Latex 中的随机数和变量

Latex 中的随机数和变量

以下是我的 MWE。我了解 tikz 和 foreachs 的要点,但谈到变量时,我还不太明白。




  1. 创建一个 if 语句来检查 rand 数是多少,并将其链接到模块。例如 rand == 1 -> Module 1; rand == 2 Module 2; rand == 3 Module 875 等等。我无法让它像这样工作\ifnum\rand=1

  2. 从一组中获取一个随机数。

我更喜欢方法 2,但如果您能给我提供任何有关如何操作的提示,我将非常高兴!


a4paper,            %   Papierformat A4
12pt,               %   Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline,        %   mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot,   %   Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, %   Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im 
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc,        %   Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn,              %   Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert 
headings=normal     %       Etwas kleinere Überschriften
\usepackage[first=1, last=4]{lcg}
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning}



    \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0},
    %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
    %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
    %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
    label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters) {

    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) {Modul 1};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) {Modul 2};
    \node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) {$\cdots$};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) {Modul 875};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) {Modul 876};
    %\foreach \x in {1,2,...,5}
    \foreach \x in {-7.5, -6.5,..., 7.5}
        {   %\rand;
            \draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (\x,-0.35) -- (\num,-2);}
    %\draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
    %\draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
    %\node[font=\Huge\sffamily, draw] {Skippd};
    %\node[font=\Huge\sffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] {Skipped};

    \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white},
    %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
    %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
    %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
    label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output) {
    \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0},
    %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
    %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
    %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
    label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters) {

    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-6.5,-4) {Modul 1};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (-2.5,-4) {Modul 2};
    \node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) {$\cdots$};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (2.5,-4) {Modul 875};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (6.5,-4) {Modul 876};

    %\draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-6.5,-2);
    %\draw [fill=gray] (-8,-4) rectangle (-6,-1);
    %\draw [->, line width=0.5mm] (-7.5,-0.35) -- (-7,-0.95);
    %\node[font=\Huge\sffamily, draw] {Skippd};
    %\node[font=\Huge\sffamily, below left=0pt of Clusters-3-14.north east] {Skipped};

    \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white},
    %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
    %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
    %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
    label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output) {
    \caption{Lokale Rekonstruktion}


pgf 附带一个工具,可以从列表中随机选择一个项目。在您的示例中,可以像您所说的那样



a4paper,            %   Papierformat A4
12pt,               %   Schrift 12-Punkt
headsepline,        %   mit Linie unter der Kopfzeile
numbers=noenddot,   %   Nummern ohne Punkt am Ende
bibliography=totoc, %   Literaturverzeichnis mit Nummer im 
Inhaltsverzeichnis (``TO Table Of Contents'')
index=totoc,        %   Index mit Nummer im Inhaltsverzeichnis
fleqn,              %   Formeln werden linksbündig statt zentriert 
headings=normal     %       Etwas kleinere Überschriften
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning,calc}

    \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white, inner sep=0, outer sep = 0},
    %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
    %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
    %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
    label=above:Digi Input] (Clusters) {

    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm]
     (module-1) at (-6.5,-4) {Modul 1};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] 
     (module-2) at (-2.5,-4) {Modul 2};
    \node[ minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] at (0,-4) {$\cdots$};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] 
     (module-3) at (2.5,-4) {Modul 875};
    \node[draw, shape=rectangle, minimum height=4cm,minimum width=3cm] 
     (module-4)at (6.5,-4) {Modul 876};

    \matrix[matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
    nodes = {minimum height=7mm, minimum width=1cm, anchor=center, draw, fill=white},
    %column 1/.style={nodes={fill=orange}},
    %row 1/.style={nodes={fill=green}},
    %row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
    label=below:Cluster Output] at (0,-8)(Cluster Output) {

    \foreach \Y in {1,...,16}
        {   %\rand;
            \path (Clusters-1-\Y.south) --  (module-\num.90-2*\Y+17)
            coordinate[pos=0.4] (aux0) coordinate[pos=0.5] (aux1);
            \draw [-latex,thick,\mycolor] let \p1=($(aux1)-(aux0)$),
            \n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in 
            (Clusters-1-\Y.south) to[out=-90,in=\n1+180]
            (aux0) -- (aux1) to[out=\n1,in=90]  (module-\num.90-4*\Y+34);}
%   \foreach \X in {1,2,875,876}
%   {\foreach \Y in {1,...,16}
%   {\draw[-latex,thick] (Clusters-1-\Y.south) to (module-\X.north);
%   \draw[-latex,thick] (module-\X.south) to (Cluster Output-1-\Y.north);}}

    \caption{Lokale Rekonstruktion}



\foreach \Y in {1,...,16}
    {   %\rand;
        \draw[thick,-latex,\mycolor] (Clusters-1-\Y.south) 
        to[out=-90,in=90,looseness=0.3]  (module-\num.90-4*\Y+34);}  


