我想将每个 \makenonemptybox 填充为像方格页(3 毫米)或横格页一样?
\hrule width \hsize height 0pt
\newcounter{copynum} % copy number, to be printed in the footer
\newcounter{NumCopy} % how many copies do we want?
\setcounter{NumCopy}{1} % we want 3
\setcounter{page}{1} % start numbering pages for the current copy at 1
\addtocounter{copynum}{1} % the number of the current copy
\setcounter{question}{1} % make questions start at 1 again
\setcounter{part}{1} % make parts start at 1 again
\ifnum\value{copynum}>1 %
\question[3] question 1
\question question 2:
{ \small
\bhpword{Bonus Points:}
\htword{\textbf{Tot. Points}}
\hrule width \hsize height 0pt
\node[path picture={\path[pattern=checkerboard light gray]
(path picture bounding box.south west) rectangle
(path picture bounding box.north east);},draw,minimum width=\linewidth,
minimum height=\dimexpr#1-2\fboxsep,align=left,
text width=\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep]
\node[path picture={\draw[very thin,gray]
(path picture bounding box.south west) grid[step=5mm]
(path picture bounding box.north east);
\draw (path picture bounding box.south west) grid[step=1cm]
(path picture bounding box.north east);},draw,minimum width=\linewidth,
minimum height=\dimexpr#1-2\fboxsep,align=left,
text width=\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep]
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly{sparse horizontal lines}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfqpoint{100pt}{5mm}}{\pgfqpoint{100pt}{6mm}}%
\node[path picture={\path[pattern=sparse horizontal lines,pattern color=gray]
(path picture bounding box.south west) rectangle
(path picture bounding box.north east);},draw,minimum width=\linewidth,
minimum height=\dimexpr#1-2\fboxsep,align=left,
text width=\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep]
\newcounter{copynum} % copy number, to be printed in the footer
\newcounter{NumCopy} % how many copies do we want?
\setcounter{NumCopy}{1} % we want 3
\setcounter{page}{1} % start numbering pages for the current copy at 1
\addtocounter{copynum}{1} % the number of the current copy
\setcounter{question}{1} % make questions start at 1 again
\setcounter{part}{1} % make parts start at 1 again
\ifnum\value{copynum}>1 %
\question[3] question 1
\question question 2:
{ \small
\bhpword{Bonus Points:}
\htword{\textbf{Tot. Points}}
\hrule width \hsize height 0pt
\node[path picture={\path[pattern=checkerboard light gray]
(path picture bounding box.south west) rectangle
(path picture bounding box.north east);},draw,minimum width=\linewidth,
minimum height=#1-2*\fboxsep,align=left,
text width=\linewidth-2*\fboxsep]
\node[path picture={\draw[very thin,gray]
(path picture bounding box.south west) grid[step=5mm]
(path picture bounding box.north east);
\draw (path picture bounding box.south west) grid[step=1cm]
(path picture bounding box.north east);},draw,minimum width=\linewidth,
minimum height=#1-2*\fboxsep,align=left,
text width=\linewidth-2*\fboxsep]
\pgfdeclarepatternformonly{sparse horizontal lines}{\pgfpointorigin}{\pgfqpoint{100pt}{5mm}}{\pgfqpoint{100pt}{6mm}}%
\node[path picture={\path[pattern=sparse horizontal lines,pattern color=gray]
(path picture bounding box.south west) rectangle
(path picture bounding box.north east);},draw,minimum width=\linewidth,
minimum height=\dimexpr#1-2\fboxsep,align=left,
text width=\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxsep]
\newcounter{copynum} % copy number, to be printed in the footer
\newcounter{NumCopy} % how many copies do we want?
\setcounter{NumCopy}{1} % we want 3
\setcounter{page}{1} % start numbering pages for the current copy at 1
\addtocounter{copynum}{1} % the number of the current copy
\setcounter{question}{1} % make questions start at 1 again
\setcounter{part}{1} % make parts start at 1 again
\ifnum\value{copynum}>1 %
\question[3] question 1
\question question 2:
{ \small
\bhpword{Bonus Points:}
\htword{\textbf{Tot. Points}}