





   { \newcommand{\entry}[1]{Number. & Test & ##1\\\hline}



    \entry{Hello LaTeX.SX}
    \entry{if i include the etoolbox package i get an error.}


这是 xelatex 输出:

This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (TeX Live 2019/Debian) (preloaded format=xelatex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 2
L3 programming layer <2020-02-14>
Document Class: article 2019/12/20 v1.4l Standard LaTeX document class
(./wewe.aux) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd)
! Misplaced \omit.
\multispan ->\omit 
l.28 \end{scenario}
? ! Misplaced \span.
\sp@n ->\span 
              \omit \advance \@multicnt \m@ne 
l.28 \end{scenario}
? ! Misplaced \omit.
\sp@n ->\span \omit 
                    \advance \@multicnt \m@ne 
l.28 \end{scenario}
? ! Misplaced \span.
\sp@n ->\span 
              \omit \advance \@multicnt \m@ne 
l.28 \end{scenario}
? ! Misplaced \omit.
\sp@n ->\span \omit 
                    \advance \@multicnt \m@ne 
l.28 \end{scenario}
? ! Misplaced \noalign.
\hline ->\noalign 
                  {\ifnum 0=`}\fi \hrule \@height \arrayrulewidth \futurelet...
l.28 \end{scenario}
Overfull \hbox (0.4pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 28--28

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 28--28

[1] (./wewe.aux) )
Output written on wewe.pdf (1 page).
Transcript written on wewe.log.



etoolboxTeX Live 2019 中包含的在开始时引入了与部分环境end相关的问题。\multicolumn

您可以使用解决该问题\NewEnviron,但您确实应该升级您的 TeX Live。




  \newcommand{\entry}[1]{Number. & Test & ##1\\\hline}%


    \entry{Hello LaTeX.SX}
    \entry{if i include the etoolbox package i get an error.}

