我正在使用 Latex 在书籍环境中撰写论文。每章的方程式编号都以前缀“1”开头,即第 1 章中的方程式编号为 1.1、1.2 等;第 2 章的方程式编号也以 1.1、1.2 等开头。我希望有以下内容
第 1 章 1.1、1.2、...
第 2 章 2.1、2.2、...
第 3 章 3.1、3.2、...
我尝试了很多解决方案,但无论是使用 amsmath 包的默认设置还是使用 chngcntr 和 counterwithin{}{} 都无法正确解决问题。示例代码也附在这里enter code here
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb, amsthm}
\usepackage[font={it,small}]{caption}% Support for small, `sub' figures and tables
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, rotating}% <-- added for tables
\theoremstyle{plain}% Theorem-like structures provided by amsthm.sty
\usepackage{subcaption} % Package to add a matrix like picture structure i.e. an mxn frame
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % Libraray for the figures related to instance reductions
\usepackage[acronym, nohypertypes={acronym}, nonumberlist]{glossaries}
\newglossaryentry{U}{name={$U$},description={the set of all things}}
\newacronym{mci}{MCI}{Minimum Connectivity Inference}
\newacronym{mst}{MST}{Minimum Spanning Tree}
\chapter{First chapter}\label{ch:mci-formul}
\section{A section}\label{mst-formul}
\subsection{A subsection}
We give first set of equations:
\sum_{e\in E} x_e & = m-1, & \label{subeq211a}\\
\sum_{e\in E(S)}x_e & \leq |S|-1,
&S\subset V, S \neq V, S \neq \emptyset. \label{subeq211b}
\chapter{Second chapter}\label{ch:mod-red}
\section{Section of ch 2}\label{simp-red}
\subsection{subsection of ch 2}
The first variant is as below:
\sum\limits_{a\in A_i^-(j)}f_a^i - \sum\limits_{a\in A_i^+(j)}f_a^i & = -1,
&j\in V_i\setminus V^{\max}_i,\, j\neq r_i, i\in I, \label{subeq411a}
f_{(j,k)}^i+f_{(k,j)}^i&\le(|V^R_i|-1)x_e, &\ e=\{j,k \} \in E(V_i)\setminus E(V^{\max}_i), i\in I, \label{subeq411b}\\
f^i_a & \geq 0, & a \in A(V_i)\setminus A(V^{\max}_i), i\in I. \label{subeq411c}