\documentclass[12pt, % Schriftgröße
DIV=calc % Automatischer Satzspiegel
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\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Dateikodierung
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Deutsche Einstellung
\usepackage{lmodern} % Latin Modern
%% Geometrieeigenschaften
\geometry{left=3.5cm, right=3.5cm, top=3cm, bottom=3cm}
%% Zeilenabstand auf 1,5
%% Kopf- und Fußzeile
\clearscrheadfoot % Voreinstellungen resetten
\ihead[]{\parbox[t]{.6\textwidth}{\headmark}} % Zeilenumbruch nach 60% der Länge
\ohead[]{Name} % Name oben rechts
\cfoot[]{-\pagemark-} % Seitenzahl unten mitte
\setkomafont{pageheadfoot}{\sffamily} % Serifenlose Kopf- und Fußzeile
\section{Dies hier ist ein Blindtext zum Testen von Überschriften}
** 由 Manuel Kuehner (较小的 MWE) 编辑**
top = 30mm,
showframe = true,
\section{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test }
\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text
top = 30mm,
showframe = true,% to show the page layout
\clearpairofpagestyles% depraceted command replaced
[b]% use b(ottom) instead t(op)
[\ht\strutbox]% to avoid the warning regarding head height
{.3\textwidth}{\raggedright\headmark}% \raggedright to avoid underfull hboxes
\section{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test }
您也可以使用 option head lines=2
head lines=2% added
\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text
top = 30mm,
showframe = true,% to show the page layout
\clearpairofpagestyles% depraceted command replaced
[b]% use b(ottom) instead t(op)
{.3\textwidth}{\raggedright\headmark}% \raggedright to avoid underfull hboxes
\section{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test }
headings=optiontohead% added
top = 30mm,
showframe = true,
\clearpairofpagestyles% depraceted command replaced
\ihead{\headmark}% changed
\section[Only Test]{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test }
, headings=optiontoheadandtoc
, headlines= ,optiontotoc
headings=optiontoheadandtoc% added
top = 30mm,
showframe = true,
\clearpairofpagestyles% depraceted command replaced
\ihead{\headmark}% changed
\section[head={Version in page header},tocentry={Version in table of contents}]
{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test }
\section[Only Test]{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test }
- 如果使用
option 而不是[t]
option in\parbox
那么它看起来会更好。 - 此外,我使用了 use 推荐的解决方案@Bernard在评论中(该部分的简短版本)。
% Based on https://komascript.de/node/249 (post from 2019-02-27)
% Uncomment to remove borders (borders are for debugging)
% Without optional argument for \section
\section{Long Section Title Long Section Title Long Section Title Long Section Title Long Section Title }
% With optional argument for \section
\section[Short section Title]{Long Section Title Long Section Title Long Section Title Long Section Title Long Section Title }