脚注/marginpar 表格内 csquotes 块引用内

脚注/marginpar 表格内 csquotes 块引用内


下面的版本给出了一个Float(s) lost错误,但如果允许运行,尽管注释丢失了,但表格仍然显示正常。


另外:第三行的垂直对齐偏移是由于 marginpar 造成的。可以修复吗?



\usepackage{marvosym} % \Pfund symbol


Four days later, the feudal lord wrote that the priest may \blockquote{yearly obtain the rent from\\%
{\scriptsize\begin{tabular}{b{0.4\textwidth} c c c}%
    The abandoned farm which he uses \dotfill & 1~\Pfund{}~Rye & 1~\Pfund{}~Barley & 1~Barrel\footnote{%
        So it says (Perhaps \Pfund{} is meant?)%
    }~Oats \\%
    Another farm \dotfill & ,, --- & ,, --- & 1 -- --- \\%
    Two farms in Village\marginpar{\emph{The Village farms}}\footnote{%
        These farms burned in 16xx%
    }\dotfill & 3 --- & 3 --- & 6 --- \\%
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{in total:} & 4 --- & 4 --- & 8 --- \\%
which he may use to maintain certain ...} This was received by ...



\marginpar所述错误是由于在非浮动环境中使用了 而导致的。\maginpar用替换\sidepar即可。然后footnotes您可以使用footnote包及其savenotes环境。


\usepackage{marvosym} % \Pfund symbol


    Four days later, the feudal lord wrote that the priest may \blockquote{yearly obtain the rent from

  \begin{tabular}{b{0.4\textwidth} c c c}%
    The abandoned farm which he uses \dotfill & 1~\Pfund{}~Rye & 1~\Pfund{}~Barley & 1~Barrel\footnote{So it says (Perhaps \Pfund{} is meant?)}~Oats \\%
    Another farm \dotfill & ,, --- & ,, --- & 1 -- --- \\%
    Two farms in Village\sidepar{\emph{The Village farms}}\footnote{These farms burned in 16xx}\dotfill & 3 --- & 3 --- & 6 --- \\%
    \multicolumn{1}{r}{in total:} & 4 --- & 4 --- & 8 --- \\%

which he may use to maintain certain ...} This was received by ...

