我想将目录中未编号章节的缩进同步到章节号的位置(首选)或者至少在使用 KOMA-Script、词汇表和 LuLaTex 下的 imakeindex 时同步它们。
toc=indentunnumbered 没有帮助(索引缩进有问题)
以下是 MWE:
variant = german,
spelling = new,
acronym = true,
toc = true,
numberline = true,
nopostdot = true,
section = chapter,
nomain = true,
description={An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set
of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and
make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software
program that implements that API}}
\newglossaryentry{api}{type=\acronymtype, name={API}, description={Application
Programming Interface}, first={Application
Programming Interface (API)\glsadd{apig}}, see=[Glossary:]{apig}}
type = \acronymtype,
title = Acronyms,
toctitle = Acronyms,
style = list,
nonumberlist = true,
variant = german,
spelling = new,
acronym = true,
toc = true,
%numberline = true,% <- remove this
nopostdot = true,
section = chapter,
nomain = true,
description={An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set
of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and
make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software
program that implements that API}}
\newglossaryentry{api}{type=\acronymtype, name={API}, description={Application
Programming Interface}, first={Application
Programming Interface (API)\glsadd{apig}}, see=[Glossary:]{apig}}
type = \acronymtype,
title = Acronyms,
toctitle = Acronyms,
style = list,
nonumberlist = true,
variant = german,
spelling = new,
acronym = true,
toc = true,
numberline = true,
nopostdot = true,
section = chapter,
nomain = true,
\indexsetup{level=\addchap}% <- added
description={An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set
of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and
make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software
program that implements that API}}
\newglossaryentry{api}{type=\acronymtype, name={API}, description={Application
Programming Interface}, first={Application
Programming Interface (API)\glsadd{apig}}, see=[Glossary:]{apig}}
\makeindex% <- remove option intoc
type = \acronymtype,
title = Acronyms,
toctitle = Acronyms,
style = list,
nonumberlist = true,