这Jang Soo Kim 的示例展示了如何使用 TikZ 创建平面分区。是否可以修改那里的代码,以便分区确实是一堆放在地板上并靠在墙上的块,如下图所示?是否可以这样做,以便可以独立于立方体的颜色指定地板和墙壁的颜色?(对于 MWE,请从示例中获取代码。)
这是 Jang Soo Kim 代码的快速改编,采用 3d 正交投影。立方体表面的颜色存储在 pgf 键中,例如xy face/.style={fill=red!20}
,这并不完全正确,因为它只是复制的,但对于 s 来说是正确的cube array
\tikzset{plane/.style n args={3}{insert path={%
#1 -- ++ #2 -- ++ #3 -- ++ ($-1*#2$) -- cycle}},
unit xy plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,1,0)}},
unit xz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
unit yz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(0,1,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
get projections/.style={insert path={%
let \p1=(1,0,0),\p2=(0,1,0) in
pics/unit cube/.style={code={
\path[get projections];
\draw (0,0,0) -- (1,1,1);
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(1,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,1,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,1)}];
3d cube/.cd,
xy face/.style={fill=red!20},
xz face/.style={fill=blue!20},
yz face/.style={fill=orange!30},
num cubes x/.estore in=\NumCubesX,
num cubes y/.estore in=\NumCubesY,
num cubes z/.estore in=\NumCubesZ,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y/.initial=1,num cubes z/.initial=1,
cube scale/.initial=0.9,
every face/.style={draw,very thick},
cube array/.style={code={%
\tikzset{3d cube/.cd,#1}
\path[get projections];
\foreach \X in \LstX
{\foreach \Y in \LstY
{\foreach \Z in \LstZ
{\path (\X-\NumCubesX/2-1,\Y-\NumCubesY/2-1,\Z-\NumCubesY/2-1)
pic[scale=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d cube/cube scale}]{unit cube};}}
\foreach \a in {#1} {
\foreach \b in \a {
\foreach \c in {1,...,\b} {
\path (\value{y},9-\value{x},\value{z}) pic{unit cube};
\tdplotsetmaincoords{70}{50} % the first argument cannot be larger than 90
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,tdplot_main_coords]
% draw the planes
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0,transform shape]
\path[fill=orange!50] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
\draw (0,0) grid (10,10);
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0,transform shape]
\path[fill=red!50] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
\draw (0,0) grid (10,10);
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=10,transform shape]
\path[fill=blue!50] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
\draw (0,0) grid (10,10);
\tikzset{plane/.style n args={3}{insert path={%
#1 -- ++ #2 -- ++ #3 -- ++ ($-1*#2$) -- cycle}},
unit xy plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,1,0)}},
unit xz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
unit yz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(0,1,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
get projections/.style={insert path={%
let \p1=(1,0,0),\p2=(0,1,0) in
pics/unit cube/.style={code={
\path[get projections];
\draw (0,0,0) -- (1,1,1);
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(1,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,1,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,1)}];
3d cube/.cd,
xy face/.style={fill=red!20},
xz face/.style={fill=blue!20},
yz face/.style={fill=orange!30},
num cubes x/.estore in=\NumCubesX,
num cubes y/.estore in=\NumCubesY,
num cubes z/.estore in=\NumCubesZ,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y/.initial=1,num cubes z/.initial=1,
cube scale/.initial=0.9,
every face/.style={draw,very thick},
cube array/.style={code={%
\tikzset{3d cube/.cd,#1}
\path[get projections];
\foreach \X in \LstX
{\foreach \Y in \LstY
{\foreach \Z in \LstZ
{\path (\X-\NumCubesX/2-1,\Y-\NumCubesY/2-1,\Z-\NumCubesY/2-1)
pic[scale=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/3d cube/cube scale}]{unit cube};}}
\foreach \a in {#1} {
\foreach \b in \a {
\foreach \c in {1,...,\b} {
\path (\value{y},9-\value{x},\value{z}) pic{unit cube};
\foreach \X in {0,10,...,350}
{\tdplotsetmaincoords{65+20*sin(\X)}{45+30*cos(2*\X)} % the first argument cannot be larger than 90
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,tdplot_main_coords]
\path[tdplot_screen_coords,use as bounding box] (-1,-6) rectangle (16,14);
% draw the planes
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0,transform shape]
\path[fill=orange!50] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
\draw (0,0) grid (10,10);
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0,transform shape]
\path[fill=red!50] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
\draw (0,0) grid (10,10);
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=10,transform shape]
\path[fill=blue!50] (0,0) rectangle (10,10);
\draw (0,0) grid (10,10);
附录:这里有一个版本,其中 Jang Soo Kim 的例程被重写,可以说更切题,以便其他人可以更轻松地修改它。仍然需要计数器的唯一原因是因为现在背景平面是自动完成的。当然,视图仍然是可调的,投影仍然是正交的。(的参数\Planepartition
取自 AndréC 的回答,因为我不太擅长计算立方体,但当然没有0
s,因为 LaTeX 正在进行所有计算,所以您不必手动添加0
s。)有各种 pgf 键,例如every face
\tikzset{plane/.style n args={3}{insert path={%
#1 -- ++ #2 -- ++ #3 -- ++ ($-1*#2$) -- cycle}},
unit xy plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,1,0)}},
unit xz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(1,0,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
unit yz plane/.style={plane={#1}{(0,1,0)}{(0,0,1)}},
get projections/.style={insert path={%
let \p1=(1,0,0),\p2=(0,1,0) in
pics/unit cube/.style={code={
\path[get projections];
\draw (0,0,0) -- (1,1,1);
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(1,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/yz face,unit yz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,0,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xz face,unit xz plane={(0,1,0)}];
\path[3d cube/every face,3d cube/xy face,unit xy plane={(0,0,1)}];
3d cube/.cd,
xy face/.style={fill=red!20},
xz face/.style={fill=blue!20},
yz face/.style={fill=orange!30},
num cubes x/.estore in=\NumCubesX,
num cubes y/.estore in=\NumCubesY,
num cubes z/.estore in=\NumCubesZ,
num cubes x=1,num cubes y/.initial=1,num cubes z/.initial=1,
cube scale/.initial=0.9,
every face/.style={draw,very thick},}
\foreach \Lst [count=\Z starting from 0] in {#1} {
\foreach \Xmax [count=\Y] in \Lst {
\foreach \X in {1,...,\Xmax}
{\path (\X-1,-\Y,\Z) pic{unit cube};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0,transform shape]
\path[/tikz/3d cube/xy face] (0,0) rectangle (\value{x},-\value{y});
\draw[/tikz/3d cube/every face] (0,0) grid (\value{x},-\value{y});
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0,transform shape]
\path[/tikz/3d cube/yz face] (0,0) rectangle (-\value{y},1+\value{z});
\draw[/tikz/3d cube/every face] (0,0) grid (-\value{y},1+\value{z});
\begin{scope}[canvas is zx plane at y=0,transform shape]
\path[/tikz/3d cube/xz face] (0,0) rectangle (1+\value{z},\value{x});
\draw[/tikz/3d cube/every face] (0,0) grid (1+\value{z},\value{x});
\tdplotsetmaincoords{70}{50} % the first argument cannot be larger than 90
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,tdplot_main_coords]
我已经调整了代码我之前的修改Jang Soo Kim 的代码,允许留下漏洞(位置标记为 0) 按照此要求上一个问题。
彩色的黑色!15。 这顶部就是现在白色的。
% The floor
\fill[fill=black!15, draw=black,shift={(\xaxis:#1)},shift={(\yaxis:#2)},
shift={(\zaxis:#3)}] (0,0) -- (30:1) -- (0,1) --(150:1)--(0,0);
我创建了一个新的 TeX 计数器,h
% new counter heigth of the wall
% initialise the height of the wall
\foreach \a in {#1}{
\foreach \b in \a {
\ifnum \b>\value{h} \setcounter{h}{\b}\fi
\foreach \c in {1,...,\value{h}} {
当\b = 0
\else {\floorside{\value{x}}{\value{y}}{\value{z}}}
- 当计数器
为 0 时,这种情况下右侧墙由左侧建造。 当计数器
为 0 时,这种情况下左墙由右侧建造。\ifnum\value{x}=0 \leftside{-1}{\value{y}}{\value{z}}\fi \ifnum\value{y}=0 \rightside{\value{x}}{-1}{\value{z}}\fi
% Three counters
% new counter heigth of the wall
% The angles of x,y,z-axes
% The top side of a cube
\fill[fill=white, draw=black,shift={(\xaxis:#1)},shift={(\yaxis:#2)},
shift={(\zaxis:#3)}] (0,0) -- (30:1) -- (0,1) --(150:1)--(0,0);
% The left side of a cube
\fill[fill=black!25, draw=black,shift={(\xaxis:#1)},shift={(\yaxis:#2)},
shift={(\zaxis:#3)}] (0,0) -- (0,-1) -- (210:1) --(150:1)--(0,0);
% The right side of a cube
\fill[fill=black!50, draw=black,shift={(\xaxis:#1)},shift={(\yaxis:#2)},
shift={(\zaxis:#3)}] (0,0) -- (30:1) -- (-30:1) --(0,-1)--(0,0);
% The cube
\topside{#1}{#2}{#3} \leftside{#1}{#2}{#3} \rightside{#1}{#2}{#3}
% The floor
\fill[fill=black!15, draw=black,shift={(\xaxis:#1)},shift={(\yaxis:#2)},
shift={(\zaxis:#3)}] (0,0) -- (30:1) -- (0,1) --(150:1)--(0,0);
% Definition of \planepartition
% To draw the following plane partition, just write \planepartition{ {a, b, c}, {d,e} }.
% a b c
% d e
% initialise the height of the wall
\foreach \a in {#1}{
\foreach \b in \a {
\ifnum \b>\value{h} \setcounter{h}{\b}\fi
% construction of the partition
\foreach \a in {#1} {
\foreach \b in \a {
\ifnum \b>0 {
\foreach \c in {1,...,\value{h}} {
\ifnum \c<\suivant
\else {
\ifnum\value{x}=0 \leftside{-1}{\value{y}}{\value{z}}\fi
\ifnum\value{y}=0 \rightside{\value{x}}{-1}{\value{z}}\fi
\else {\floorside{\value{x}}{\value{y}}{\value{z}}}
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