\newcommand 带有许多参数

\newcommand 带有许多参数


一个简单的 MWE 如下所示:


            param 1 & #1 \\
            param 2 & #2 \\
            param 3 & #3 \\
            param 4 & #4 \\
            param 5 & #5


但是,我需要传递超过 9 个参数。我该如何有效地做到这一点?有没有一种解决方案可以让我将一组索引(例如[1,3,5])传递给命令并产生所需的结果,即在相应位置带有复选标记的表格?


由于 30,000 个字符的限制,我不得不将此答案分成四个部分。



第2部分\usepackage由几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件组成,\RequirePackage这些文件/文件附带一些所需的子程序。

第 3 部分\usepackage还包含几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件\RequirePackage,这些文件带有一些所需的子程序。

第 4 部分提供一个 LaTeX 文档,该文档通过\RequirePackage/\usepackage加载包含所需子程序的包第2部分第 3 部分. 在该文档的头部,甚至在序言之前,这些子程序用于组合所需的通用和非通用用户级宏。

为了进行测试,请将提供的包文件/.sty 文件保存在第2部分第 3 部分以及text.tex来自第 4 部分在同一目录中并test.tex使用 LaTeX 引擎进行编译。


通过本练习你可以展示有用的 (La)TeX 编程技术:

  • \romannumeral0-expansion 作为触发扩展的手段,直到获得期望的结果/期望的一组 token。
    (我\romannumeral0我对这个问题的回答是“如何知道在附加到 csname 宏时 expandafter 的数量?”
  • 尾递归仅通过对逗号分隔参数列表/非分隔参数列表的单个元素进行(宏)扩展来进行迭代。
  • 尾递归用于在尾递归宏的特定参数内累积所需的结果/所需的标记集。
  • 在触发所需的扩展后,嵌套调用宏\UD@PassThirdBeforeFirstToSecond/交换宏参数,作为一种系统方法,用于在让(La)TeX 再次调用/扩展有问题的尾递归宏之前,将尾递归宏的(已更改的)参数正确地放置在标记流中。






  • 逗号不得将元素彼此分开,而应属于相关元素本身。
  • 前导空格和尾随空格不应从相关元素中删除,而应属于相关元素。


逗号列表可以包含空格。这些将被悄悄删除:[1 , 3 ,5, 7,9 ,]。单个数字/索引可以嵌套在一层花括号中:[1 , {3} ,5, {7},9 ,]。但是,例如,使用[1 , 3 5 , {7},9 ,],序列3 5将被视为逗号列表的一个元素。由于3和之间的空格5,该元素不形成数字序列/不形成有效数字,除非通过错误消息抱怨它,否则 LaTeX 将忽略它。


\mychecklistwithparameternames{⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩}%
                              {⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩}%
                              {⟨name of macro that did call \mychecklistwithparameternames⟩}%
                              {⟨tokens to insert before the tabularx environment⟩}%
                              {⟨tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment⟩}%


⤷ 该命令扩展为:

\DetectAmountOfParametersAndInitFlagsLoop{⟨list of L names of the L parameters (where elements get removed during the loop)⟩}% 
                                         {⟨to-be-constructed list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩}% initially empty.
                                         {⟨amount of parameters⟩}% initially 0.
                                         {⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩}%
                                         {⟨list of L names of the L parameters (where elements do not get removed so that it can be used after the loop)⟩}%
                                         {⟨name of macro that did call \mychecklistwithparameternames⟩}%
                                         {⟨tokens to insert before the tabularx environment⟩}%
                                         {⟨tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment⟩}%

\DetectAmountOfParametersAndInitFlagsLoop是检测并根据非分隔参数列表⟨amount of parameters⟩创建一个,其中每个标志都初始化为一个参数 :⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩{0}

\DetectAmountOfParametersAndInitFlagsLoop通过尾部递归(即通过改变其参数再次调用自身)进行迭代,直到⟨list of L names of the L parameters (where elements get removed during the loop)⟩该列表形成一个空白的非分隔宏参数(在这种情况下,“空白”表示形成参数的标记集为空或仅包含空格标记):在每次迭代中,从该列表中删除第一个元素并向中添加⟨to-be-constructed list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩另一个标志元素{0}并增加⟨amount of parameters⟩


  1. 检查宏参数是否为空。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@CheckWhetherBlank这是UD_Paraphernalia_2019_09_03.sty
  2. 将整数加 1。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@Increment这是UD_Increment_2019_09_03.sty
  3. 从非分隔参数列表中删除一个元素。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分这是通过 完成的。)\UD@FirstOfTwo{}⟨list of non-delimited arguments⟩

当递归迭代完成时,即当⟨list of L names of the L parameters (where elements get removed during the loop)⟩是一个空白的非分隔宏参数时,则终止 \DetectAmountOfParametersAndInitFlagsLoop尾递归并调用另一个尾递归宏\SetFlagsNWarningsLoop

\SetFlagsNWarningsLoop{⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩}%
                      {⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩}% all now initialized "{0}".
                      {⟨list of warnings⟩}% initially empty.
                      {⟨amount of parameters⟩}%
                      {⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩}%
                      {⟨name of macro that did call \mychecklistwithparameternames⟩}%
                      {⟨tokens to insert before the tabularx environment⟩}%
                      {⟨tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment⟩}%

\SetFlagsNWarningsLoop通过尾递归迭代来⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩改变中的那些标志,⟨List of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩{1}数字出现在⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩ :

只要⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩不为空,\SetFlagsNWarningsLoop在改变\UD@PassThirdBeforeFirstToSecond其参数(并通过嵌套技术实现)后就会再次调用自身,如下所示:

  • 如果第一个元素为⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩
    • 如果第一个元素⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩可以取正整数 K,且 1 ≤ K ≤ ⟨amount of parameters⟩
      • ⟨list of L flags (one for flag each of the L parameters)⟩,然后用元素替换第 K 个元素{1}
      • ,否则向中添加一个条目⟨list of warnings⟩
  • 移除 的第一个元素⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩

当为⟨list of comma separated integer numbers in range 1..L⟩空时,\SetFlagsNWarningsLoop通过调用来终止尾递归\TableRowsLoop


  1. 检查宏参数是否为空。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@CheckWhetherNull这是UD_Paraphernalia_2019_09_03.sty
  2. 检查宏参数是否为空。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@CheckWhetherBlank这是来自[ ]的例行公事UD_Paraphernalia_2019_09_03.sty
  3. 提取逗号分隔列表的第一个元素。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@ExtractFirstCommaArg这是UD_ExtractFirstCommaDelimitedArg_2019_09_03.sty
  4. 从逗号分隔列表中删除第一个元素。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@GobbleToComma这是来自的宏UD_ExtractFirstCommaDelimitedArg_2019_09_03.sty
  5. 检查参数是否为指定范围内的正整数。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@CheckWhetherDigitTokensInRangeOnly这是UD_NumCheck_2019_09_03.sty
  6. 将非分隔参数列表中的第 K 个元素替换为其他元素。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@ReplaceKthArg这是UD_ReplaceKthUndelimited_2019_09_03.sty
  7. 发出警告消息。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@NotANumberInValidRangeError这是UD_NumCheck_2019_09_03.sty。 )


\TableRowsLoop{⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩}%
              {⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩}%
              {⟨table-rows constructed so far⟩}% initially empty.
              {⟨list of warnings⟩}%
              {⟨tokens to insert before the tabular xenvironment⟩}%
              {⟨tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment⟩}%

\TableRowsLoop通过尾递归对⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩和进行迭代⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩并创建表行:

⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩为空时

  • 终止尾部递归循环,
  • “吐出”:
    • ⟨tokens to insert before the tabularx environment⟩
    • 嵌套⟨table-rows constructed so far⟩在表格和表格环境中,
    • ⟨tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment⟩
    • ⟨list of warnings⟩


  • 如果⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩ 仅包含一个元素(最后一个元素)
    • ,那么:
      如果的第一个元素⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩表示数字 0
      • ,然后将序列添加
        ⟨first element of the ⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩⟩&
        ⟨table-rows constructed so far⟩
      • ,否则将序列添加
        ⟨first element of the ⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩&x
        ⟨table-rows constructed so far⟩
    • ,否则:
      如果第一个元素⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩表示数字 0
      • ,然后将序列添加
        ⟨first element of the ⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩⟩&\\
        ⟨table-rows constructed so far⟩
      • ,否则将序列添加
        ⟨first element of the ⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩&x\\
        ⟨table-rows constructed so far⟩
  • 移除 的第一个元素⟨list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)⟩
  • 移除 的第一个元素⟨list of L names of the L parameters⟩


  1. 检查非分隔宏参数是否为空。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@CheckWhetherNull这是UD_Paraphernalia_2019_09_03.sty
  2. 提取非分隔参数列表的第一个元素。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分\UD@ExtractFirstArg这是UD_ExtractFirstUndelimitedArg_2019_09_03.sty
  3. 检查宏参数是否表示数字“0”。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分例行公事\UD@CheckWhetherDigitTokensInRangeOnlyUD_NumCheck_2019_09_03.sty用于此。
  4. 从非分隔参数列表中删除一个元素。
    在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分这是通过 完成的。)\UD@FirstOfTwo{}⟨list of non-delimited arguments⟩

包文件中提供的子例程,\UD@NotANumberInValidRangeError除了UD_NumCheck_2019_09_03.sty,由于\romannumeral0-expansion 在两个扩展步骤之后/在 两次“命中”之后提供其结果\expandafter

因此,示例中的代码test.tex来自第 4 部分应用 nested-\UD@PassThirdBeforeFirstToSecond技术来为调用尾递归宏的下一个循环实例提供参数,通常需要与在执行交换之前让\UD@PassThirdBeforeFirstToSecond的第一个参数“命中”两次相结合。 这就是为什么\expandafter


\mychecklist[⟨comma list⟩]%
            {⟨caption of the table⟩}%
            {⟨referencing label of the table⟩}


\newcommand\mychecklist[3][⟨comma list with defaults⟩]{%
                                {{param 1}{param 2}..{param L}}%
                                {\caption{#2}\label{#3}}% ← We want the caption before the tabular environment

(在示例中test.tex来自第 4 部分不仅会传递\caption和,\label还会测试#2⟨caption⟩)和#3⟨label⟩)是否为空,如果⟨caption⟩为空而⟨label⟩不是,则会传递警告消息,因为通常放置没有标题/没有分段命令的引用标签没有多大意义。)

由于 30,000 个字符的限制,我不得不将此答案分成四个部分。



第2部分\usepackage由几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件组成,\RequirePackage这些文件/文件附带一些所需的子程序。

第 3 部分\usepackage还包含几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件\RequirePackage,这些文件带有一些所需的子程序。

第 4 部分提供一个 LaTeX 文档,该文档通过\RequirePackage/\usepackage加载包含所需子程序的包第2部分第 3 部分. 在该文档的头部,甚至在序言之前,这些子程序用于组合所需的通用和非通用用户级宏。

为了进行测试,请将提供的包文件/.sty 文件保存在第2部分第 3 部分以及text.tex来自第 4 部分在同一目录中并test.tex使用 LaTeX 引擎进行编译。





% I copied & pasted this part:
{% #1 = command to define, #2 = replacement text
    \cs_new:Npn #1 ##1
        \tl_set:Nn \l__simon_args_tl { ##1 }
    \tl_item:Nn \l__simon_args_tl { #1 }

\tl_new:N \l__simon_parse_args_tl

% the actual command
    % my actual stuff

% the wrapper
    \caption{Features of #1}




由于 30,000 个字符的限制,我不得不将此答案分成四个部分。



第2部分\usepackage由几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件组成,\RequirePackage这些文件/文件附带一些所需的子程序。

第 3 部分\usepackage还包含几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件\RequirePackage,这些文件带有一些所需的子程序。

第 4 部分提供一个 LaTeX 文档,该文档通过\RequirePackage/\usepackage加载包含所需子程序的包第2部分第 3 部分. 在该文档的头部,甚至在序言之前,这些子程序用于组合所需的通用和非通用用户级宏。

为了进行测试,请保存提供的包文件/.sty 文件第2部分第 3 部分以及text.tex来自第 4 部分在同一目录中并test.tex使用 LaTeX 引擎进行编译。


%% Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% Copyright (C) 2019 by Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public Licence (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or 
%% (at your option) any later version. 
%% (The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
%%  LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.)
%% The author of this work is Ulrich Diez.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'not maintained'.
%% Usage of any/every component of this work is at your own risk.
%% There is no warranty - neither for probably included documentation nor for 
%% any other part/component of this work.
%% If something breaks, you usually may keep the pieces.
  [2019/09/03 v 1.0 Nice helper-macros often used by Ulrich Diez. (Ulrich Diez)]%
%%    \UD@FirstOfTwo, \UD@SecondOfTwo, \UD@Exchange, 
%%    \UD@PassThirdBeforeFirstToSecond, 
%%    \UD@PassThirdBeforeTwiceExpandedFirstToSecond, \UD@CheckWhetherNull, 
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherBrace, \UD@CheckWhetherBlank
\newcommand\UD@Exchange[2]{#2#1}% !! \UD@Exchange will return the arguments with
                                % one level of surrounding braces removed if
                                % such braces that surround an argument entirely
                                % are present.
%% \UD@PassThirdBeforeTwiceExpandedFirstToSecond{<argument 1>}%
%%                                              {<argument 2>}%
%%                                              {<argument 3>}%
%% ->
%% <argument 2>{<argument 3>}{<argument 1 (hit by `\expandafter` twice)>}
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after two
%%   expansion-steps/after having \UD@PassThirdBeforeTwiceExpandedFirstToSecond 
%%   "hit" via two \expandafter(-chains).  )
  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{#1}{ #2}%
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@CheckWhetherNull "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
  \UD@SecondOfTwo\string}\UD@FirstOfTwo\expandafter{} %
  \UD@SecondOfTwo}{\UD@FirstOfTwo\expandafter{} \UD@FirstOfTwo}%
%% Check whether argument is blank (empty or only spaces):
%% -- Take advantage of the fact that TeX discards space tokens when
%%    "fetching" non-delimited arguments: --
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBlank{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                      {<tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                        argument which is to be checked is blank>}%
%%                      {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked is not blank}%
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@CheckWhetherBlank "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
%% Check whether argument's first token is a catcode-1-character
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBrace{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                      {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked has leading
%%                        catcode-1-token>}%
%%                      {<tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked has no leading
%%                        catcode-1-token>}%
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@CheckWhetherBrace "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
  \UD@SecondOfTwo\string}\UD@FirstOfTwo\expandafter{} %
  \UD@FirstOfTwo}{\UD@FirstOfTwo\expandafter{} \UD@SecondOfTwo}%


%% Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% Copyright (C) 2019 by Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public Licence (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or 
%% (at your option) any later version. 
%% (The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
%%  LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.)
%% The author of this work is Ulrich Diez.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'not maintained'.
%% Usage of any/every component of this work is at your own risk.
%% There is no warranty - neither for probably included documentation nor for 
%% any other part/component of this work.
%% If something breaks, you usually may keep the pieces.
  [2019/09/03 v 1.0 Extract first item of non-delimited-argument-list. (Ulrich Diez)]%
%% Extract first inner non-delimited argument:
%%  \UD@ExtractFirstArg{ABCDE} yields  A
%%  \UD@ExtractFirstArg{{AB}CDE} yields  AB
%%     LaTeX does not gather spaces not nested in braces as (components of) 
%%     non-delimited arguments. Thus:
%%  \UD@ExtractFirstArg{ ABCDE} yields  A
%%  \UD@ExtractFirstArg{ {AB}CDE} yields  AB
%%  !!! The argument wherefrom the first inner non-delimited argument shall !!!
%%  !!! be extracted must itself not be blank.                              !!!
%%  !!! This means:                                                         !!!
%%  !!!    \UD@ExtractFirstArg{} and/or \UD@ExtractFirstArg{ } must not     !!!
%%  !!!    be performed. You can apply \UD@CheckWhetherBlank for checking   !!!
%%  !!!    whether the argument is blank.                                   !!!
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@ExtractFirstArg "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
  {\UD@Exchange#1{ }}%


%% Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% Copyright (C) 2019 by Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public Licence (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or 
%% (at your option) any later version. 
%% (The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
%%  LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.)
%% The author of this work is Ulrich Diez.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'not maintained'.
%% Usage of any/every component of this work is at your own risk.
%% There is no warranty - neither for probably included documentation nor for 
%% any other part/component of this work.
%% If something breaks, you usually may keep the pieces.
  [2019/09/03 v 1.0 Replace K-th element of non-delimited-argument-list. (Ulrich Diez)]%
%% Replace K-th element of list of non-delimited macro arguments:
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{<integer K>}%
%%                    {<replacement>}%
%%                    {<list of non-delimited macro arguments>} 
%% In case a K-th argument cannot be determined in the
%% <list of non-delimited macro arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver: {<list of non-delimited macro arguments>}
%% In case a K-th argument can be determined in the
%% <list of non-delimited macro arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver: {<list of non-delimited macro arguments>} 
%%                 with the list's K-th element replaced by {<replacement>}
%% Each element of the <list of non-delimited macro arguments> will be nested 
%% in braces afterwards.
%% The <list of non-delimited macro arguments> may be empty.
%% In this case an empty list will be returned.
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@ReplaceKthArg "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
%% Examples:
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{0}{c}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}} yields: {{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{3}{c}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}} yields: {{A}{B}{c}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{1}{aa}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}} yields: {{aa}{B}{C}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{4}{four}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}} yields: {{A}{B}{C}{four}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{6}{six}{{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}} yields: {{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{0}{c}{ABCDE} yields: {{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{3}{c}{ABCDE} yields: {{A}{B}{c}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{1}{aa}{ABCDE} yields: {{aa}{B}{C}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{4}{four}{ABCDE} yields: {{A}{B}{C}{four}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{6}{six}{ABCDE} yields: {{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}}
%%   \UD@ReplaceKthArg{6}{six}{} yields: {}
  % #1: <integer K>
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}%
  % #1: <amount of K letters m>
  % #2: <replacement>
  % #3: <list of non-delimited macro arguments>
  % #1: <new list of non-delimited macro arguments>
  % #2: <amount of K letters m>
  % #3: <list of non-delimited macro arguments>
  % #4: <Replacement>
  % #5: <indicator whether replacement already took place. 
  %     "m" in this case. Empty otherwise.>
  \expandafter\UD@CheckWhetherNull\expandafter{\UD@FirstOfTwo#3{}.}{ {#1}}{%
            \UD@FirstOfTwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}{} %


%% Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% Copyright (C) 2019 by Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public Licence (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or 
%% (at your option) any later version. 
%% (The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
%%  LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.)
%% The author of this work is Ulrich Diez.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'not maintained'.
%% Usage of any/every component of this work is at your own risk.
%% There is no warranty - neither for probably included documentation nor for 
%% any other part/component of this work.
%% If something breaks, you usually may keep the pieces.
  [2019/09/03 v 1.0 Trim spaces that surround token sequences. (Ulrich Diez)]%
%%   The obscure case of removing several leading/trailing spaces was taken 
%%   into consideration.
%%   Removal of spaces was implemented in a way where no brace-stripping from
%%   the arguments takes place. 
%%   Explicit-catcode-1/2-character-token-pairs remain untouched.
%%   Spaces interspersing the argument or hidden within braces will be left in
%%   place.
%%   The arguments themselves do not get expanded.
%%   (For some obscure reason I don't remember any more I needed this in the
%%    past.)
%% Check whether brace-balanced argument starts with a space-token
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpace{<argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                             {<tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                               which is to be checked>'s 1st token is a
%%                               space-token>}%
%%                             {<tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                               which is to be checked>'s 1st token is not
%%                               a space-token>}%
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpace "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
  {\UD@Exchange{ }\expandafter\UD@SecondOfTwo}%
  {\expandafter\UD@SecondOfTwo\string{\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpaceB.#1 }{}}%
  \long\def\UD@CheckWhetherLeadingSpaceB#1 {%
    {\UD@Exchange{ }{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
%% \UD@TrimAllLeadSpace{<argument>} 
%%   Expandably removes all leading spaces from  <argument> in case at least
%%   one leading space is present. 
%%   Then
%%     <argument without leading spaces>
%%   is delivered.
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@TrimAllLeadSpace "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
                            { #1}%
\@ifdefinable\UD@RemoveSpace{\UD@FirstOfTwo{\def\UD@RemoveSpace}{} {}}%
%% \UD@TrimAllTrailSpace{<argument>} 
%%   Expandably removes all trailing spaces from  <argument> in case at least
%%   one trailing space is present. 
%%   Then
%%     <argument without trailing spaces>
%%   is delivered.
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@TrimAllTrailSpace "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )
%% \UD@TrimTrailSpaceLoop{<list of space-delimited arguments>}
%%   Both extracts the first space-delimited argument from the <list of space-
%%   delimited arguments> as {<current argument with one trailing space 
%%   removed>} and removes it from the <list of space-delimited arguments> for
%%   obtaining the <remaining list of space delimited arguments> and passes 
%%   these two things and an empty list of <arguments preceding the current
%%   argument gathered so far>  at the end of the iteration to 
%%   \UD@CheckWhetherLastSpaceDelimitedItem.
%%   \UD@CheckWhetherLastSpaceDelimitedItem in turn does choose the next
%%   action.
  %#1 argument
  \UD@ObtainFirstSpaceDelimitedTokenSetLoop{.#1 \UD@SeLDom}{%
    \expandafter{\UD@RemoveTokensTillNextSpace.#1 }%
%% Macros for \UD@ObtainFirstSpaceDelimitedTokenSetLoop.
  \long\def\UD@RemoveTokensTillNextSpace#1 {}%
  \long\def\UD@BraceStripRemoveNextSpace#1 {#1}%
  \long\def\UD@GetFirstSpaceDelimitedTokenSet#1 #2\UD@SeLDom{#1 }%
%% \UD@ObtainFirstSpaceDelimitedTokenSetLoop%
%%     {<list of space delimited arguments>}%
%%     {<action>}%
%% -> <action>{<first element of list of space delimited arguments>}%
%% \UD@ObtainFirstSpaceDelimitedTokenSetLoop does--without unwanted brace-re-
%% moval--append the first space delimited argument from a
%% <list of space delimited arguments> as brace-delimited argument behind
%% a set of tokens given as <action>.
%% \UD@CheckWhetherLastSpaceDelimitedItem
%%    {<remaining list of space delimited arguments>}%
%%    {<current argument with one trailing space removed>}%
%%    {<arguments preceding the current argument gathered
%%      so far>}%
%% Case 1: <remaining list of space delimited arguments> is
%%         empty.
%%         We are done: Thus:
%%         <space> for terminating \romannumeral-expansion, and
%%         <arguments preceding the current argument gathered so
%%         far><current argument with one trailing space removed>
%% Case 2: <remaining list of space delimited arguments> consists of a single 
%%         space.
%%         A trailing space was removed. There may be more. Thus:
%%         \UD@TrimTrailSpaceLoop{%
%%           <arguments preceding the current argument gathered so
%%           far><current argument with one trailing space removed>%
%%         }%
%% Neither case 1 nor case 2: 
%%         The <current argument with one trailing space  removed> is not the
%%         last argument of the list, thus:
%%         For the next iteration 
%%         - attach it and a trailing space to the <arguments preceding the
%%           current argument gathered so far>,
%%         - get the first space delimited argument of the <remaining list of 
%%           space delimited arguments> as  <current argument with one trailing
%%           space removed>
%%         - remove that first space delimited argument from the <remaining list 
%%           of space delimited arguments>
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{ #3#2}{%
      }{#3#2 }%
%% \UD@TrimAllSurroundSpace{<argument>} 
%%   expandably removes all leading and trailing spaces from  <argument> in
%%   case at least one leading space is present. 
%%   Then
%%     <argument without leading and trailing spaces>
%%   is delivered.
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the result will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \UD@TrimAllSurroundSpace "hit" via
%%   two \expandafter(-chains).  )


由于 30,000 个字符的限制,我不得不将此答案分成四个部分。



第2部分\usepackage由几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件组成,\RequirePackage这些文件/文件附带一些所需的子程序。

第 3 部分\usepackage还包含几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件\RequirePackage,这些文件带有一些所需的子程序。

第 4 部分提供一个 LaTeX 文档,该文档通过\RequirePackage/\usepackage加载包含所需子程序的包第2部分第 3 部分. 在该文档的头部,甚至在序言之前,这些子程序用于组合所需的通用和非通用用户级宏。

为了进行测试,请保存提供的包文件/.sty 文件第2部分第 3 部分以及text.tex来自第 4 部分在同一目录中并test.tex使用 LaTeX 引擎进行编译。


%% Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% Copyright (C) 2019 by Ulrich W. Diez ([email protected])
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
%% LaTeX Project Public Licence (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or 
%% (at your option) any later version. 
%% (The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of 
%%  LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later.)
%% The author of this work is Ulrich Diez.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'not maintained'.
%% Usage of any/every component of this work is at your own risk.
%% There is no warranty - neither for probably included documentation nor for 
%% any other part/component of this work.
%% If something breaks, you usually may keep the pieces.
%% Automatic creation of a checklist-table for parameters from 
%% - a comma-list with index-numbers denoting parameters and
%% - a list of parameter-names.
%% - Tokens to insert before the tokens that form the tabularx-environment with
%%   the checklist table can be provided.
%% - Tokens to insert behind the tokens that form the tabularx-environment with
%%   the checklist table can be provided.
%% Index number 1 occuring in the comma-list means that the parameter
%% whose name is the first element in the list of parameter-names is 
%% checked.
%% Index number K means that the parameter whose name is the K-th
%% element in the list of parameter-names is checked.
%% That table comes as a table-environment holding a tabularx-environment.
%% In case an error-message needs to be raised, the <name of macro that did 
%% call \mychecklistwithparameternames> is included into that message.
%% \mychecklistwithparameternames{<list of comma separated 
%%                                 index-numbers>}%
%%                               {<list of undelimited arguments for L names 
%%                                 of the L parameters>}%
%%                               {<name of macro that did call 
%%                                 \mychecklistwithparameternames>}%
%%                               {<tokens to insert before the 
%%                                 tabularx environment>}%
%%                               {<tokens to insert behind the
%%                                 tabularx environment>}%
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the tokens that form the table and
%%   probably some error-messages  will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \mychecklistwithparameternames 
%%   "hit" via two \expandafter(-chains).  )
  % #1 = <list of comma separated arguments>
  % #2 = <list of L names of the L parameters>
  % #3 = <name of macro that did call \mychecklistwithparameternames>
  % #4 = <tokens to insert before the tabularx environment>
  % #4 = <tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment>
  % #1 = <list of L names of the L parameters (where elements get removed 
  %       during the loop)>
  % #2 = <to-be-constructed list of L flags (one flag for each of the 
  %       L parameters)>
  % #3 = <amount of parameters>
  % #4 = <list of comma separated arguments>
  % #5 = <list of L names of the L parameters (where elements do not get
  %       removed so that it can be used after the loop)>
  % #6 = <name of macro that did call \mychecklistwithparameternames>
  % #7 = <tokens to insert before the tabularx environment>
  % #8 = <tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment>
  % #1 = <list of comma separated arguments>
  % #2 = <list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)>
  % #3 = <list of warnings>
  % #4 = <amount of parameters>
  % #5 = <list of L names of the L parameters>
  % #6 = <name of macro that did call \mychecklistwithparameternames>
  % #7 = <tokens to insert before the tabularx environment>
  % #8 = <tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment>
  % #1 = <list of L flags (one flag for each of the L parameters)>
  % #2 = <list of L names of the L parameters>
  % #3 = <table-rows constructed so far>
  % #4 = <list of warnings>
  % #5 = <tokens to insert before the tabularx environment>
  % #6 = <tokens to insert behind the tabularx environment>
    \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#3}{ }{ %<-This space must be!
        \expandafter            \UD@Exchange
        \UD@ExtractFirstArg{#2}}{ #3\hline}%
%% Error-message in case label but no caption
%% \LabelWithoutCaptionError{<name of command which triggers the error-message>}%
%%                          {<syntax descriptor of caption argument>}%
%%                          {<syntax descriptor of label argument>}%
%% The <syntax descriptors are to hold a phrase like "fifth non-optional".
   \@backslashchar#1-error\on@line: Referencing-label without caption%
    See the comments of this file for explanation.%
    The #2 argument of \@backslashchar#1 denotes a phrase that goes inside%
    a \string\caption\space -command.%
    The #3 argument of \@backslashchar#1 denotes a phrase that goes inside%
    a \string\label\space -command.%
    You specified an empty caption and a non-empty label.%
    Usually it does not make sense to specifa a label without a sectioning
    command like \string\caption\space or \string\section\space to refer to.%

%% Automatic creation of a checklist-table for a specific set of parameters from 
%% - a comma-list with index-numbers denoting parameters 
%% - and a caption.
%% That table comes as a table-environment holding a 
%% tabularx-environment and (in case the caption-argument is not empty) 
%% a caption.
%% \mychecklist[<list of comma separated index-numbers>]%
%%             {<caption of the table>}%
%%             {<referencing label of the table>}%
%% ( Due to \romannumeral0-expansion, the tokens that form the table and
%%   probably some error-messages  will be delivered after
%%   two expansion-steps/after having \mychecklistwithparameternames 
%%   "hit" via two \expandafter(-chains).  )
\newcommand\mychecklist[3][1,3 , 5]{%
     {param 01}%
     {param 02}%
     {param 03}%
     {param 04}%
     {param 05}%
     {param 06}%
     {param 07}%
     {param 08}%
     {param 09}%
     {param 10}%
     {param 11}%
     {param 12}%
     {param 13}%
     {param 14}%
     {param 15}%
                                 {first non-optional}%
                                 {second non-optional}%

\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % <- only used for demonstrating referencing.


% Did you realize that \nameref automatically removes the full stop (.) at 
% the end of the sentence that forms the caption? ;-)

Refrence to
which has the caption

Refrence to
which has the caption

Refrence to
which has the caption 

\mychecklist{A splendid table.}{SplendidTableLabel}% As default 1,3 and 5 are 
                                                  % checked.

\mychecklist[1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 , 6, ,7, 8 ,9, 10 , 11, 12, 13 , 14 , 15]%
            {A marvellous table.}{MarvellousTableLabel}%

\mychecklistwithparameternames{1, 4, 5}{%
   {Birch tree}% = parameter 1
   {Cedar}% = parameter 2
   {Chestnut}% = parameter 3
   {Oak}% = parameter 4
   {Cypress}% = parameter 5
   {Elm tree}% = parameter 6
   {Fir tree}% = parameter 7
   {Hazel-nut tree}% = parameter 8
   {Willow}% = parameter 9
   {Beech}% = parameter 10
   {Maple}% = parameter 11
   {Linden tree}% = parameter 12
   {Pine}% = parameter 13
   {Peach tree}% = parameter 14
   {Olive tree}% = parameter 15
   {Joshua tree}% = parameter 16
   {Sequoia}% = parameter 17
   {Cotton Wood tree}% = parameter 18
      \label{TreeTableLabelA}% <- for the hyperref-anchor/destination.
      Please check the trees!%
  \caption{A table for checking trees.}%
  \label{TreeTableLabelB}% <- for the textual phrases.




由于 30,000 个字符的限制,我不得不将此答案分成四个部分。



第2部分\usepackage由几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件组成,\RequirePackage这些文件/文件附带一些所需的子程序。

第 3 部分\usepackage还包含几个可以通过/加载的包文件/.sty 文件\RequirePackage,这些文件带有一些所需的子程序。

第 4 部分提供一个 LaTeX 文档,该文档通过\RequirePackage/\usepackage加载包含所需子程序的包第2部分第 3 部分. 在该文档的头部,甚至在序言之前,这些子程序用于组合所需的通用和非通用用户级宏。

为了进行测试,请保存提供的包文件/.sty 文件第2部分第 3 部分以及text.tex来自第 4 部分在同一目录中并test.tex使用 LaTeX 引擎进行编译。
