


我希望有一个宏可以识别像 \AnGo

\AnGo>> “Edwin Smith”

[sh] 当发出打印简短表格的选项时
\AnGo[sh]>> “Ted”

\AnGo[real]>> “Antonio Gonzales”





 {% #1 = command, #2 = pseudonym, #3 = short name, #4 = real name
    \str_case:nn { ##1 }

\definepseudonym{\AnGo}{Edwin Smith}{Ted}{Antonio Gonzalez}


\AnGo[real] was known as \AnGo\ abbreviated in \AnGo[sh].






 {% #1 = command name, #2 = pseudonym, #3 = other names
  \cs_new:cpn { #1 } { \genericpseudonym{#1} }
  \prop_gclear_new:c { g_pseudonym_#1_prop }
  \prop_gset_from_keyval:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { #3 }
  \prop_gput:cnn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { pseudonym } { #2 }
  \pseudonym_get:nn { #1 } { #2 }

\cs_new:Nn \pseudonym_get:nn
  \prop_item:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { #2 }

\definepseudonym{AnGo}{Edwin Smith}{
  real=Antonio Gonzalez,


\AnGo[real] was known as \AnGo\ abbreviated in \AnGo[sh].
He was born in \AnGo[birthplace].





%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%%   The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%%   <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \UD@secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}%
  \UD@secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\UD@firstoftwo{ }{}\UD@firstoftwo}%
%% Check whether argument contains no exclamation mark which is not nested 
%% in braces:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNoExclam{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                         {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                           contains no exclamation mark>}%
%%                         {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                           contains exclamation mark>}%
%%  \@PseudonymFork grabs the first thing behind a
%%  a token-sequence of pattern  !!pseudonym!sh!real!
%% \PseudonymFork
                                           {No identifier in optional argument}%
                                         }%<-case #1 is empty/has no tokens.
                   !!#1!sh!real!{#3}%<-case #1 = pseudonym.
                   !!pseudonym!#1!real!{#4}%<-case #1 = sh.
                   !!pseudonym!sh!#1!{#5}%<-case #1 = real.
                                         {Identifier `#1' unknown}%
                                       }%<-case #1 = something else without exclamation-mark.
  }{\PseudonymForkError{Identifier `#1' unknown}{#2}\PseudonymFork{#2}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}%<-case #1 = something else with exclamation-mark.
    thus default identifier `#2' used instead%
    Either omit the optional argument or specify "sh" or "real"
    or "pseudonym".\MessageBreak
    Specifying "sh" yields the short form.\MessageBreak
    Specifying "real" yields the real name.\MessageBreak
    Specifying "pseudonym" yields the pseudonym.\MessageBreak
    Omitting the optional argument yields the \PseudonymFork{#2}{#2}{pseudonym}{short form}{real name}.%
%% \DefinePseudonym{<macro name>}%
%%                 {<default>}%
%%                 {<pseudonym>}%
%%                 {<short form>}%
%%                 {<real name>}%
    Default-identifier\UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{}{ `\UD@tempa'} incorrect\on@line!\MessageBreak
    Use one of the identifiers "pseudonym", "sh" or "real" instead%
    Specify either "sh" or "real" or "pseudonym".\MessageBreak
    Specifying "sh" yields that the short form will be the default.\MessageBreak
    Specifying "real" yields that the real name will be the default.\MessageBreak
    Specifying "pseudonym" yields that the pseudonym will be the default.%


\textit{$\langle$macro name$\rangle$}%

\verb|\DefinePseudonym{\AnGo}{pseudonym}{Edwin Smith}{Ted}{Antonio Gonzales}|
\DefinePseudonym{\AnGo}{pseudonym}{Edwin Smith}{Ted}{Antonio Gonzales}%


   % Error and default; default is pseudonym:
%\verb|\AnGo[unknown specifier]|: \AnGo[unknown specifier]\\
   % Error and default; default is pseudonym:
%\verb|\AnGo[]|: \AnGo[]\\
   % default; default is pseudonym:
\verb|\AnGo|: \AnGo\\
   % pseudonym:
\verb|\AnGo[pseudonym]|: \AnGo[pseudonym]\\
   % short form:
\verb|\AnGo[sh]|: \AnGo[sh]\\
   % real name:
\verb|\AnGo[real]|: \AnGo[real]




稍微变化一下egreg 的回答\definepseudonym允许您在未提供可选参数的情况下在调用默认值时指定:


 {% #1 = command name
  % #2 = default used in case of not providing the optional argument
  % #3 = pseudonym
  % #4 = other names
    \prop_item:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { ##1 }
  \prop_gclear_new:c { g_pseudonym_#1_prop }
  \prop_gset_from_keyval:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { #4 }
  \prop_gput:cnn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { pseudonym } { #3 }

\definepseudonym{AnGo}[pseudonym]{Edwin Smith}{
  real=Antonio Gonzalez,


\AnGo[real] was known as \AnGo[pseudonym] abbreviated in \AnGo[sh].
He was born in \AnGo[birthplace].

Applying \verb|\AnGo| without optional argument yields the pseudonym: \AnGo

This is because within \verb|\definepseudonym|'s second argument, which is 
optional, "pseudonym" was specified as the default which is to be used when
not providing an optional argument.

If instead of "pseudonym", e.g., "real" was specified here, then
\verb|\AnGo| without optional argument would yield the real
name/the value of the "real"-property.




 {% #1 = command name
  % #2 = default used in case of not providing the optional argument
  % #3 = property-value-list
    \prop_item:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { ##1 }
  \prop_gclear_new:c { g_pseudonym_#1_prop }
  \prop_gset_from_keyval:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { #3 }

  pseudonym=Edwin Smith,
  real=Antonio Gonzalez,


\AnGo[real] was known as \AnGo[pseudonym] abbreviated in \AnGo[sh].
He was born in \AnGo[birthplace].

Applying \verb|\AnGo| without optional argument yields the pseudonym: \AnGo

This is because within \verb|\definepseudonym|'s second argument, which is 
optional, "pseudonym" was specified as the default which is to be used when
not providing an optional argument.

If instead of "pseudonym", e.g., "real" was specified here, then
\verb|\AnGo| without optional argument would yield the real
name/the value of the "real"-property.




\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prop_item:Nn {cx}
\tl_new:N {\jan_GlobalPseudonymDefault}
\tl_gset:Nn {\jan_GlobalPseudonymDefault} {pseudonym}
\NewDocumentCommand{\SetGlobalPseudonymDefault}{m}{\tl_gset:Nn {\jan_GlobalPseudonymDefault} {#1}}
 {% #1 = command name
  % #2 = property-value-list
    \prop_item:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { ##1 }
  \prop_gclear_new:c { g_pseudonym_#1_prop }
  \prop_gset_from_keyval:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { #2 }
  \prop_if_in:cnTF{ g_pseudonym_#1_prop }{ default }{}{%
   \prop_gput:cnV { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { default } { \jan_GlobalPseudonymDefault }
  \prop_gput:cnx { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { default }
  { \prop_item:cx { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { \prop_item:cn { g_pseudonym_#1_prop } { default } } }

% The global default is initialized to "peseudonym" but we change it
% to the real name:

  pseudonym=Edwin Smith,
  real=Antonio Gonzalez,
  % Override the global default:


\AnGo[real] was known as \AnGo[pseudonym] abbreviated in \AnGo[sh].
He was born in \AnGo[birthplace].

Applying \verb|\AnGo| without optional argument yields the pseudonym: \AnGo

This is because within \verb|\definepseudonym|'s second argument, pseudonym
was specified as the value of the default-property.

If the default-property would not have been specified here, it would have
got the value stored in \verb|\jan_GlobalPseudonymDefault|, which in turn
can be changed globally via \verb|\SetGlobalPseudonymDefault|.

