Tikz Mindmap 2 级对齐

Tikz Mindmap 2 级对齐

如何在我的思维导图中对齐 2 级节点(线条)。


set angles for level/.style={level #1/.append style={sibling angle=360/\the\tikznumberofchildren}},
level/.append style={set angles for level=#1}% solution 1
    text width=15em,
cncc east/.style={
    edge from parent path={
        (\tikzparentnode.east) to[out=0, in=180] (\tikzchildnode.south west)
        -- (\tikzchildnode.south east)
\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1 concept/.append style={font=\large}, level 1 concept/.append style={
    level distance=150}]
\path[mindmap, concept color=Aquamarine]
node[concept] {ICF Core \\ Competencies}[clockwise from=45]
child[concept color=blue!20!white, text width=8em] {
    node[concept] (def) {Setting the Foundation}
    [grow=right, sibling distance=10ex, ]
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Meeting Ethical Guidelines \& Professional Standards} edge from parent[cncc east] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing the Coaching Agreement} edge from parent[cncc east] }
child[concept color=Pink, text width=8em]  { node[concept] {Co-creating the \\ Relationship} 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc east] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc east] } 
     child[concept color=Bisque, text width=8em]{ node[concept] {Communicating Effectively} 
     child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc east] }
     child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc east] }    
     child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc east] }    
 child[concept color=Cyan, text width=8em]  { node[concept] {Facilitating Learning \& Results} 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc east] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc east] } 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc east] } 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc east] }     





  set angles for level/.style={level #1/.append style={sibling angle=360/(\the\tikznumberofchildren+4)}},
  level/.append code={
    \ifx\tempa\tempb\tikzset{level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/\the\tikznumberofchildren}}\else\tikzset{set angles for level=#1}\fi},
%     set angles for level=#1},% solution 1
    text width=15em,
  cncc/.style={ edge from parent path={ (\tikzparentnode.#1) to [bend right] (\tikzchildnode)   } },
\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1 concept/.append style={font=\large, level distance=150}]
  \path[mindmap, concept color=Aquamarine, grow cyclic]
  node[concept] {ICF Core \\ Competencies}%[clockwise from=45]
  child[concept color=blue!20!white] {
    node[concept] (def) {Setting the Foundation}
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Meeting Ethical Guidelines \& Professional Standards} edge from parent[cncc=west] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing the Coaching Agreement} edge from parent[cncc=west] }
  child[concept color=Pink]  { node[concept] {Co-creating the \\ Relationship} 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc=south] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=south] } 
  child[concept color=Bisque]{ node[concept] {Communicating Effectively} 
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc=east] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=east] }    
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=south] }    
  child[concept color=Cyan]  { node[concept] {Facilitating Learning \& Results} 
    [clockwise from=90]
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc=west] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=west] } 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=north] } 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=east] }     

