我正在使用发布的示例背面创建封面。当我添加更多项目时,我遇到了以下问题:(1) 封面页有两页而不是一页,(2) 垂直线未对齐。
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} % A4 paper size and default 12pt font size
% Set figures path
\newcommand*{\plogo}{\includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,scale=0.1]{winterfell.png}} % Generic dummy publisher logo
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage{stix} % Use the STIX fonts
\begin{titlepage} % Suppresses displaying the page number on the title page and the subsequent page counts as page 1
\raggedleft % Right align the title page
\rule{1pt}{\textheight} % Vertical line
\hspace{0.05\textwidth} % Whitespace between the vertical line and title page text
\parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{ % Paragraph box for holding the title page text, adjust the width to move the title page left or right on the page
{\Huge\bfseries Kolkata Paise} \\
{\Huge\bfseries {Restaurant (v2)}}\\
{\Large\textbf{University of WinterFell}}\\
{\Large\textbf{Degree in Night's Watch}}\\
{\Large\textbf{Exam in white walkers peacekeeper}}\\
{\Large\textsc{Jon Snow}} \\
{\large\textsc{Id: 1234567}}\\
{\large email: \textit{[email protected]}}\\
\vspace{0.5\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
{\noindent \plogo}\\[\baselineskip] % Publisher and logo
可以使用多个 s 来在两个元素之间获得更多空间。
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} % A4 paper size and default 12pt font size
% Set figures path
\newcommand*{\plogo}{\includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,scale=0.1]{winterfell.png}} % Generic dummy publisher logo
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage{stix} % Use the STIX fonts
\begin{titlepage} % Suppresses displaying the page number on the title page and the subsequent page counts as page 1
\raggedleft % Right align the title page
\rule{1pt}{\textheight} % Vertical line
\hspace{0.05\textwidth}% Whitespace between the vertical line and title page text
\parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{% Paragraph box for holding the title page text, adjust the width to move the title page left or right on the page
Kolkata Paise\par
Restaurant (v2)\par
University of WinterFell\par
Degree in Night's Watch\par
Exam in white walkers peacekeeper\par
Jon Snow\par
Id: 1234567\par
email: \textit{[email protected]}
% Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
记住:我们对 MS Word 之神该说些什么?