我正在使用 Texstudio 撰写论文,出现警告和错误,但我似乎找不到其来源。错误是Paragraph ended before \HyRef@autoref was complete
,Texstudio 说它在第 3 行:\usepackage{setspace}
警告是Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):(hyperref) removing '\gls'
,并且 Texstudio 引用了行{\scshape\LARGE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering \par}
\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{NTULogo.png}\par \vspace{1cm}
{\scshape\LARGE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering \par}
{\huge\bfseries Investigation of coil springs made with additive manufacturing\par}
{\Large\itshape Enea Sacco\par}
Supervised by\par
\textsc{Moon} Seung Ki (Asst. Prof)
% Bottom of the page
{\large \today\par}
Blah blah blah
\chapter{Literature review: 3D printing for the space sector}\label{3DP_for_space}
\chapter{Creation of an orthotropic model for PLA}\label{pla_testing}
\chapter{Multi-material finite element simulation of 3D printed materials}\label{fea_3dp_materials}
\chapter{Exploration of 3D printed springs}\label{compression_springs}
\chapter{Strain oscillations in during slow tensile loading}\label{strain_oscillations}
\chapter{Derivation of an equation for the spring constant of 3D printed springs}\label{3dp_springs}
\chapter{Conclusions and future work}\label{conc}
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