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\caption{Valuation errors by the combinatorial selection schemes for the S\&P sub-indices}
\begin{flushleft} This table reports the median and arithmetic mean of the absolute percentage errors generated by the two combinatorial peer selection schemes SBP\Plus SARD and GICS\Plus SARD, for constituents of the S\&P 500, 400 and 600 indices. The median and arithmetic mean of the pairwise valuation error differences are statistically tested through the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Student's t-test, respectively. Each combinatorial selection scheme has used the EV/EBITDA, EV/EBIT and P/E multiple to value a target firm. A positive pairwise median difference indicates that the SBP\Plus SARD generates a higher valuation accuracy, relative to GICS\Plus SARD, and vice versa. Statistical significance is denoted by *, **, *** indicating 10\%, 5\% and 1\% respectively. \\ 
\end{flushleft} \vspace{0.2cm}
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{S\&P 500}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Median}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Mean}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{IQ range}} \\
\textbf{EV/EBITDA} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 25.1\% (2) & 31.5\% (2) & 34.2\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 20.7\% (1) & 27.9\% (1) & 27.4\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{4.2\%***} & \textbf{3.5\%***} &  \\
\textbf{EV/EBIT} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 23.7\% (2) & 29.6\% (2) & 31.4\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 20.5\% (1) & 27.5\% (1) & 28.2\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{2.5\%***} & \textbf{2.0\%***} &  \\
\textbf{P/E} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 30.5\% (2) & 42.2\% (2) & 45.6\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 27.7\% (1) & 39.2\% (1) & 41.2\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{3.3\%***} & \textbf{3.0\%***} &  \\
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{S\&P 400}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Median}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Mean}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{IQ range}} \\
\textbf{EV/EBITDA} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 27.7\% (2) & 42.4\% (2) & 36.6\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 24.8\% (1) & 33.1\% (1) & 34.3\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{2.9\%***} & \textbf{10.3\%***} &  \\
\textbf{EV/EBIT} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 30.8\% (2) & 44.5\% (2) & 39.6\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 25.3\% (1) & 34.2\% (1) & 33.2\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{5.9\%***} & \textbf{2.0\%***} &  \\
\textbf{P/E} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} \\
GICS+SARD & \multicolumn{1}{l}{40.0\% (2)} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{52.6\% (2)} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{55.7\% (2)} \\
SBP+SARD & \multicolumn{1}{l}{34.1\% (1)} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{48.9\% (1)} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{45.9\% (1)} \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{6.2\%***} & \textbf{3.6\%***} &  \\ \hline
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{S\&P 600}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Median}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Mean}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{IQ range}} \\ \hline
\textbf{EV/EBITDA} &  &  & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} \\
GICS+SARD & 28.2\% (2) & 40.0\% (2) & 36.1\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 24.6\% (1) & 31.3\% (1) & 32.1\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{3.9\%***} & \textbf{8.7\%***} &  \\
\textbf{EV/EBIT} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 27.1\% (2) & 36.3\% (2) & 36.3\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 25.3\% (1) & 31.7\% (1) & 33.9\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{2.7\%***} & \textbf{4.6\%***} &  \\
\textbf{P/E} &  &  &  \\
GICS+SARD & 33.4\% (2) & 45.6\% (2) & 43.7\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 30.5\% (1) & 37.8\% (1) & 37.9\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{4.6\%***} & \textbf{7.8\%***} &  \\ \hline






\caption{Valuation errors by the combinatorial selection schemes for the S\&P sub-indices}
\parbox{\textwidth}{This table reports the median and arithmetic mean of the absolute percentage errors generated by the two combinatorial peer selection schemes SBP+SARD and GICS+SARD, for constituents of the S\&P 500, 400 and 600 indices. The median and arithmetic mean of the pairwise valuation error differences are statistically tested through the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Student's t-test, respectively. Each combinatorial selection scheme has used the EV/EBITDA, EV/EBIT and P/E multiple to value a target firm. A positive pairwise median difference indicates that the SBP+SARD generates a higher valuation accuracy, relative to GICS+SARD, and vice versa. Statistical significance is denoted by *, **, *** indicating 10\%, 5\% and 1\% respectively.}

{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{S\&P 500}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Median}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Mean}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{IQ range}} \\
\textbf{EV/EBITDA} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 25.1\% (2) & 31.5\% (2) & 34.2\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 20.7\% (1) & 27.9\% (1) & 27.4\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{4.2\%***} & \textbf{3.5\%***} & \\
\textbf{EV/EBIT} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 23.7\% (2) & 29.6\% (2) & 31.4\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 20.5\% (1) & 27.5\% (1) & 28.2\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{2.5\%***} & \textbf{2.0\%***} & \\
\textbf{P/E} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 30.5\% (2) & 42.2\% (2) & 45.6\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 27.7\% (1) & 39.2\% (1) & 41.2\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{3.3\%***} & \textbf{3.0\%***} & \\[1ex]
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{S\&P 400}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Median}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Mean}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{IQ range}} \\
\textbf{EV/EBITDA} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 27.7\% (2) & 42.4\% (2) & 36.6\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 24.8\% (1) & 33.1\% (1) & 34.3\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{2.9\%***} & \textbf{10.3\%***} & \\
\textbf{EV/EBIT} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 30.8\% (2) & 44.5\% (2) & 39.6\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 25.3\% (1) & 34.2\% (1) & 33.2\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{5.9\%***} & \textbf{2.0\%***} & \\
\textbf{P/E} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} \\
GICS+SARD & \multicolumn{1}{l}{40.0\% (2)} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{52.6\% (2)} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{55.7\% (2)} \\
SBP+SARD & \multicolumn{1}{l}{34.1\% (1)} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{48.9\% (1)} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{45.9\% (1)} \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{6.2\%***} & \textbf{3.6\%***} & \\[1ex] \hline
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{S\&P 600}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Median}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Mean}} & {\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{IQ range}} \\ \hline
\textbf{EV/EBITDA} & & & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} \\
GICS+SARD & 28.2\% (2) & 40.0\% (2) & 36.1\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 24.6\% (1) & 31.3\% (1) & 32.1\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{3.9\%***} & \textbf{8.7\%***} & \\
\textbf{EV/EBIT} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 27.1\% (2) & 36.3\% (2) & 36.3\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 25.3\% (1) & 31.7\% (1) & 33.9\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{2.7\%***} & \textbf{4.6\%***} & \\
\textbf{P/E} & & & \\
GICS+SARD & 33.4\% (2) & 45.6\% (2) & 43.7\% (2) \\
SBP+SARD & 30.5\% (1) & 37.8\% (1) & 37.9\% (1) \\
Pairwise difference & \textbf{4.6\%***} & \textbf{7.8\%***} & \\ \hline


