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在 beamer 中编写引用
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\begin{frame}\begin{block}{Main objective}\begin{footnotesize}
 \justifying{Godsil \footnote{C.D. Godsil,
Inverses of trees,
{\em Combinatorica}, 5 (1985) 33-39.} posed the problem of characterizing the bipartite graphs with a unique perfect matching which possesses an inverse. Akbari and Kirkland \footnote{S. Akbari, S.J. Kirkland, On unimodular graphs,
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 421 (2007) 3-15.
} characterized the bipartite, unicyclic graphs with a unique perfect matching possessing an inverse. Among all such invertible bipartite, unicyclic graphs with
unique perfect matching, Tifenbach and Kirkland \footnote{
R. M. Tifenbach, S. J. Kirkland, Directed intervals and the dual of a graph,
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 431 (2009), 792-807.
} identified those that have self inverse.}


\footnote{C.D. Godsil,
Inverses of trees,
{\em Combinatorica}, 5 (1985) 33-39.}

 \footnote{S. Akbari, S.J. Kirkland, On unimodular graphs,
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 421 (2007) 3-15.

R. M. Tifenbach, S. J. Kirkland, Directed intervals and the dual of a graph,
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 431 (2009), 792-807.

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\begin{block}{Main objective}
\footnotesize \justifying
Godsil\footnotemark[1] posed the problem of characterizing the bipartite graphs with a unique perfect matching which possesses an inverse. Akbari and Kirkland\footnotemark[2] characterized the bipartite, unicyclic graphs with a unique perfect matching possessing an inverse. Among all such invertible bipartite, unicyclic graphs with
unique perfect matching, Tifenbach and Kirkland\footnotemark[3] identified those that have self inverse.

\footnotetext[1]{C.D. Godsil,
Inverses of trees,
{\em Combinatorica}, 5 (1985) 33-39.}
 \footnotetext[2]{S. Akbari, S.J. Kirkland, On unimodular graphs,
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 421 (2007) 3-15.
R. M. Tifenbach, S. J. Kirkland, Directed intervals and the dual of a graph,
{\em Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 431 (2009), 792-807.
