




\usepackage{framed} % to add frames around comments
\usepackage{parskip} % to skip paragraph indentation
\usepackage[affil-it]{authblk} % for title page
\usepackage{lineno}\linenumbers % add line numbers to whole document
\usepackage{hyperref} % to enable hyperlinks
\usepackage{fullpage} % less white margin space

% line referencing
\newcommand{\R}[1]{\label{#1}\linelabel{#1}} % use this to set the placement of the line reference tags 
\newcommand{\lr}[1]{page~\pageref{#1}, line~\lineref{#1}} % use this to reference the tags (print line numbers)

% quoting
\newcommand\declquotedtext[2]{\expandafter\def\csname quotedtext@#1 \endcsname{#2}} %use around text you may want to quote later, but don't want printed in the main text
\newcommand\defquotedtext[2]{\declquotedtext{#1}{#2}#2} %use around text you want to appear in the main text and that you want to quote later
\newcommand\usequotedtext[1]{\csname quotedtext@#1 \endcsname} %use to print the quoted text

\newcommand{\q}[1]{``#1''} % easier way to get double quotes

\usepackage{color, soul}

\newcommand {\rrb}[4]{\R{#1}\defquotedtext{#2}{\hl{#3}}\R{#4}}


\section*{Revised draft}

\rrb{01st}{R1-001}{Test answer revised draft}{01Finish}

\section*{Response to reviewer comments}

\begin{framed}Line 21: Rephrase sentence to be less informal\end{framed}
Response: Rephrased sentence to increase formality. Sentence now reads: \q{\usequotedtext{R1-001}} (\lr{01st} to \lr{01Finish}). %




\usepackage{framed} % to add frames around comments
\usepackage{parskip} % to skip paragraph indentation
\usepackage[affil-it]{authblk} % for title page
\usepackage{lineno}\linenumbers % add line numbers to whole document
\usepackage{hyperref} % to enable hyperlinks
\usepackage{fullpage} % less white margin space
% line referencing
\newcommand{\R}[1]{\label{#1}\linelabel{#1}} % use this to set the placement of the line reference tags 
\newcommand{\lr}[1]{page~\pageref{#1}, line~\lineref{#1}} % use this to reference the tags (print line numbers)
% quoting
\newcommand\declquotedtext[2]{\expandafter\def\csname quotedtext@#1 \endcsname{#2}} %use around text you may want to quote later, but don't want printed in the main text
\newcommand\defquotedtext[2]{\declquotedtext{#1}{#2}#2} %use around text you want to appear in the main text and that you want to quote later
\newcommand\usequotedtext[1]{\csname quotedtext@#1 \endcsname} %use to print the quoted text
\newcommand{\q}[1]{``#1''} % easier way to get double quotes

%Alternative 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\ans}[1]{\sethlcolor{white}``#1''} % easier way to get double quotes without yellow hlight

\usepackage{color, soul}
\newcommand {\rrb}[4]{\R{#1}\defquotedtext{#2}{\hl{#3}}\R{#4}}


\section*{Revised draft}

\rrb{01st}{R1-001}{Test answer revised draft}{01Finish}

\section*{Response to reviewer comments}

\begin{framed}Line 21: Rephrase sentence to be less informal\end{framed}
Response: Rephrased sentence to increase formality. Sentence now reads: as was \q{\usequotedtext{R1-001}} (\lr{01st} to \lr{01Finish}). 

\textbf{Alternative 1}
Response: Rephrased sentence to increase formality. Sentence now reads: using re definition \ans{\usequotedtext{R1-001}} (\lr{01st} to \lr{01Finish}). %

\textbf{Alternative 2}
Response: Rephrased sentence to increase formality. Sentence now reads: manual intervention \q{\sethlcolor{white}\usequotedtext{R1-001}} (\lr{01st} to \lr{01Finish}). %

