


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述






% Author: Rudolf Siegel
    basefont/.style = {font = \LARGE\sffamily},
      timing/.style = {basefont, sloped,above,},
       label/.style = {basefont, align = left},
      screen/.style = {basefont, 
                        align = center,
                        minimum size = 6cm, 
                        fill = gray!10, 
                        draw = gray}};
  % macro for defining screens
      \begin{scope}[xshift  =#3, yshift = #4,
                  every node/.append style = {yslant = 0.33},
                  yslant = 0.33,
                 local bounding box = #1]
     \node[screen] at (3cm,3cm) {#2};
     % define several screens
     \screen{frame1, fill = blue!40}{\includegraphics[width=9cm]{MWE1.pdf}  
  } {0}{0}
      \screen{frame2, fill = blue!40,opacity=0.5}{
     \includegraphics[width=9cm]{MWE2.pdf}} {150}{-60}
     \coordinate [xshift=750,yshift=-300] (frame6);


我尝试使用示波器并使用 tikzlibrary,positioning但得到了奇怪的结果。



  grow cyclic,
  every node/.style=concept,
  concept color=teal!40,
  level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/4},
  level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5},
  \node [root concept] {Malnutrition Level 1 analysis}
    child [concept color=purple!40]{
      node    {Health Facility}
      child { node    {Inadequate ANC Care} }
      child { node    {Long Distance of Health Care Facility} }
      child { node    {Insufficient Health Service} }
      child { node    {Incomplete Immunization} }
    child [concept color=pink!40, rotate=-10]{
      node     {Morbidity}
      child { node    {Intestinal Diseases} }
      child { node    {Congenital Anomalies} }
    child [concept color=green!40, rotate=-20]{
      node  {Maternal Health}
      child { node {Maternal malnutrition} }
      child { node {Higher Birth order} }
      child { node {Short birth interval} }
      child { node {Adolescent mother} }
    child [concept color=red!40, rotate=-10]{
      node  {Cultural Factors}[counterclockwise from=-115]
      child  { node {Adverse cultural practice} }
      child { node {Traditional beliefs} }
      child { node {Early marriage} }
      child { node {Inadequate child care} }
      child { node {Feeding practices} }


  grow cyclic,
  every node/.style=concept,
  concept color=teal!40,
  level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/4},
  level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5},
  \node [root concept] {Malnutrition Level 2 analysis}
    child [concept color=red!40, rotate=-10]{
      node  {Cultural Factors}[counterclockwise from=-115]
      child  { node {Adverse cultural practice} }
      child { node {Traditional beliefs} }
      child { node {Early marriage} }
      child { node {Inadequate child care} }
      child { node {Feeding practices} }
    child [concept color=blue!40, rotate=-7.5]{
      node     {Socio-demographic Factors}
      child { node {Caste (ST/SC)} }
      child { node {Illiteracy} }
      child { node {Lack of Awareness about Nutrition} }
      child { node {Occupation} }
      child { node {Low Socio-Economic Status} }
      child { node {Inadequate access to food} }
    child [concept color=yellow!40, rotate=-5]{
      node   {Biological Factors}%[clockwise from=45, level distance=8cm]
      child { node {Female} }
      child { node {Low Birth Weight} }
      child { node {Age of the Child} }
    child [concept color=violet!40, rotate=-5] {
      node {Environmental Factors}
      child { node {Poor Unsafe Drinking Water} }
      child { node {Poor Personal Hygiene} }
      child { node {Poor Sanitation} }
      child { node {Open Field Defecation} }


您可以以将思维导图放入\saveboxes 为代价来绘制此配置。如果这样做,您将失去命名节点并用线连接它们的可能性。更准确地说,这将变得更加困难。我能够通过读取变换矩阵和移位并将它们应用于未变换的坐标来“恢复”坐标。(请记住,坐标tikz始终是全局的,因此即使我们使用,也会有一些信息,\saveboxes因为此时坐标\savebox被“填充”,坐标被存储/广播。)结果远非完美,但您现在可以说

\draw[blue,thick,reconstruct=from HF to CF];


\savebox\MindMapA{\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap,transparency group,
  grow cyclic,
  every node/.style=concept,
  concept color=teal!40,
  level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/4},
  level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5},
  \node [root concept] {Malnutrition Level 1 analysis}
    child [concept color=purple!40]{
      node [alias=HF]   {Health Facility}
      child { node    {Inadequate ANC Care} }
      child { node    {Long Distance of Health Care Facility} }
      child { node    {Insufficient Health Service} }
      child { node    {Incomplete Immunization} }
    child [concept color=pink!40, rotate=-10]{
      node [alias=Morb]    {Morbidity}
      child { node    {Intestinal Diseases} }
      child { node    {Congenital Anomalies} }
    child [concept color=green!40, rotate=-20]{
      node  {Maternal Health}
      child { node {Maternal malnutrition} }
      child { node {Higher Birth order} }
      child { node {Short birth interval} }
      child { node {Adolescent mother} }
    child [concept color=red!40, rotate=-10]{
      node  {Cultural Factors}[counterclockwise from=-115]
      child  { node {Adverse cultural practice} }
      child { node {Traditional beliefs} }
      child { node {Early marriage} }
      child { node {Inadequate child care} }
      child { node {Feeding practices} }
\savebox\MindMapB{\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap,transparency group,
  grow cyclic,
  every node/.style=concept,
  concept color=teal!40,
  level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/4},
  level 2/.append style={sibling angle=37.5},
  \node [root concept] {Malnutrition Level 2 analysis}
    child [concept color=red!40, rotate=-10]{
      node [alias=CF]  {Cultural Factors}[counterclockwise from=-115]
      child  { node {Adverse cultural practice} }
      child { node {Traditional beliefs} }
      child { node {Early marriage} }
      child { node {Inadequate child care} }
      child { node {Feeding practices} }
    child [concept color=blue!40, rotate=-7.5]{
      node  [alias=Socio]   {Socio-demographic Factors}
      child { node {Caste (ST/SC)} }
      child { node {Illiteracy} }
      child { node {Lack of Awareness about Nutrition} }
      child { node {Occupation} }
      child { node {Low Socio-Economic Status} }
      child { node {Inadequate access to food} }
    child [concept color=yellow!40, rotate=-5]{
      node   {Biological Factors}%[clockwise from=45, level distance=8cm]
      child { node {Female} }
      child { node {Low Birth Weight} }
      child { node {Age of the Child} }
    child [concept color=violet!40, rotate=-5] {
      node {Environmental Factors}
      child { node {Poor Unsafe Drinking Water} }
      child { node {Poor Personal Hygiene} }
      child { node {Poor Sanitation} }
      child { node {Open Field Defecation} }
\tikzset{halo/.style={insert path={
([xshift=-2em,yshift=-2em]#1.south west) --
([xshift=2em,yshift=-2em]#1.south east) --
([xshift=2em,yshift=2em]#1.north east) --
([xshift=-2em,yshift=2em]#1.north west) -- cycle}}}
  \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=4,transform shape]
  \node[opacity=0.8] (MMA) {\usebox\MindMapA};
   \begin{scope}[on background layer]
   \begin{scope}[reconstruct/.style args={from #1 to #2}{insert path={
   let \p1=(#1),\p2=(#2),
    in (\n1,\n2) -- (\n3,\n4)
    \draw[blue,thick,reconstruct=from HF to CF];
    \draw[red,thick,shorten <=6pt,reconstruct=from Morb to Socio];

  \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=-4,transform shape]
  \node[opacity=0.8] (MMB) {\usebox\MindMapB};
   \begin{scope}[on background layer]


请注意,我们在将思维导图放在前面之前绘制了连接,这“证明”坐标是在调用命令时设置的\savebox,而不是在实际使用命令时设置的。还请注意,为了实现这一点,我们需要对称地移动平面,即当一个平面有时,canvas is yz plane at x=4,另一个平面必须随之移动canvas is yz plane at x=-4,(而不是,比如说x=-6)。
