我希望 AIC 列和 BIC 列之间留出更多间距,以便 BIC 列中的减号不会与 AIC 列中的数字重叠。我该如何解决这个问题?
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, bm}
\usepackage{float, booktabs, makecell, caption, tabularx}
\caption{\textbf{Log-likelihood and information criteria of the Nelson-Siegel models}}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *{8}{S[table-format=1.1]} @{}}
& {Log-likelihood} & {\# parameters} & & {AIC} & & {BIC} & {LR-stat. (DNS)} & {LR-stat. (MS-DNS)} \\
DNS & 4239.95 & 18 & & -8443.91 & & -8372.24 & & \\
MS-DNS & 4930.78 & 20 & & -9821.55 & & -9741.93 & 1381.66 & \\
MS-DRA & 5067.14 & 38 & & -10058.28 & & -9906.98 & \times & 272.72 \\
MS-TVTP & 5012.43 & 26 & & -9972.85 & & -9869.34 & \times & 163.30 \\
MS-DNS-X & 5148.40 & 44 & & -10208.80 & & -10033.62 & \times & \times \\
\item Note: This table presents log-likelihood values, the number of parameters, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for the DNS model and its regime-switching (macro) extensions. In the fifth and sixth column, I present likelihood-ratio test statistics (\textit{LR-stat.}) of the regime-switching models against the DNS model, and of the regime-switching macro models against the MS-DNS model, respectively. \par
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, bm}
\usepackage{float, booktabs, makecell, caption, tabularx}
\caption{\textbf{Log-likelihood and information criteria of the Nelson-Siegel models}}
\sisetup{table-format=-5.2, table-number-alignment=center}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l S[table-format=4.2]c*{2}{S}S[table-format=4.2]S[table-format=3.2] @{}}%
& {\makecell{Log-\\likelihood}} & {\makecell{n\textsuperscript{o}\,of \\parameters}} & {AIC} & {BIC} & {\makecell{LR-stat.\\ (DNS)}} & {\makecell{LR-stat.\\ (MS-DNS)}} \\
DNS & 4239.95 & 18 & -8443.91 & -8372.24 & \\
MS-DNS & 4930.78 & 20 & -9821.55 & -9741.93 & 1381.66 & \\
MS-DRA & 5067.14 & 38 & -10058.28 & -9906.98 & $ \times $ & 272.72 \\
MS-TVTP & 5012.43 & 26 & -9972.85 & -9869.34 & $ \times $ & 163.30 \\
MS-DNS-X & 5148.40 & 44 & -10208.80 & -10033.62 & $ \times $ & $ \times $ \\
\item Note: This table presents log-likelihood values, the number of parameters, the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for the DNS model and its regime-switching (macro) extensions. In the fifth and sixth column, I present likelihood-ratio test statistics (\textit{LR-stat.}) of the regime-switching models against the DNS model, and of the regime-switching macro models against the MS-DNS model, respectively. \par