

我正在尝试为考试创建自定义分数表。目前,我们部门的讲师使用 MS Word 编写这些考试,因此为了减轻成长的烦恼,我希望尽可能地模仿旧设计。


我知道考试包中有一个内置成绩表,但格式不同。此外,对于包含子部分的问题(例如 1a-1h),无法直接访问每个部分的分值(考试包中有\pointsofquestion{#},但它仅引用顶层)。



正如评论中提到的,我一直在破解引用答案中发布的代码。目前,我能够获取问题部分的所有标签以及分值来创建表格的代码。下面是获取标签和分值的 MWE。我已经删除了构建表格的具体代码,因为我现在可以相当轻松地弄清楚该语法。



% redefine \question command to be \myquest
% redefine \part command to be \mypart

\tl_new:N \g_grade_list_tl % this is a grading list

\int_new:N \g_mcscore_int% this will be the multiple choice score
\int_new:N \g_frscore_int% this will be the free response score
\int_new:N \g_exscore_int% this will be the total exam score
%% Add question parts to grading list
    % don't do anything special inside solutions
      \int_gadd:Nn \g_frscore_int {#1}
      \tl_gput_right:Nx \g_grade_list_tl {\arabic{question}\alph{partno},}
      \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_list_tl {#1,}

\tl_use:N \g_grade_list_tl}





我所能做的是制作一个包含几个问题的文档,后面跟着一个评分表,然后显示表格下方的值和分数。表格下方的值仅用于测试目的,不会出现在最终产品中。目前表格右侧的垂直线缺失,但那只是因为我还没有完成每一行。 考试成绩表样本 v2

因此,我认为我的下一步是找到标签和值列表的长度,将其除以“一半”(如果问题/部分的数量是奇数,我想让 RHS 更长)。



阅读完 expl3 文档并进行实验后,我尝试使用序列构建表:


\def\scantronPt{1} %% Scantron point

% redefine \question command to be \myquest
% redefine \part command to be \mypart

\tl_new:N \g_grade_table_tl% this will; become the new grade table
\seq_new:N \g_grade_seq % this is a grading sequence

\int_new:N \g_mcscore_int% this will be the multiple choice score
\int_new:N \g_frscore_int% this will be the free response score
\int_new:N \g_exscore_int% this will be the total exam score

%% Add question parts to grading sequence
      \int_gadd:Nn \g_frscore_int {#1}
      \seq_gput_right:Nx \g_grade_seq {\arabic{question}\alph{partno}}
      \seq_gput_right:No \g_grade_seq {#1}

%% Add question to grading sequence
      \int_gadd:Nn \g_frscore_int {#1}
      \seq_gput_right:Nx \g_grade_seq {\arabic{question}}
      \seq_gput_right:No \g_grade_seq {#1}

\NewDocumentCommand\GradeTable{}{% the new grade table
  \seq_gput_right:Nn \g_grade_seq {Scantron}
  \seq_gput_right:Nx \g_grade_seq {\scantronPt}
  \seq_new:N \g_gradeLeft_seq

  %% Macro
  \def\seqLen{\seq_count:N \g_grade_seq} 
  \def\seqLeftLen{\seq_count:N \g_gradeLeft_seq}

  %% Grab sequence original length
  \int_const:Nn \seqOrigLen \seqLen

  %% Create two integer variables
  \int_new:N \leftSideLen \int_new:N \rightSideLen
  %% Compute length of left and right columns
  \int_gset:Nn \leftSideLen {\int_eval:n {2*\int_div_truncate:nn \seqOrigLen {4}}} 
  \int_gset:Nn \rightSideLen {\int_eval:n {\seqOrigLen-\int_use:N \leftSideLen}} 

  %% Split sequence in two
  \int_do_until:nNnn {\seqLen} = {\int_use:N \rightSideLen} {
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_grade_seq \l_tmpa_tl
    \seq_gpush:Nx \g_gradeLeft_seq \l_tmpa_tl
  \seq_reverse:N \g_gradeLeft_seq
  %% Displays sequences in terminal (debugging purposes)
  %\seq_show:N \g_gradeLeft_seq
  %\seq_show:N \g_grade_seq

  %% Build Table
  \int_do_until:nNnn {\seqLeftLen} = {0} {
    \tl_gput_right:Nn \g_grade_table_tl {\hline}
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_gradeLeft_seq \l_tmpa_tl
    \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_table_tl {\l_tmpa_tl & }
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_gradeLeft_seq \l_tmpa_tl
    \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_table_tl {\l_tmpa_tl &&}
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_grade_seq \l_tmpb_tl
    \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_table_tl {\l_tmpb_tl &}
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_grade_seq \l_tmpb_tl
    \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_table_tl {\l_tmpb_tl & \\}
  \seq_if_empty:NF \g_grade_seq {
    \tl_gput_right:Nn \g_grade_table_tl {\hline \multicolumn{2}{r}{}& }
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_grade_seq \l_tmpa_tl
    \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_table_tl {\l_tmpa_tl &}
    \seq_gpop:NN \g_grade_seq \l_tmpa_tl
    \tl_gput_right:No \g_grade_table_tl {\l_tmpa_tl & \\}
  %\seq_show:N \g_gradeLeft_seq
  %\seq_show:N \g_grade_seq
  \tl_show:N \g_grade_table_tl

  %\tl_gput_right:Nn \g_grade_table_tl {\hline Scantron&\scantronPt &&\\}
  \int_gadd:Nn \g_frscore_int {\scantronPt }
  \int_gadd:Nn \g_mcscore_int {\g_frscore_int}
  \tl_gclear:N \g_grade_table_tl
    \begin{tabular}{|*{6}{c|}} %% This syntax repeats column types
    \multicolumn{1}{|r|}{\textbf{Question}} & \multicolumn{1}{r|}{\textbf{Points~Possible}} & \multicolumn{1}{r|}{\textbf{Points~Earned}} & \textbf{Question} & \textbf{Points~Possible} & \textbf{Points~Earned}\\ \hline
    %\tl_use:N \g_grade_table_tl \hline
    \multicolumn{2}{r}{} & \multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textbf{Multiple~Choice}} & \int_use:N \g_mcscore_int & \\ \cline{3-6} 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textbf{Free~Response}} & \int_use:N \g_frscore_int &\\ \cline{3-6} 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{} & \multicolumn{2}{|r|}{\textit{\textbf{Exam~Total}}} & \int_use:N \g_exscore_int &\\ \cline{3-6} 


What if there were no air?
Describe the effect on the balloon industry.
Describe the effect on the aircraft industry.
    Define the universe.
    Give three examples.
    If the universe were to end, how would you know?



此时,我可以看到\g_grade_table_tl.log 文件中给出了我想要的内容,但是当我通过 pdflatex 运行此代码时,它会卡在函数处\GradeTable{}








% redefine \part command to be \mypart

% this will become a sequence of the part numbers and scores
% like: 1a&10&, 1b&8&, 1c&9&, 2a&6, 2b&8&, 3&12&, 4&14&, ...
\seq_new:N \g_part_scores_seq
\tl_new:N \g_grade_table_tl

\int_new:N \g_total_score_int% this will be the exam score
\int_new:N \g_number_of_scores_int
    % don't do anything special inside solutions
      % store both the part number and score in \g_part_scores_seq
      % together with their column separators for the tabular env
      \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \arabic{question}\alph{partno} }
      \tl_put_right:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {&}
      \tl_put_right:No \l_tmpa_tl {#1}
      \tl_put_right:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {&}
      \seq_gput_right:No \g_part_scores_seq \l_tmpa_tl
      % increment the running total and number of scores
      \int_gadd:Nn \g_total_score_int {#1}
      \int_gincr:N \g_number_of_scores_int
% print row #1 of the part scores in the grade table
\cs_new:Nn \__add_row_to_grade_table:n {
   \tl_gput_right:Nx \g_grade_table_tl {\seq_item:Nn \g_part_scores_seq {#1}}
   \tl_gput_right:Nn \g_grade_table_tl { & }
   \tl_gput_right:Nx \g_grade_table_tl {\seq_item:Nn \g_part_scores_seq {#1+\g_number_of_scores_int/2}}
   \tl_gput_right:Nn \g_grade_table_tl {\\\hline}
\NewDocumentCommand\GradeTable{}{% the new grade table
  % we need an exam number of scores so add two
  % empty cells if we have an odd number
  \int_if_odd:nT {\g_number_of_scores_int} {
      \seq_gput_right:Nn \g_part_scores_seq {&}
      \int_ginc:N \g_number_of_scores_int
  \int_gset:Nn \g_number_of_scores_int {\g_number_of_scores_int}
  \int_gadd:Nn \g_total_score_int { \multiplechoice }
  \int_gadd:Nn \g_total_score_int { \freeresponse }
  % create the grade table
  \tl_gclear:N \g_grade_table_tl
  \int_step_function:nnN {1} {\g_number_of_scores_int/2} \__add_row_to_grade_table:n
    Question & Points~Possible & Points~Earned & Question & Points~Possible & Points~Earned \\\hline
    \tl_use:N \g_grade_table_tl
        & \multiplechoice & \\\cline{3-6}
        & \freeresponse   & \\\cline{3-6}
        & \int_use:N \g_total_score_int & \\\cline{3-6}


      What if there were no air?
        Describe the effect on the balloon industry.
        Describe the effect on the aircraft industry.

        Define the universe.
        Give three examples.
        If the universe were to end, how would you know?




以下是更新内容(和流线型) 版本的上述代码将数据保存到辅助文件并将其读回以构建成绩表。这样,您可以将表格放在任何您喜欢的地方,包括在文档的开头,但也意味着您必须对文件进行两次 LaTeX 处理,才能看到任何分数。

在编译该文档两次或更多次之后,更新后的 MWE 给出以下输出:


这与之前大致相同,只是表格现在位于文档顶部。如果您只编译一次文档,则成绩表将没有单个问题或其部分的分数,总分将为 0。以下是更新后的代码:



% redefine \question command to be \myquest
% redefine \part command to be \mypart

% this will become a sequence of the part numbers and scores
% like: 1a,10,1b,8,1c,9,2a,6,2b,8,3,12,4,14, ...
\clist_new:N \g_grades_clist
\clist_new:N \g_grades_aux_clist

\int_new:N \g_row_int
\int_new:N \g_multiple_choice_int
\int_new:N \g_free_response_int
\int_new:N \g_grade_total_int
\int_new:N \g_number_of_scores_int

% add a question/part number and score to \g_grades_clist
\cs_new:Nn \__add_to_grades_list:nn {
  \clist_gput_right:Nx \g_grades_clist { #1 }
  \clist_gput_right:Nx \g_grades_clist { #2 }

    % don't do anything special inside solutions
      % store both the part number and score in \g_grades_clist
      \__add_to_grades_list:nn { \arabic{question} } { #1 }

    % don't do anything special inside solutions
      % store both the part number and score in \g_grades_clist
      \__add_to_grades_list:nn { \arabic{question}\alph{partno} } { #1 }

  \iow_now:cx { @auxout } {
    \token_to_str:N \SetGradeList { \g_grades_clist  } ^^J
    \token_to_str:N \SetMultipleChoice {\multiplechoice} ^^J
    \token_to_str:N \SetFreeResponse   {\freeresponse} ^^J
% set grade list, multiple choice and free responses from the aux file
\NewDocumentCommand\SetGradeList{m}{\clist_gset:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand\SetMultipleChoice{m}{\int_gset:Nn \g_multiple_choice_int {#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand\SetFreeResponse{m}{\int_gset:Nn \g_free_response_int {#1}}
% print row #1 of the part scores in the grade table
\cs_new:Nn \__add_row_to_grade_table: {
     \int_gincr:N \g_row_int
       \clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_row_int-1}
      &\clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_row_int}
       \int_gadd:Nn \g_grade_total_int {\clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_row_int}}
     \int_compare:nTF {2*\g_row_int+\g_number_of_scores_int <= \clist_count:N \g_grades_aux_clist }{
       \clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_row_int+\g_number_of_scores_int-1}
      &\clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_row_int+\g_number_of_scores_int}
        \int_gadd:Nn \g_grade_total_int {\clist_item:Nn \g_grades_aux_clist {2*\g_row_int+\g_number_of_scores_int}}
     \int_compare:nT {\g_row_int < \g_number_of_scores_int/2} { \__add_row_to_grade_table: }
\NewDocumentCommand\PrintGradeTable{}{% the new grade table
  % we need an exam number of scores so add two
  % empty cells if we have an odd number
  \int_set:Nn \g_number_of_scores_int {(\clist_count:N \g_grades_aux_clist)/2}
  \int_if_odd:nT {\g_number_of_scores_int} {
      \int_add:Nn \g_number_of_scores_int {1}
  \int_gzero:N \g_row_int % a counter to step through the rows
  \int_add:Nn \g_grade_total_int { \g_multiple_choice_int }
  \int_add:Nn \g_grade_total_int { \g_free_response_int }
  % create the grade table
    Question & Points~Possible & Points~Earned & Question & Points~Possible & Points~Earned \\\hline
    % the number of rows that we need is \g_number_of_scores_int/2
    \int_compare:nT {\g_number_of_scores_int>0} { \__add_row_to_grade_table: }
        & \int_use:N \g_multiple_choice_int & \\\cline{3-6}
        & \int_use:N \g_free_response_int   & \\\cline{3-6}
        & \int_use:N \g_grade_total_int & \\\cline{3-6}






  • 与新的 MWE 一样,我添加了\myquestion一个新命令\__add_to_grades_list:nn,用于将问题/部分标签和分数添加到成绩列表中
    • 我现在不再使用序列,而是使用 clists(=逗号分隔列表),因为这与辅助文件配合使用效果更好
    • 成绩数据保存到辅助文件中,然后读回\g_grades_aux_clist
    • 成绩表现已打印到位
    • 我仍然对多项选择题和自由回答题的标记进行硬编码,但我添加了代码来将这些值保存到辅助文件中
    • 新版本进行了徒手循环,以避免 overleaf 和 TeXLive 2019 尚未移植到 ubuntu 的潜在问题

编译该文档一次后,您将在 aux 文件中找到以下几行:



