我想在使用 Beamer 在幻灯片上引用时生成以下格式。
现在我正在手动生成这个,但我希望 latex+bibtex 自动完成。我该如何实现?
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{[\theenumiv]}
\defbeamertemplate{footline}{center page number}
\usebeamercolor[fg]{page number in foot}%
\usebeamerfont{page number in foot}%
In addition, we provide guidance in the application of the method for experimental groups\cite{HarrisSongKiang2007,YuGuptaLiuEtAl2012,WedekindReguera2008}.
\footnotetext{\tiny\hspace{-16.5pt}\cite{HarrisSongKiang2007} N. C. Harries et al., Phys Rev Lett., 99,2007\\ \cite{YuGuptaLiuEtAl2012} H. Yu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,109, 2012.\\ \cite{WedekindReguera2008} J. Wedekind and D. Reguera. J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 2008.\\ }
我尝试过 Natbib 和 BibLatex,但没有成功。
我使用 biblatex + 在序言中定义新命令来解决这个问题
\AtEveryBibitem{% suppress unnecessary fields
\defbeamertemplate{footline}{center page number}
\usebeamercolor[fg]{page number in foot}%
\usebeamerfont{page number in foot}%
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel}
% This comand extracts the info necesary from fields on citation
\newcommand{\fcite}[1]{\cite{#1}\, \citeauthor{#1}, \citefield{#1}{journaltitle}, \citeyear{#1}.}
In addition, we provide guidance in the application of the
method for experimental