两张带有 TikZ Poster 的标题图片?定位在网站的右上角和左上角?

两张带有 TikZ Poster 的标题图片?定位在网站的右上角和左上角?

我想使用 2 个徽标,1 个在左角,1 个在右角靠近标题的位置。我无法让其中两个正确对齐。有人能帮我吗?

\documentclass[20pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=18mm, colspace=18mm, subcolspace=0mm]{tikzposter}


% Für weitere Autoren im Titelbereich

    \title{Detecting Multi-word Expressions in Typed Text} 


\author[1,2]{It is my name}
\author[1,2]{perhaps yours}

\affil[1]{first Institute}
\affil[2]{second Institute}

        {\bfseries \Huge \@title \par} %\textsc
        {\LARGE \@author \par}
        {\LARGE \@institute}
      \tikz[remember picture,overlay]\node[scale=0.8,anchor=east,xshift=0.51\linewidth,yshift=6cm,inner sep=0pt] {%






 \documentclass[25pt, a0paper, landscape, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}

\title{Detecting Multi-word Expressions in Typed Text} 
\institute{Graduate Center}




由于您已经适应了其他问题的不同部分,因此我正在使用该问题的改编版本。 在此处输入图片描述

\documentclass[20pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm, blockverticalspace=18mm, colspace=18mm, subcolspace=0mm]{tikzposter}

\title{Detecting Multi-word Expressions in Typed Text}
\author{KJO is my name, Perhaps Yours Goes here.}% If you need two lines it should be possible to add \\ between them
\institute{First Institute, Second Institute.}% If you need two lines it should be possible to add \\ between them


        {\bfseries \Huge \sc \@title \par}
        {\huge \@author \par}
        {\LARGE \@institute}%


