

我有一个拆分方程,如下面的 MWE 所示。但是,当我单击相应的超链接时,它会将我引导/指向第一个方程行之前的文本行。我希望它指向第一个方程行。这可能吗?如果可能,怎么做?提前谢谢!



A &= B\\
C &= D\\
E &= F\\
G &= H = I = \\
& \quad = J = K


Insertion of~\eqref{eq:1}




  • 环境中的第一个方程线equation

  • align或环境中的当前行gather(可以轻松添加其他环境,见下文)。


  1. 自动选择自定义标签命令:总是使用\myeqlabel创建方程标签;

  2. 手动选择自定义标签命令:

    • \myeqlabelnoauto*在诸如align和之类的环境中使用,可获得给定行的计数器gather的正确值equation结束一行的命令\\(即,计数器在必须调用的点处太小了一个单位,\myeqlabelnoauto*以便引用指向我们想要的行);
    • \myeqlabelnoautoequation计数器在被调用的地方已经正确时使用\myeqlabelnoauto(通常,所有其他情况)。


\seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_euclides_special_envs_seq { align, gather }




\seq_new:N \g_euclides_special_envs_seq
\seq_gset_from_clist:Nn \g_euclides_special_envs_seq { align, gather }

\prg_new_protected_conditional:Npnn \euclides_if_special_env:n #1
  { T, F, TF }
    \seq_if_in:NnTF \g_euclides_special_envs_seq {#1}
      { \prg_return_true: }
      { \prg_return_false: }

\prg_generate_conditional_variant:Nnn \euclides_if_special_env:n { V }
  { T, F, TF }

\NewDocumentCommand \ifeuclspecialenv { m m m }
    \euclides_if_special_env:VTF #1 {#2} {#3}





% Manual labelling command: depending on the enclosing environment, one has to
% use the normal or the star form.

    \edef\my@tmp@eqnum{\number\numexpr \value{equation} #1 \relax}%

% Automatic detection of the appropriate labelling command: the code will use
% either \myeqlabelnoauto or \myeqlabelnoauto* depending on the enclosing
% environment.

% Referencing command that goes with the above labelling commands.
  \zref@refused{#1}% uses \zref@wrapper@babel internally



The \verb|equation| environment increments the \verb|equation| counter at the
beginning of the environment; use either \verb|\myeqlabel| or
\verb|\myeqlabelnoauto| there. This example shows a \verb|split| environment
inside \verb|equation|:
    A &= B\\
    C &= D + E\\
      & \quad + F + G

The \verb|align| environment increments the \verb|equation| counter
\emph{after} the \verb|\\| that ends a line; use either \verb|\myeqlabel| or
\verb|\myeqlabelnoauto*|. This example shows an \verb|align| environment:
  \myeqlabel{other-eq-a} a &= b + c+ d + e   & u - v &= f + f'\\
  \myeqlabel{other-eq-b}   &= g              &     z &= h\\
  \myeqlabel{other-eq-c}   &= i              &     t &= j

The \verb|gather| environment is similar to \verb|align| as far as the macros
developed here are concerned; use either \verb|\myeqlabel| or
\myeqlabel{gather-eq-a} a_1 = b_1 + c_1\\
\myeqlabel{gather-eq-b} a_2 = b_2 + c_2 - d_2 + e_2
Pointers to equations \myeqref{some-eq}, \myeqref{other-eq-a},
\myeqref{other-eq-b}, \myeqref{other-eq-c}, \myeqref{gather-eq-a}
and \myeqref{gather-eq-b}.



您可以局部地或整体地更改由 hyperref 提升的链接数量:


Some preliminary text...
%also possible, default is 1 \baselineskip.
A &= B \\
C &= D = E = \\
& \quad = F = G

Insertion of~\eqref{eq:1}

