

我正在使用parallel包来并排编写不同翻译的文本,我发现parallel包完成了并排文本,这里左栏是另一种语言,右栏是左栏文本的英语翻译,这里我遇到一个问题,当我们使用\textcolor{red}{ some long texts}它时应该给出红色即使我没有输入\textcolor{red}命令其他文本也变成红色,这里Jesus said to him变成红色但在我的代码中没有\textcolor{Jesus said to him},为什么它会给出红色,如何在乳胶中解决这个问题。这是我的MWE。


%\usepackage[english]{babel} %% This package make sure for hyphenation problem

 %    \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\leftmark} %% display chapter in header
  \fancyhead[LO,RE]{\thepage} %% To display numbering on every page alternately left and right
 %  \fancyhead[LO]{\small\thetitle}    % Odd page header and number to right top
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  \markright{{\scshape\currbook} \thebiblechapter:\thebibleverse}

\newcommand{\BookLine}{ \centering\noindent\rule{19cm}{1pt}}
\newcommand{\BookNote}[1]{{\begin{center} \textbf{KEPACHINI} \justify


\usepackage[perpage]{footmisc} %%% To restart footnote numbering on every new pages



\ParallelLText{\jverse{9}Jisu thakddunsi pulo, \textcolor{red}{``Philip, ne lapu-an arni keding nangtum along nangkedodun anta nangtum nephan nechininelangma? Nephan nekethek-long abang ke Po aphanta thek-long-lo. Tangte nang kopisi, `Netum aphan Po nepaklangtha,' pu kepulangma?}}    
\ParallelRText{\jverse{9}Jesus said to him, \textcolor{red}{``Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'?}}

以下是上述代码的输出 在此处输入图片描述


事实证明,答案甚至更简单。Heiko Oberdiek 编写了一个软件包pdfcolparallel,修复了使用颜色堆栈时出现的这个错误parallel。(可以说,这个问题应该通过替换自 2003 年以来被废弃的有缺陷的软件包来解决,而不是添加第二个名称不同的软件包。)

和以前一样,我使用 LuaLaTeX 进行编译,删除了该fontenc包,因为ebgaramondLuaLaTeX 会加载更现代的 OpenType 版本,并添加了microtype该包以改进左列的连字符。


\usepackage{pdfcolparallel, graphicx, microtype}
\usepackage[colorlinks, unicode]{hyperref}


\ParallelLText{\jverse{9}Jisu thakddunsi pulo, \textcolor{red}{``Philip, ne lapu-an arni keding nangtum along nangkedodun anta nangtum nephan nechininelangma? Nephan nekethek-long abang ke Po aphanta thek-long-lo. Tangte nang kopisi, `Netum aphan Po nepaklangtha,' pu kepulangma?}}
\ParallelRText{\jverse{9}Jesus said to him, \textcolor{red}{``Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'?}}


您可能仍会考虑为红字文本添加一个更具语义的命令,以防万一您想使用不同的红色色调。目前,有很多\textcolor{red}命令需要更改,而且并非所有命令(即使在您的 MWE 中)都与耶稣在福音书中的陈述有关。因此,如果您需要更改样式,您无法对它们进行搜索和替换。

定义\redletter Red-letter text\textred{Red-letter text}



让颜色在 tex 中自然地发挥作用确实很棘手....在这里我只需简单地将其强制恢复为黑色即可

\jverse{9}\textcolor{black}{Jesus said to him,} \textcolor{red}{``Have I been... 

如果可以使用 lualatex,那么您可以使用luacolor保留相同colorxcolor您习惯的命令的包,但使用完全不同的机制在内部记录颜色,其行为更像字体变化,因此拆分框不会导致颜色泄漏,就像经典 tex 颜色机制那样。




% not for luatex \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}

\usepackage{luacolor}% load after xcolor

%\usepackage[english]{babel} %% This package make sure for hyphenation problem

 %    \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\leftmark} %% display chapter in header
  \fancyhead[LO,RE]{\thepage} %% To display numbering on every page alternately left and right
 %  \fancyhead[LO]{\small\thetitle}    % Odd page header and number to right top
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  \markright{{\scshape\currbook} \thebiblechapter:\thebibleverse}

\newcommand{\BookLine}{ \centering\noindent\rule{19cm}{1pt}}
\newcommand{\BookNote}[1]{{\begin{center} \textbf{KEPACHINI} \justify


\usepackage[perpage]{footmisc} %%% To restart footnote numbering on every new pages



\ParallelLText{\jverse{9}Jisu thakddunsi pulo, \textcolor{red}{``Philip, ne lapu-an arni keding nangtum along nangkedodun anta nangtum nephan nechininelangma? Nephan nekethek-long abang ke Po aphanta thek-long-lo. Tangte nang kopisi, `Netum aphan Po nepaklangtha,' pu kepulangma?}}    
\ParallelRText{\jverse{9}Jesus said to him, \textcolor{red}{``Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'?}}


David Carlisle 的出色答案的另一种选择是从过时的 8 位编码切换到fontspec并使用其Color选项。这样您就可以使用 Unicode 以及您可以在文字处理器中使用的任何标准字体。



我还擅自添加了\usepackage{microtype}。如果您使用 LuaLaTeX 进行编译,其字体扩展应该会大大减少您在连字和自动换行方面遇到的问题。


\usepackage{parallel,graphicx, fontspec, microtype}
\usepackage[colorlinks, unicode]{hyperref}



\ParallelLText{\jverse{9}Jisu thakddunsi pulo, \textred{``Philip, ne lapu-an arni keding nangtum along nangkedodun anta nangtum nephan nechininelangma? Nephan nekethek-long abang ke Po aphanta thek-long-lo. Tangte nang kopisi, `Netum aphan Po nepaklangtha,' pu kepulangma?}}
\ParallelRText{\jverse{9}Jesus said to him, \textred{``Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father'?}}


这将添加新命令。\redlettter Text in red, \textred{Text in red}这将需要更改您的源代码,但如果您愿意,至少可以很容易地将红字文本更改为其他样式或阴影。




\newcommand{\ParallelLText}[2]{\begin{paracol}{2}\sloppy \switchcolumn[0]\noindent #1 \switchcolumn[1]\noindent #2 \end{paracol}}





     \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\leftmark} %% display chapter in header
   \fancyhead[LO,RE]{\thepage} %% To display numbering on every page alternately left and right
 %  \fancyhead[LO]{\small\thetitle}    % Odd page header and number to right top
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 %% Starts Add by Biki from Net

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   \markright{{\scshape\currbook} \thebiblechapter:\thebibleverse}

 \newcommand{\BookLine}{ \centering\noindent\rule{19cm}{1pt}}
 \newcommand{\BookNote}[1]{{\begin{center} \textbf{KEPACHINI} \justify


 \newcommand{\ParallelLText}[2]{\begin{paracol}{2}\sloppy \switchcolumn[0]\noindent  #1 \switchcolumn[1]\noindent #2 \end{paracol}}

 \usepackage[perpage]{footmisc} %%% To restart footnote numbering on every new pages


 \ParallelLText{\jverse{9}Jisu thakdunsi pulo, \textcolor{red}{“Philip, ne lapu-an arni keding nangtum along nangkedodun anta nangtum nephan nechininelangma? Nephan nekethek-long abang ke Po aphanta thek-long-lo. Tangte nang kopisi, ‘Netum aphan Po nepaklangtha,’ pu kepulangma?  }}{\jverse{9}Jesus said to him, \textcolor{red}{“Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? }} 


