

我正在尝试将两个表放在一个threeparttable环境中。我的 TeX 代码如下所示:

\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, bm}
\usepackage{float, booktabs, makecell, caption, tabularx}


\caption{\textbf{Estimates of the MS-TVTP model}}
\multicolumn{7}{l}{Panel (A): Autoregressive matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$, constants $\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$ and $\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$ and decay parameter $\lambda$} \\
& \thead[l]{$\mathrm{Level}_{t-1}$} & \thead[l]{$\mathrm{Slope}_{t-1}$} &
\thead[l]{$\mathrm{Curvature}_{t-1}$} & $\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$ & $\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$ & $ \lambda $ & $p_{11}$ & $p_{22}$ \\
$\mathrm{Level}_{t}$ $(\beta_{1,t})$ & $ \bm{0.996} $ & & & 0.055 & & $ \bm{0.039} $ & 0.928 & 0.922 \\
& (0.003) & & & (0.038) & & (0.001)  \\
$\mathrm{Slope}_{t}$ $(\beta_{2,t})$ & & & & $ \bm{-1.412} $ &
$ \bm{-4.936} $ \\
& & & & (0.075) & (0.106) \\
$\mathrm{Curvature}_{t}$ $(\beta_{3,t})$ & & & $ \bm{0.979} $ & -0.088 & \\
& & & (0.010) & (0.046) & \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Panel (B): Time-varying transition probability matrix $P_t$} \\
&  \thead[l]{$S_t = 1$} & \thead[l]{$S_t = 2$} &  \\
$\gamma_0$ & $ \bm{7.000} $ & $ \bm{-0.999} $ & & \\
& (0.112)  & (0.460)        &                 & &       &        \\
$\gamma_1$ & $ \bm{1.834} $ & $ \bm{-0.626} $ & &       &        \\
& (0.659)  & (0.277)        & &               &         &        \\
$\gamma_2$ & 0.420          & 0.369           & &       &        \\
& (0.602)  & (0.514)        & &               &         &        \\
$\gamma_2$ & -0.292         & $ \bm{2.000} $  & &       &        \\
& (0.839)  & (0.597)        & &               &         &        \\
\item Note: This table reports estimates of the MS-DNS model. Panel (A) presents estimates for the autoregressive coefficient matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$, vector of means during periods of normal interest rates ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$) and in a low interest rate environment ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$), and decay parameter $\lambda$. Panel (B) presents estimates of the covariance matrix $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\eta}$, and the transition probabilities $p_{11}$ and $p_{22}$. Bold entries denote parameter estimates significant at the 5 percent level. Standard errors appear in parentheses.\par






删除了第二张表中的threeparttable\makebox 和多余的&,但字体较小,并进行了一些其他的重新排列:

\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, bm}
\usepackage{float, booktabs, makecell, caption, tabularx}



\caption{\textbf{Estimates of the MS-TVTP model}}


\multicolumn{7}{l}{Panel (A): Autoregressive matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$, constants $\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$ and $\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$ and decay parameter $\lambda$} \\
& \thead[l]{$\mathrm{Level}_{t-1}$} & \thead[l]{$\mathrm{Slope}_{t-1}$} &
\thead[l]{$\mathrm{Curvature}_{t-1}$} & $\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$ & $\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$ & $ \lambda $ & $p_{11}$ & $p_{22}$ \\
$\mathrm{Level}_{t}$ $(\beta_{1,t})$ & $ \bm{0.996} $ & & & 0.055 & & $ \bm{0.039} $ & 0.928 & 0.922 \\
& (0.003) & & & (0.038) & & (0.001)  \\
$\mathrm{Slope}_{t}$ $(\beta_{2,t})$ & & & & $ \bm{-1.412} $ &
$ \bm{-4.936} $ \\
& & & & (0.075) & (0.106) \\
$\mathrm{Curvature}_{t}$ $(\beta_{3,t})$ & & & $ \bm{0.979} $ & -0.088 & \\
& & & (0.010) & (0.046) & \\


Panel (B): Time-varying transition probability matrix $P_t$

&  \thead[l]{$S_t = 1$} & \thead[l]{$S_t = 2$} \\
$\gamma_0$ & $ \bm{7.000} $ & $ \bm{-0.999} $  \\
& (0.112)  & (0.460)                           \\
$\gamma_1$ & $ \bm{1.834} $ & $ \bm{-0.626} $  \\
& (0.659)  & (0.277)                           \\
$\gamma_2$ & 0.420          & 0.369            \\
& (0.602)  & (0.514)                           \\
$\gamma_2$ & -0.292         & $ \bm{2.000} $   \\
& (0.839)  & (0.597)                           \\

Note: This table reports estimates of the MS-DNS model. Panel (A) presents estimates for the autoregressive coefficient matrix $\boldsymbol{F}$, vector of means during periods of normal interest rates ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_1$) and in a low interest rate environment ($\boldsymbol{\mu}_2$), and decay parameter $\lambda$. Panel (B) presents estimates of the covariance matrix $\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{\eta}$, and the transition probabilities $p_{11}$ and $p_{22}$. Bold entries denote parameter estimates significant at the 5 percent level. Standard errors appear in parentheses.



