Name Abbreviation percentage
Bod-Kin LS1 60
Intraper LS2 40
Verb-Ling LS3 20
Spat-Vis LS4 10
Natur LS5 5
Interper LS6 0
Mus LS7 0
Log-Math LS8 0
条形图仅涉及百分比值高于 0 的行,并且它看起来像这样。
这是我的 MWE。
Name Abbreviation percentage
Bod-Kin LS1 60
Intraper LS2 40
Verb-Ling LS3 20
Spat-Vis LS4 10
Natur LS5 5
Interper LS6 0
Mus LS7 0
Log-Math LS8 0
\newgeometry{top=35px, left=44px, right=43.7px,bottom=60.4px}
%% calculate how many attributes have positive value
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key={percentage}, sort cmp=int >]{\datatablesorted}{\datatableA}
\foreach \k in {0,...,\RowsInTable}{
%% draw names of bar plot
\foreach \k in {0,...,\value{mya}}{
\node at (0,-\k) {\fontsize{12px}{16px}\selectfont\color{gray}\pgfplotsretval};
%draw bar plots
\pgfmathsetmacro\lengthpernodeA{0.9*\curlength / \maxlength}
\fill [hashc] (0.5,-\k-0.25) rectangle (\lengthpernodeA\textwidth,0.25-\k);
MWE 给了我这个
不代表 egreg ;-) 那么它就可以工作。这就是以下代码的作用,其中我删除了这里不需要的包。
Name Abbreviation percentage
Bod-Kin LS1 60
Intraper LS2 40
Verb-Ling LS3 20
Spat-Vis LS4 10
Natur LS5 5
Interper LS6 0
Mus LS7 0
Log-Math LS8 0
\newgeometry{top=35px, left=44px, right=43.7px,bottom=60.4px}
%% calculate how many attributes have positive value
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key={percentage}, sort cmp=int >]{\datatablesorted}{\datatableA}
\foreach \k in {0,...,\RowsInTable}{
%% draw names of bar plot
\edef\maxlength{\pgfplotsretval} % <----
\foreach \k in {0,...,\value{mya}}{
\node at (0,-\k) {\fontsize{12px}{16px}\selectfont\color{gray}\pgfplotsretval};
%draw bar plots
\pgfmathsetmacro\lengthpernodeA{(0.9*\curlength /\maxlength)}
\fill [hashc] (0.5,-\k-0.25) rectangle (\lengthpernodeA\textwidth,0.25-\k);
这是使用 pgfplots 的 xbar 图的替代方法。它可能更容易定制。
Name Abbreviation percentage
Bod-Kin LS1 60
Intraper LS2 40
Verb-Ling LS3 20
Spat-Vis LS4 10
Natur LS5 5
Interper LS6 0
Mus LS7 0
Log-Math LS8 0
\pgfplotstablesort[sort key={percentage}, sort cmp=int <]{\datatablesorted}{\datatableA}
\foreach \k in {0,...,\RowsInTable}{
\begin{axis}[xbar,hide axis,clip=false]
\addplot [draw=none,fill=hashc,
y filter/.expression={
x<=0 ? nan : y
}] table[y expr=\coordindex,x=percentage] {\datatablesorted};
\node[left,gray] at (axis cs:0,#1-\number\value{mya}+\RowsInTable){\pgfmathparse{{\LstAbbr}[#1-1]}\pgfmathresult};}
Name Abbreviation percentage
Bod-Kin LS1 60
Intraper LS3 40
Verb-Ling LS4 20
Spat-Vis LS2 10
Natur LS5 5
Interper LS6 0
Mus LS7 0
Log-Math LS8 0