Debian 8 上使用 pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 和 MacOS HighSierra 进行 latex 编译的区别

Debian 8 上使用 pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 和 MacOS HighSierra 进行 latex 编译的区别

我正在尝试使用以下命令在 MacOS Sierra 10.13.6 和 Debian 8(pdfTex 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19)上获取报告的相同输出 PDF:

pdflatex rapport_m2
biber rapport_m2
biber rapport_m2
pdflatex rapport_m2
pdflatex rapport_m2

我的问题是我无法在 Debian OS 上获得引用,我得到的是“未定义的引用”,而在 MaOS 上则不太可能,在 MaOS 上我可以获得所有有效的引用(我谈论的是参考书目)。


Debian 上的日志编译

MacOS 上的日志编译

生成的页面数量也不同(MacOS 上有 39 页,而 Debian 上只有 37 页)。


  author = {{Hamilton}, A.~J.~S.},
  title = {{Linear Redshift Distortions: a Review}},
  booktitle = {The Evolving Universe},
  year = {1998},
  editor = {{Hamilton}, D.},
  volume = {231},
  series = {Astrophysics and Space Science Library},
  pages = {185},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},
  adsurl = {},
  bdsk-url-1 = {},
  doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-4960-0_17},
  eprint = {astro-ph/9708102}

%\usepackage[style=ext-authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}

\usepackage[style=ext-authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\Crefname{appendix}{l'Appendice}{les Appendices}



% Default fixed font does not support bold face
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttb}{T1}{txtt}{bx}{n}{9} % for bold
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttm}{T1}{txtt}{m}{n}{9}  % for normal

% Custom colors


% Python style for highlighting
otherkeywords={self},             % Add keywords here
emph={MyClass,__init__},          % Custom highlighting
emphstyle=\ttb\color{deepred},    % Custom highlighting style
frame=tb,                         % Any extra options here

% Python environment

% Python for external files









          \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
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        \scshape\strut\makebox[0pt]{\hspace{0pt plus 1 fill minus 1 fill}\@chapapp\hspace{0pt plus 1 fill minus 1 fill}} \\
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                 \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
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           \hbox{\vbox to \dimexpr 1mm+3pt{}}
                 \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
                 \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
           \hrule height 0.4pt depth 0pt width \hsize
           \hbox{\vbox to 6pt{}}
           \hbox{\hspace*{20pt}\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-2mm-6pt-\chapter@number@width-\tabcolsep-2\fboxrule-20pt}{\Huge\bfseries #1}}
          \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
          \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
        \scshape\strut\makebox[0pt]{\hspace{0pt plus 1 fill minus 1 fill}\phantom{\@chapapp}\hspace{0pt plus 1 fill minus 1 fill}} \\
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                 \hspace{\dimexpr 1mm+3pt}%
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           \hbox{\hspace*{20pt}\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-2mm-6pt-\chapter@number@width-\tabcolsep-2\fboxrule-20pt}{\Huge\bfseries #1}}


%%%% debut macro pour changer les marges localement %%%%
\setlength{\parsep}{0pt plus 1pt}%
}\item }{\end{list}}
%%%% fin macro %%%%

\chead{\hspace{-0.3cm}\textit{Rapport \hspace{-0.3cm}}}
\lfoot{\textit{christian joe}}
\cfoot{\hspace{1.6cm} \textit{ - \'etude des mat\'eriaux - }} 






不幸的是,在 Debian OS 上,我无法正确显示参考资料,我只看到了name出现在 中\autocite{name}


更新 1:确实,这是一个问题,biber并且出现了以下消息:

Output written on rapport_m2.pdf (37 pages, 1289330 bytes).
Transcript written on rapport_m2.log.
INFO - This is Biber 2.12
INFO - Logfile is 'rapport_m2.blg'
INFO - Reading 'rapport_m2.bcf'
INFO - Found 23 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'rapport_m2.bib' for section 0
INFO - LaTeX decoding ...
FATAL - Caught signal: SEGV
Likely your .bib has a very bad entry which causes libbtparse to crash: Inappropriate ioctl for device
./compil_rapport: line 14: 24506 Segmentation fault      biber rapport_m2

这似乎来自于我参考文献“@article”中逗号的问题:但为什么我在 MacOS 上没有遇到问题,而在 Debian/Linux 上却遇到了这个问题,这很奇怪......


$ biber --tool --debug debug_bib.tex
INFO - This is Biber 2.12 running in TOOL mode
INFO - Logfile is 'debug_bib.tex.blg'
INFO - DEBUG mode: all messages are logged to 'debug_bib.tex.blg'
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'debug_bib.tex'
Use of uninitialized value $benc in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Biber/Input/file/ line 1465.
INFO - LaTeX decoding ...
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 11, warning: 63 characters of junk seen at toplevel
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 418, warning: 2105 characters of junk seen at toplevel
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 418, warning: "}" in strange place -- should get a syntax error
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 418, syntax error: found "}", expected one of: start of entry ("{" or "(") or quoted string ({...} or "...")
invalid token near line 419 (text was '\')
invalid token near line 419 (text was '\')
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 470, warning: 5 characters of junk seen at toplevel
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Biber/Input/file/ line 1516.
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 470, syntax error: found "#", expected one of: start of entry ("{" or "(") or quoted string ({...} or "...")
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 550, warning: 907 characters of junk seen at toplevel
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Biber/Input/file/ line 1516.
invalid token near line 550 (text was '\')
/tmp/Dh8o_Onbpd/debug_bib.tex_27990.utf8, line 550, syntax error: found "ppendix", expected one of: start of entry ("{" or "(") or quoted string ({...} or "...")
invalid token near line 551 (text was '\')
invalid token near line 552 (text was '\')
invalid token near line 553 (text was '\')
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Biber/Input/file/ line 1516.
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "feb"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "may"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "nov"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "mar"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "oct"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "aug"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "jul"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "apr"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "jun"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "jan"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "dec"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "sep"
FATAL - Caught signal: SEGV
Likely your .bib has a very bad entry which causes libbtparse to crash: Inappropriate ioctl for device

我的文件 debug_bib.tex 位于此链接:用于调试 biber 的 latex 源代码

更新 3:

这里是 MacOS 版本的 biber 的输出(它可以编译):

warning: overriding existing definition of macro "mar"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "jul"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "feb"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "sep"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "nov"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "may"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "oct"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "jun"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "aug"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "apr"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "jan"
warning: overriding existing definition of macro "dec"
warning: comma(s) at end of name (removing)
author, warning: comma(s) at end of name (removing)
Use of uninitialized value $end in substitution (s///) at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.28/Biber/Input/file/ line 1023.
Use of uninitialized value $end in substitution (s///) at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.28/Biber/Input/file/ line 1023.
INFO - This is Biber 2.11
INFO - Logfile is 'rapport_m2.blg'
INFO - DEBUG mode: all messages are logged to 'rapport_m2.blg'
INFO - Reading 'rapport_m2.bcf'
INFO - Found 23 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'rapport_m2.bib' for section 0
INFO - LaTeX decoding ... 
INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'rapport_m2.bib'
INFO - Overriding locale 'fr-FR' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
INFO - Overriding locale 'fr-FR' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
INFO - Sorting list 'nyt/global//global/global' of type 'entry' with template 'nyt' and locale 'fr-FR'
INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'fr-FR'
INFO - Writing 'rapport_m2.bbl' with encoding 'latin1'
INFO - Output to rapport_m2.bbl


MacOS blg 文件输出 biber

以及.blgDebian 的:

Debian blg 文件输出 biber

