\caption{caption text}
head note including an equation
more text
a & c\\
b & d
,用 跨越一行中的所有单元格\multicolumn
-column 来放置文本。下面的 MWE 说明了这一点,即使文本和图形等不是来自您的表格。
\usepackage{array, booktabs, amsmath}
\multicolumn{9}{@{}p{15cm}@{}}{The multicolumn command makes an entry that spans several columns. The first mandatory argument, cols, specifies the number of columns to span. The second mandatory argument, pos, specifies the formatting of the entry; c for centered, l for flushleft, r for flushright. The third mandatory argument, text, specifies what text to put in the entry.} \\
\multicolumn{9}{@{}p{15cm}@{}}{\begin{equation*}[i\delta, 1/2\sqrt{3}+i(1+2\delta)/2]\, \text{and}\, [i(1+\delta), 1/2\sqrt{3}+i(1+2\delta)/2\end{equation*}}\\
\multicolumn{9}{@{}p{15cm}@{}}{The multicolumn command makes an entry that spans several columns. The first mandatory argument, cols, specifies the number of columns to span. The second mandatory argument, pos, specifies the formatting of the entry; c for centered, l for flushleft, r for flushright. The third mandatory argument, text, specifies what text to put in the entry.The multicolumn command makes an entry that spans several columns. The first mandatory argument, cols, specifies the number of columns to span. The second mandatory argument, pos, specifies the formatting of the entry; c for centered, l for flushleft, r for flushright. The third mandatory argument, text, specifies what text to put in the entry.}\\
Hours of incubation & pH\,5.0 & pH\,6.0 & pH\,7.0 & pH\,7.5 & pH\,8.0 & pH\,8.5 & pH\,9.0 & pH\,10\\\midrule
12 & 0.00 & 0.0238 & 0.4036 & 0.4397 & 0.4493 & 0.4349 & 0.3191 & 0.005 \\
24 & 0.00 & 0.1319 & 1.7929 & 1.8368 & 1.8629 & 1.8032 & 1.4087 & 0.035\\\bottomrule